Where Do We Go From Here?

Discussion in 'Cleveland Browns' started by TopDawg, Oct 2, 2017.

  1. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    I know who you were talking about, and I re-submit, Pryor could very well be compared to THIS version of Thomas. THAT was the point..you cherry picked his best year ever for dramatic purposes and left out the telling details of how he has declined 3 years in a row. The latest version of Thomas was very close to the 2016 version of Pryor in Cleveland, which as SAS has so aptly noted, you called garbage...
  2. I cherry picked his best yr cause Pryor hasnt done that in his career....if you really want to nit pick Thomas had a down yr and still outperformed Pryor in his best yr w more rec and TDs....Im not sure what your getting at cause I dont think there's any debate who the better player is btwn Pryor and Thomas
  3. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    Better career, no there isn't a debate to be had..If I were to choose a player moving forward, I can't say it wouldn't be a debate. Pryor showed a lot last year in Cleveland and he is two years younger on fresher legs due to the position change. I think you are a) holding Thomas up to his prior status and b) not giving Pryor any credit at all for his 2016 season.

    Now, back to the QBs...are you going to answer TD about whether Stafford was worth paying, or should the Lions have simply let him walk...for that matter the same goes for the new top dog, Derek Carr? Where do you stand with these player and their contracts?
  4. I stand that Stafford is better than Carr
  5. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    That wasn't the question...the question was whether he deserved to get his contract..Stafford/Carr/Both?
  6. You said where do I stand w these players...obviously if I feel Stafford is better he should b the higher paid player
  7. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    Not exactly true. Kirk Cousins was a free agent long before Stafford or Carr and he was perfectly okay holding his team hostage by refusing to sign a long term deal. The year before Cousins became a free agent several veteran QBs, a couple that had rings to show off signed new deals. None of those guys had to become the highest paid player in the NFL. They all (Ben, Eli, Philip, Cam) took deals less than what Aaron Rodgers was making. They didn't have to be the highest paid.

    I know everyone says that Carr, Stafford and Cousins all became free agents "at the right time" but that's a lazy narrative in my opinion. The guys above all came along after Rodgers set a new bar for QBs and they could have all forced their teams' hands and played the one-up game. They chose to get deals done and concentrate on winning football games. This new breed of QBs are all selfish in my opinion and not one of them is worth more than the guys already mentioned in this post. Shame on their organizations for not standing their ground.
    SAS and SPress like this.
  8. No doubt I would take Ben, Eli and Rivers over Stafford and Carr a few yrs ago...Cam I still think isn't that good as a QB....if Cousins is the highest paid player in football that's a problem
  9. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    Just to throw in my 2 cents...Many of these players just go off of the recommendations of their agents.
    TopDawg and Lyman like this.
  10. SAS M.V.P. Rams Chargers

    I posted it a while back and will try to find it, but Synder even commented on the contractual situation prior to the 2017 season. Washington offered Cousins a contract that would have made him the highest paid player in the NFL and he turned it down.
  11. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Maybe because he doesn't like Dan Snyder? I suspect THAT list is long and distinguished.
    IrishDawg42 and TopDawg like this.
  12. SAS M.V.P. Rams Chargers

    Fair, but how often does Cousins have to interact with the owner? If he hated Gruden, that'd be one thing, but to walk away from the team that drafted you, after they paid you $44 million over the past two seasons?

    Tom Brady didn't make $44 million over the past three seasons. He's averaging about $14.5 million a year right now. Cousins' "market" is estimated at $25.6 and the preliminary numbers thrown out are between $30 - $35 a year.

  13. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    It's rumored that he wants no part of being on the roster if Bruce Allen remains president.

    The last report I read included a statement from the Redskins that Cousins agent will not return any phone calls and he has not contacted the Washington front office since the middle of last off-season.

    I don't think there's much chance that Kirk remains in a Redskins' uniform.
    Lyman likes this.
  14. TopDawg Legend

    It's not a lazy narrative, it's the truth, beach. This is a business. Timing is everything in business....And we don't know all the details about the inner workings of the Washington Redskins. Maybe Kirk had ample reasons why he didn't want to sign long term. Ben, Eli, Phillip and Cam were all high draft picks. They were all considered the "future" of the franchise from day 1, and they reaped all the benefits. It wasn't that way for Kirk in Washington. There were many doubters as one would expect in a 4th rd QB.. He had the RG3 supporters within the organization to overcome. Just a completely different dynamic than the other QB's you compare him to...So now he's worked his way to the top the hard way, and you accuse him of "holding his team hostage"...I don't think so.
    Lyman likes this.
  15. TopDawg Legend

    It's a lot easier to give your team a "friendly discount" when they have shown you loyalty since day 1....It's been a different path to the top for Cousins, one that I believe has left some sore feelings between the player and the organization...

    Now Kirk has everyone's attention and he will undoubtedly get his due....There's nothing wrong with him capitalizing on his situation. NFL careers don't last long.
    Lyman likes this.
  16. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    You're right, Sammy. He only made $43.5M. :p
    firehalo and Dogside18 like this.
  17. Cousins hasn't won jack squat...hasn't made the playoffs once in his career...Eli, Ben and Cam have played in SBs or won and Rivers has made the playoffs numerous times..Cousins is an empty stat guy that can't lead his team to the playoffs...let's not act like if this was your $ you would throw out 4 yrs $125 M
  18. TopDawg Legend

  19. No clue what I wrote isn't true....has Cousins made the playoffs? Should he get a better contract than Brady, Rodgers or Ben? He's probably ranked 12-15 of the NFL QBs and that should be his market value...off the top of my head I would take Brady, Ben, Rodgers, Brees, Winston, Ryan, Stafford, Wentz, Flacco, Wilson, Rivers over him...which one you disagree on?
  20. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Except for the minor detail that Brady, Ben, Rodgers, Brees, Winston, Ryan, Stafford, Wentz, Flacco, Wilson, or Rivers aren't free agents.

    I would explain that to you but I have neither time nor crayons.

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