Tuesday Morning Thoughts

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by vvarder, Oct 27, 2020.

  1. blang84 Legend Bears

    Also, and I think BWW mentioned this in the game thread. But that ridiculous kickoff formation where one half of the guys switched places with the other half of the guys.

    If anything sums up Nagy more in his career it would be that play. "Oh look how smart and tricksy I am, nobody can outsmart me!" And then we kick it deep. The whole thing was all show with no substance and no purpose and no payoff. The very epitome of Nagy himself.
  2. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    I watched that dumbfounded. From a coaching perspective, it takes practice time to implement that. For what purpose????
  3. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    It can be anywhere from 2 wins to 5 wins I think. The Vikings this year are objectively terrible, the Texans aren't good, DeShaun revenge notwithstanding, the Lions is possible, and one from any of the others, a game like Tampa Bay where they squeak one out.

    For the playoff picture, the West is stacked no doubt especially because they play the East, but they've got to play each other as well. With 3 teams now, I would be *shocked* if somehow 10 wins doesn't make it in. It's only happened a handful of times when there 2 were two wildcards. I don't really think the Bears make it to 10, it's more likely 9 wins, but that might be just enough. We also have the tie breaker on Carolina, so the Saints game will be huge (and frankly, this Rams game may also end up as a tie breaker).

    I honestly have a hard time believing he's this stupid, but nothing else makes sense. He must honestly believe that his subordinates would be truthful in this situation, and worse, objective. I really shouldn't be surprised, but honestly this is a big part of the problem. You don't get to pick which aspects of a coach or GM you like. You have to take it all. Nagy is a good motivator, horrible playcaller, and as people have noted, this team is playing *soft*. That softness has to come from him too. They're a finesse team without the talent to finesse.
  4. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Well. Looks like Ginns done on punts. Why he’s not cut yet eludes sensibility.
  5. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Season saved. Buy your Super Bowl Tickets now.
    babyfan likes this.
  6. chitown king Special Teams Bears

    Did we have some kind of corona advantage to start the season? Maybe we caught our wins at the right time?

    I hate this bullshit ground game.
    babyfan likes this.

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