Why do you have to breathe life into these words. A "John Shoop" bubble screen with the "Matt Nagy" our QB playing WR wrinkle is the Bears-iest thing to ever have been uttered. He can call it "Santa's Season Ender" too for full cute points. Maybe the other team can do an endzone dance to cap it all off. Hell, why not have this happen during a Packers game and hit Bears Fan Misery bingo. Then the following week when they squeak out a win against the hapless Lions we can be treated to full club dub. Fuck this team, it's way too early for me to be this down on these guys, heh.
Legit the biggest bullshit merchant Bears HC ive ever seen. Maybe the biggest BS HC period. 3-4years huh fucknuts? You know how many offensive players, starter or backup, were on the team 3 years ago? FOUR! Know how many there were 4 years ago? FUCKING TWO!!! So how does that work dickbreath?!! Fuck i hate Nagy.
Man if you're this angry before preseason ends there are gonna be some truly epic monday morning rants this season.
It'll either be thermonuclear or the deathly silence of the soul-crushed Bears fan. There'll prob be plenty of time for both tbh.
NFL Preview Week: Matt Nagy, and four other coaches who are on the hot seat - the video at the end is Good Morning Football on the Rams/Bears matchup, and Kay/Kyle both think Fields will play in some nonsense play. I agree, on the big stage I could see him busting something out.
I love this team so much, and I get it, we all do, but at this point, I no longer have any fucks to give, they've all been spent.
I don't think/hope i'll never get to the point where i give zero fucks about anything, but the times where im just too beat down by the team to summon up the rage are increasing. Its funny because during the Lovie years there was nothing that put me in that mindset of apathy, which imo is the worst mindset for a fan to have. The truth is during the Lovie years we, for the most part, had it good. I was never as far gone as say nolovieforsmith but i was in the camp that was ready for him to be gone when it happened, regardless of a 10-6. Its tempting to think back on that and decide it was a mistake, but if the goal was making/winning SBs then it wasn't. Its just thru a string of shitty decisions by ownership we're further away than we were before Lovie was fired, which in turn can create a rose tinted glasses view of the past.
I think I have a few years on you, but give it time my brother the Bears aren't going anywhere anytime soon, and you'll get there trust me. I am fucking numb, and a little drunk, but numb nonetheless. Do I want the Bears to win? Absolutely, so there may be a little fuck in me, but to get it up to an entire fuck, well that right there is going to require a prescription.
Lovie had this team in a decent spot no question. But he had his faults too. There's a reason we had to rely entirely on the defense, because he could not figure out the Offense. And even defensively after Chico left we had some woes. He had "his guys" that he favored. At the time I said it was probably time for him to go, and looking back, I still think so. He did nothing in TB, and just because we hired one of the worst coaches in NFL history in Trestman (come at me bro!) to replace him doesn't mean he should have stayed forever. Lovie was a decent coach, but he was not the guy to get us over the hump. I have never felt worse in my 40+ years as a Bears fan than during the Trestman era, and that includes the 90s. Fuck Juicebox. Nagy, for his faults, is not as bad as Trestman (and Mel Fucking Tucker, these names alone are giving me PTSD), but I won't be sad to see him go either when he's inevitably let go. Unless this is the year it clicks for him with his new QB.
Now that he's starting Week 3, the winners are: gidion72 IrishDawg42 BearsWillWin babyfan blang84 EvertonBears tunafat patg006 Yes, it's because Dalton is injured, but unless he completely craps the bed, I have a hard time seeing that this isn't permanent. Bonus points for calling an injury, but knees, not head, heh.
Yeah, so the next question is, when/if will Dalton start again? I remember Ev posted a new poll after Trubs was benched for Foles and asked the same question about Trubs. From what I remember none of us expected Foles to last the season given our o-line issues and knew we hadn't seen the last of Trubs. Unfortunately, I do think we'll see Dalton again. But I'm not sure what the circumstances will be when it happens.
I suspect the Bears may let Nagy go if we lose to a team that should go 0-16 for the second time in NFL history. Dalton starting makes that a real possibility.
If I haven't said it, great to have you back dude. You think they release him midseason though? I think a Lions loss would be the surefire nail in the coffin, but I don't think management has it in them for a midseason firing. No way. They "collaborate" too well.
They are cowards, thats the real reason. They dress it up well but in the end they are fucking ball-less. They made me realise during the Trestman years, if they are prepared to bend over and take a 55-10 humiliation in GB, a game the Bears were losing like 41-0 at halftime, then they will put up with anything. Even losing to a Lions team that is the joke of the league and has winless season talent levels.