World Cup Thread

Discussion in 'World Cup' started by LAOJoe, Jun 6, 2018.

  1. skinny123 Guest

    Xtra time.

    I went from the 30 oz mug, now down to the normal draft.
  2. skinny123 Guest

    Russia got ripped off
  3. skinny123 Guest

    This calls for russian collusion!
    firehalo likes this.
  4. firehalo Guest

    With Russia out, I’m completely out of the money games at my office. Putin should’ve done something... or maybe it was the soiled Stanley Cup making its presence that did them in.
  5. skinny123 Guest

    It aint over until Olga or Natasha sing.

    Dude got pushed inside the box.
  6. skinny123 Guest

    All these blue jays fans in here, I watched my first game 38 years ago.

    Were you even born? Lol
  7. firehalo Guest

    Russia is getting desperate and showing their frustration.
  8. skinny123 Guest

  9. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Russia deserved that one.
  10. firehalo Guest

  11. firehalo Guest

    Fernandes... the most Russian name ever.
  12. skinny123 Guest

    M O T H E R R U S S I A

    Russians in here are going bannanas, russina.
  13. firehalo Guest

    Ruskya! Ruskya! Ruskya!
    skinny123 likes this.
  14. skinny123 Guest

    There's a whole section here, very vocal.
  15. skinny123 Guest

    Nice savev
  16. skinny123 Guest

    The porkchop scores and then misses the whole net.
  17. skinny123 Guest

  18. skinny123 Guest

    Brazillian, putin granted citizenship in 2016.
  19. skinny123 Guest


    France vs Belgium

    2 pm


    Croatia vs Mother England

    2 pm
  20. skinny123 Guest

    The kitchen table cloths move on.

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