World Cup Thread

Discussion in 'World Cup' started by LAOJoe, Jun 6, 2018.

  1. rediiis Guest

    • France: 5/1
    • Brazil: 7/1
    • Spain: 15/2
    • Germany: 8/1
    • Belgium: 11/1
    • Argentina: 12/1
    • Italy: 18/1
    • Netherlands: 20/1
    • England: 20/1
    • Portugal: 28/1
    • Uruguay: 40/1
    • Chile: 50/1
    • Colombia: 50/1
    • Croatia: 50/1
    • Mexico: 50/1
    • USA: 80/1
    • Denmark: 80/1
    • Paraguay: 100/1
    • Turkey: 100/1
    • Ukraine: 100/1
    • Peru: 100/1
    • Russia: 101/1
    • Serbia: 100/1
    • World Cup 2022 odds
  2. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    We have a Creperie in my town which is owned by a French chef. He closed the restaurant down yesterday and a select few customers watched the game from the bar while Frederic prepared amazing tasty things for people to eat. He is one proud Frenchman today :)
  3. Catfish Guest

    France put on a show. 4 goals in the Final is a ton. Congrats.

    I heard Qatar will keep their WC hosting duties but will host in their fall season to curb the excessive heat they face, so the WC will not be in the Summer like other WC's.
  4. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    @LaureusSport Jul 16

    19-year-old World Champion Kylian Mbappé is donating 100% of his pay ($29K per game + $350K bonus for winning the #WorldCup) to a charity that helps hospitalised and disabled children through the power of sport.
    AxeMurderer and Catfish like this.
  5. Catfish Guest

    ^^wow - nice going.
  6. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    Good for him! Pretty mature stuff for a 19-year old. Kid's got an amazing future.
  7. Catfish Guest

  8. Catfish Guest

  9. skinny123 Guest

    Womens World Cup in France
    June 7 to July 7.
  10. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    Would somebody please get Hope Solo a nice big mug of shut the fuck up?
  11. skinny123 Guest

    Canada 1-0 over Cameroon.

    Zadorsky, Quinn and Grosso are very doable.
  12. skinny123 Guest

    I already had 3 suds :), waiting till 9.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2019
  13. skinny123 Guest

    US breaks a scoring record with its 13-0 win over Thailand.
  14. US breaks a scoring record with its 13-0 win over Thailand.

    I'm sorry terrible display of Sportsman Ship by the USA about Rubbing in their Face.

    Thailand only had TWO shots on Goal.........and every time USA took a shot they scored......and made like a Gold Medal Goal.
  15. skinny123 Guest

    They made them cry, running the score isn't cool I guess.
    Vancouver Volcanos likes this.
  16. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    The former Canadian national team player who is an analyst on TSN for the tournament said that they shouldn't overly celebrate all the goals they got when they got past like 8 of them and she got death threats from fans.
    Vancouver Volcanos likes this.
  17. skinny123 Guest

    Canada loses 1-0 to Sweden for the elimination.
  18. Canada loses 1-0 to Sweden for the elimination.

    Heart-breaker Skinny...........Beckie had a Penalty Shot and did not score.......OUCH.

    Christine Sinclair career is now over.......Great Player and she will be missed.
  19. skinny123 Guest

    I saw the replay, they controlled the game but couldn't hit the net (8 missed shots).
  20. skinny123 Guest

    In 1972 there were only 700 girls playing soccer in the US, today there are over 390,000.

    US vs Netherlands Finals

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