Where Do We Go From Here?

Discussion in 'Cleveland Browns' started by TopDawg, Oct 2, 2017.

  1. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    "Born out of a joke on Twitter" EVERYTHING on Twitter is a fucking joke.

    "And they're not happy about it" Understatement.

    "But it wasn't supposed to be ' We're the Browns, look at us, we suck' " Guess what, Asshole, that's exactly what it turned in to.

    "We're not celebrating losing" BULLSHIT !!! People have parades to celebrate the 4th of July, Christmas, Labor Day, the Rose Bowl. A parade, any parade, is a celebration.
    firehalo likes this.
  2. TopDawg Legend

    Nobody can ever grasp or begin to comprehend what Browns fans have been through....They are using the term "parade" sarcastically. The sole intention is to slap the owners in the face, and remind them that this bullshit is unacceptable...I don't like that they are calling it a parade either, but I think most folks realize that Browns fans are NOT happy....

    IMO, This won't be viewed as a celebration of suckiness....It'll be viewed as an amazingly resilient, yet angry fan base calling out the owner for this never ending shitshow we've endured for decades...We have reached new levels of terrible, and as fans, we aren't going to just quietly take it anymore.
    SAS and LAOJoe like this.
  3. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Then this this asshole should have applied for a "Peaceful Protest" permit instead of a "Parade Permit". He knew full well what he was doing. They're guesstimating 6,000 people show up, right? How many angry fans would show up if it was launched as a protest?

    I hope the cocksucker catches pneunomia from marching in his fucking "parade".
  4. TopDawg Legend

    Well you sure sound like an angry Browns fan...lol! Geez...Not sure what the restrictions are on protests or parades. Maybe it was easier to just call it a parade. IDK... I am certain that football fans across the land understand that Browns fans have had enough, and they aren't truly "celebrating" anything. That doesn't need to be explained to anyone....

    I just hope the Haslam's feel a level of complete embarrassment like even they have never felt before...And then I hope they make a resolve to win, so that something like this will NEVER happen again...
    SAS likes this.
  5. SAS M.V.P. Rams Chargers

    I get that.

    Maybe it's just being a little bit more insulated - I do listen to way more Cleveland/Columbus sports talk than national - but I don't hear people talking much about the 0-16. I honestly think it's just an accepted fact that "Cleveland Browns are terrible" that the 0-16 really isn't shocking or a disturbing fact. Even the retention of a joke of a head coach.

    National Narrative: "Ho hum. Cleveland being Cleveland."

    Even the parade only seems to be a big deal to our fans and Browns media.
    TopDawg likes this.
  6. SAS M.V.P. Rams Chargers

    The fact that Huckleberry Haslam's son-in-law is tweeting and re-tweeting so many anti-parade stories makes me (1) support it even more, and (2) really wish I was going.
    TopDawg likes this.
  7. SAS M.V.P. Rams Chargers

    Seems a bit harsh.
  8. Why not protest by not showing up to games? Now that's a protest to get your point across
  9. SAS M.V.P. Rams Chargers

    They're already doing that. Have you seen the last couple homes games?
  10. Yes but that's when it's cold out and in Dec...let it happen in Sept
  11. TopDawg Legend

    He's not the "franchise Curmudgeon" for nuthin!
    SAS likes this.
  12. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    It's not unheard of #BLESTO
  13. TopDawg Legend

    C'mon man. Wth are you saying? We should just boycott the season? lol! Then we won't have a team at all...

    I think our "parade" signifies that we finally hit rock bottom...None of us thought it possible to actually regress from a 1-15 season, but these Browns are special. They find a way...Truth be told, our winless season was a very simple formula; Roll into the season with a QB that's year's away from being ready. Have no talent or experience behind him on the depth chart. When he struggles horribly, be sure to shatter any confidence he might have at every opportunity. And have Hue Jackson in charge of everything....Basically it's; DESHONE + HUE = (0-16)
  14. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    And it will accommplish nothing. Haslam is going to do whatever the hell he wants. #Hue
    firehalo and Lyman like this.
  15. No one game early in the season...have like 20K show up
  16. TopDawg Legend

    lol! That will never happen...Too many delusional Browns fans like myself that somehow manage to find optimism heading into every season. It starts at the draft. That's our thing. Then it just builds up... We have hope in September....
  17. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Article by Bill Livingston, Cleveland Plain Dealer;

    I've written a few times since the Browns came back in 1999 about how fortunate I am that my main football responsibility for most of this century has been Ohio State with its successes and not the Browns with their failures.

    There are reporters who can spin straw into gold with bad teams. There once was a trio of beat men on the Cleveland Indians, made up of former News-Herald sportswriter Jim Ingraham, retired Akron Beacon Journal reporter and Baseball Hall of Fame media inductee Sheldon Ocker, and cleveland.com's Paul Hoynes, who wrote more good stuff about bad teams than seemed humanly possible.

    I, however, enjoyed the freedom a columnist has to escape the pigeon-hole of covering one sport. As a beat man before I came here, I covered mostly winning teams. Anyone who has written nightly about both Dr. J, Julius Erving, and LeBron James has had a good run.

    While it is true that the race isn't always to the swift nor the battle to the strong, it is the safest way to bet -- and the easiest way to write.

    The endless rebuild

    I've made fun of the Browns' front office miscues, their quarterback carousel, their revolving door of coaching regimes and their clueless owners.

    Over the years, I've understood how Indians fans and, until 2016, Chicago Cubs fans shared bittersweet smiles with each other about their teams' foibles. Most fans, after all, are too old to cry about them.

    Sports aren't sublimated war or life and death or anything more than entertainment for most of us. Ideally, they summon our best instincts and take us to happy places.

    Parade of derision

    All this is a long way of explaining why I won't cover, support or watch the parade that is scheduled Saturday for the 0-16 Browns. The arctic conditions are only part of the reason why I'll pass.

    Organizers have tried to spin it as a protest of the Browns organization, but fans had already voted that with their feet, by staying away from games in droves.

    The parade mocks the aspirational aspect of sports. Who aspires to fixate on defeat and despair? The Browns' performance and the criticism it brought demeaned the franchise enough. This amounts to piling on.

    Most fans are better than this, and so are the Browns.
    firehalo likes this.
  18. TopDawg Legend


    Kinda dramatic...lol!

    First of all, Bill Livingston has criticized this franchise for years., Through his writings and comments, he has brought more embarrassment on the Browns organization than this stupid little parade ever could....Lets make sure that's clear.

    And second, I only busted out the "curmudgeon" line because of this one:
    lol! now c'mon. that's classic curmudgeon if there ever was...

    FWIW, I've mentioned several times that I didn't like it at first either, and I understand those that don't like the "parade" idea....

    After our stupid owner comes out and endorses our 1-31 coach, I changed my mind....Now I kinda wanna see the Haslam's get what they deserve. and i really don't it's a big deal...A little opportunity for Browns fans to vent. This isn't going to shake the football world. Think of it like, giving Jimmy a big ol public atomic style wedgie...All fun.
  19. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    What part of . . .

    "The parade mocks the aspirational aspect of sports. Who aspires to fixate on defeat and despair? The Browns' performance and the criticism it demeaned the franchise enough. This amounts to piling on."

    Don't you understand?

    Get rid of the rear view mirror and focus on the windshield. Please!
  20. People are celebrating....im stunned right now that their cheering and yelling like this is a good thing...smh
    Lyman likes this.

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