New Profile Posts

  1. babyfan
    babyfan beachbum
    1. beachbum
      Too many fantasy / survivors going on. But thanks for the invite.
      Aug 28, 2017
  2. babyfan
    babyfan AxeMurderer
  3. Catfish
    Catfish babyfan
    babyfan - i went to your new link and got a OOPS NOT WORKING SIGN ! It's still not right ??
  4. babyfan
    babyfan BearsWillWin
    There's probably something you can take to fix that ....
  5. BearsWillWin
    Drunk n high
  6. KilkennyDan
    The Eagles got a good one with Darby.
  7. KilkennyDan
    Thanks,Rob. The Bills trades bum me out. Not because they were bad moves, but the team is stuck on the tread wheel of abject mediocrity.
  8. M.I.A.
    Go Falcons! Go North Carolina
  9. M.I.A.
    Go North Carolina
  10. LAOJoe
    Sooner or later I'm going to completely used to this new layout and not miss stuff.
    1. Campbell

      If you could see the difference from the administrative side you'd be floored. It's like coming out of the stone age and and having dinner with the Jetsons.
      Jul 30, 2017
      LAOJoe likes this.
    2. LAOJoe
      The Flintstones were cool though, and more popular.

      lol jk
      Jul 30, 2017
      Campbell likes this.
  11. IrishDawg42
    Time to BE relevant once again!!
    1. LAOJoe
      Say it twice for good measure.
      Jul 30, 2017
      IrishDawg42 likes this.
  12. IrishDawg42
    Time to BE relevant once again!
  13. packerzrule
    Like the new layout. Good job TIm
  14. babyfan
    You be wrong boss. This chick simply kicks hockey ass ... BAM! There it is ...
    1. Campbell likes this.
  15. babyfan
    Plus how funny was it when I beat them at the game of yoga...
    1. Campbell
      What's a game of yoga? lol
      Jul 26, 2017
    2. Campbell
      Chicks can do chick shit that dudes can't do. I'm thinking there was an unfair advantage involved here, lol.
      Jul 26, 2017
      Jeanquev likes this.
  16. babyfan
    I think Aaron mentioned that they were playing AAA hockey.
  17. babyfan
    I think that they were around the ages of between 16 and 21 Tim.
    1. Campbell
      Do you happen to know what level they are playing at?
      Jul 26, 2017
  18. babyfan
    So I just finished teaching a bunch of aspiring NHL players at Aaron Downey's place. Aaron won the Stanley Cup with the Detroit Redwings .
    1. Campbell
      What age level?
      Jul 26, 2017
      babyfan likes this.
  19. babyfan
    This wall gives you the opportunity to tell the world why you think I'm so amazing ... LOL @Jeanquev
    1. Jeanquev and Campbell like this.
    2. Jeanquev
      Cool we can just say it here I was all set to build a statue telling why you are so amazing but this wall thing is way cheaper.
      Jul 27, 2017
      babyfan likes this.
    3. babyfan
      Well at least you don't have to build the wall ... LOL
      Jul 28, 2017
      Jeanquev likes this.
  20. Jeanquev
    Jeanquev babyfan
    What is this wall thing all aboot eh?
    1. babyfan likes this.
    2. babyfan
      I didn't see this until now Jean ... are ye havin' a wee bit of fun at my expense then? That's my Scots accent. I'm not Scots at all (French and German) but it looks kind of Canadian right?
      Jul 28, 2017