Trades and Potential Trades

Discussion in 'NHL General Discussion Board' started by mikeyfan5599, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. mattymcgee55 Legend Patriots Bruins

    Whats old, rusty and at the bottom of the Atlantic?

    if you said the Titanic or the Montreal Canadiens you are correct!
    Catfish and firehalo like this.
  2. firehalo Guest

    B000000000MMMM! Br00nz fan gettin' feisty.
    Catfish and mattymcgee55 like this.
  3. Catfish Guest

    can the habs deal price? i don't know if he's locked up for a while?
  4. skinny123 Guest

  5. Catfish Guest

    ^^ oh christ. they're stuck with him for that long? might as well be the anchor of the Titanic.
  6. skinny123 Guest

    They just locked him up this past July.
  7. mattymcgee55 Legend Patriots Bruins

    just wait until the Price and Weber deals really turn old and ripe.
    Catfish likes this.
  8. skinny123 Guest

    I would trade freddie and jvr for price.
  9. Catfish Guest

    JVR still has value? wow.
  10. skinny123 Guest

    He scored 29 goals last year.
  11. mattymcgee55 Legend Patriots Bruins

    I would if I were Toronto too but the Leafs are in a different spot than the Habs.
    Habs are bad now and those deals will only hurt more and more as the players age. Weber 's contract will be terrible unless they find a way to get out from under it like the Hawks with Hossa.
    Catfish likes this.
  12. skinny123 Guest

    True, they really need to unload weber for youngsters and picks, fast.
  13. KilkennyDan Let's Go Buffalo! Patreon Champion Sabres Bills Kilkenny

    Yeah, but are Montreal fans willing to put up with the implicit message when a team makes that kind of trade? (The team has to admit they're rebuilding.) A couple of years ago when the wheels completely fell off that team after a hot start, there were seats - a lot of seats - that went unsold (or at least unused) in Montreal. Are Habs fans too spoiled? Or, do they have a sense of entitlement about their team?

    They may be damned if they do and damned if they don't.
    Catfish likes this.
  14. skinny123 Guest

    The habs could afford to rebuild, there's already a movement getting started by a famous local talk show host.

    The snobby entitled fans have to know whats best, or screw them.

    Merc, sorry if you're reading this, you have to admit, the writings on the wall.
  15. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    Kings Acquire Jussi Jokinen from Oilers for Mike Cammalleri...

    Camel Larry is a fine hockey player... Oilers win this trade.
    Catfish likes this.
  16. skinny123 Guest

    Devils trade Henrique and Blandisi for Sami Vatanen, picks involved as well.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2017
    Catfish and Willie like this.
  17. rediiis Guest

    Early returns show the devils getting fleeced. It is always nice to see a defensemen who can pass, but when he is on your team and watch him every game, his talent can get in the way. -2 on the night playing 20+ minutes. Henrique with a PP goal.
  18. Catfish Guest

  19. mattymcgee55 Legend Patriots Bruins

    Henrique will really help Anaheim, especially now that Rackell is out too.
    Once they get RR and Kesler back they can move Henrique down to a 3rd line pivot spot and use him on special teams. Still strong on the blueline even without Vatanen.
    Anaheim has been a C- hair away for a few years now, this could be the one.
    Willie, Campbell and Catfish like this.
  20. rediiis Guest

    With Gibson playing well and Rakell back to practicing, I love this early trade. If the Quack Quacks make the play-offs, they could be dangerous.

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