Where Do We Go From Here?

Discussion in 'Cleveland Browns' started by TopDawg, Oct 2, 2017.

  1. TopDawg Legend

    Please. Parades are for celebration. If it's a protest, then call it a protest... Some simple minded dude is trying to be funny and thinks this will make him popular or something...If it actually happens, it'll simply be another outlet for Steeler fans and the rest of the NFL to have another good laugh at the expense of the Browns fans.... I've never even heard a real Browns fan mention it.
  2. No reason to go....he can make his case vs Georgia and then Clem/Bama
  3. TopDawg Legend

    What are you talking about?...Of course there are plenty of reasons to go. The scouts and GM's can't stop buzzing about him. The kid is a gamer. Maybe he just wants to show all the scouts and coaches who he is, on and off the field. Maybe he's just that confident...I think it was a great decision for him to accept. He's not afraid to showcase his skills...Mayfield knows how many important people will be watching, and his decision to play says something about his passion for the game. You want a QB with intensity that lives, sleeps, eats and breathes football? A guy that doesn't mind all the hours of preparation because he absolutely loves it? That's Baker Mayfield...
    IrishDawg42 and Lyman like this.
  4. TopDawg Legend

    IMO, there's no doubt Mayfield can lock up #1 with an impressive showing vs. Georgia and in the NCG....

    That said. If I'm an NFL GM I love the fact that Baker has already accepted his invite to the Senior Bowl....It speaks to the nature of his football mentality.
    IrishDawg42 and Lyman like this.
  5. Whats he gonna prove...mostly scrap in that game and .01% he goes #1
  6. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    Something else to consider about Baker's decision -

    There is a pretty distinct rift in how a lot of evaluators are looking at Mayfield. Playing in the Senior bowl gives him another chance to put to rest some of the question marks that some people still have (myself included).

    There is some risk involved for him, but it's an excellent fallback in case of a quick elimination in the playoffs.

    I know that for some, there is simply nothing left to prove for Mayfield.

    I disagree with that opinion and I am very interested to see how his week of practice and game play shape up in Mobile.
    IrishDawg42 and LAOJoe like this.
  7. TopDawg Legend

  8. TopDawg Legend

    I never said he has nothing left to prove.;)

    It would be nice if he could stop giving people reasons to compare him to Johnny, and reign in that immaturity a bit...But honestly, I can live with that. At the end of the day, all I want is a QB that the Cleveland Browns can believe in...A real leader.

    It's been way too long of a wait for Browns fans, but we will get the right QB soon....
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2017
  9. TopDawg Legend

    Russell Wilson ....Drew Brees....Case Keenum.....

    You don't have to be tall to be a quarterback...
  10. Your missing the whole point...if Mayfield thought he was the #1 pick in the draft hes not going to a glorified AS game....players that go to these games are usually small school players trying to make a jump and be recognized or others trying to climb draft boards...its actually embarrassing for Mayfield to attend this game
  11. kenibals Home Town Favorite Browns

    Glorified AS game............ like the Pro Bowl.

    I would guess it's at least in part a "business decision", but might also be any number of other less mercenary reasons, like maybe he wants a chance to play with some of the guys he's played against, get to know them better, or maybe he just wants to play cause he's a football player and wants to test his own talent against his peers, or maybe a number of guys who already accepted the invite called and told him they would love him to be there. Maybe he just wants a chance to party with those guys.

    I think it is unfair and cynical to say it is "all" about his draft placement. IMO he's have a greater chance of diminishing his prospects than build them, because of the more ceremonial nature of the game, a good showing won't impress, but a poor one could really hurt, and the fact that he's going anyway, tells me he has full confidence he won't hurt his opptys.

    At worst you could say he was taking an unecessary risk. He could hurt his ranking, he could actually get hurt. I like that he is dimissing those possibilities, and is going.

    For those who think he's embarassing himself his message is clear: not how I see it.
  12. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    That's an ignorant statement...It's pretty obvious he is NOT the consensus #1 overall draft pick. In fact I can say with a great deal of certainty, there isn't a consensus #1 draft pick in this draft at all. That may become more clear as the tape gets reviewed...AND the draft process begins. Mayfield has an OPPORTUNITY that many others players don't, because he is a Senior..he has the opportunity to PRACTICE and PLAY for professional coaches at the Senior Bowl. He can certainly use this opportunity to move him closer to becoming that consensus.

    Do you REALLY think he is content and not want to climb daft boards? Or are you resigned that he is already a top 5 player?
    SAS likes this.
  13. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    That brings up a question;

    Which NFL coaching staffs will be used for the Senior Bowl this year? Is there a standard practise?
  14. bluez M.V.P. Browns Indians

    Well Hue coached them last year got a first hand look at the prospects and i don't think the bean counters drafted one of them ..go figure .

    I hope the Browns coaching staff gets that honor again ..with a different staff .

    Hue has no clue !

    Hue must go !
  15. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Let's not forget that the Head Bean Counter had final say on the 53 man roster which included the draft picks and free agents. We've all been told that Hue had input, but we don't know how much input or whether it was even taken into account.

    I have a sneaky feeling that as long as Hue's input meshed with Sashi's plan to accumulate more beans, then it was incorporated. If it didn't . . . then it was ignored.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2017
    IrishDawg42 and bluez like this.
  16. TopDawg Legend

    Just so I'm following....First you called it a scrap game. Then after I pointed out the blatantly obvious, suddenly it becomes an All Star game. Yet I'm the one missing the whole point, and Mayfield should be embarrassed to attend...Got it.
    bluez and Lyman like this.
  17. I said glorified AS game and it is a scrap game....he will playing against some D2 or D3 kids...whats he gonna prove
  18. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    For the life of me I can't figure out why every Browns poster doesn't have this fool on ignore.
    TopDawg, Lyman and IrishDawg42 like this.
  19. bluez M.V.P. Browns Indians

  20. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    I don't care how promising a drive by this team looks . . . Kizer will figure out a way to fuck it up.

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