The new DPL.

Discussion in 'Cleveland Browns' started by bluez, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    Stafford and Favre just off the top of my head.
  2. TopDawg Legend

    I can't go back and change the college system he played in...It is what it is. And right now, it's all we really have to go on...
  3. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    I agree but no one is making you throw out "most accurate" statements based off college tape. Colt McCoy completed 70% (76% as a junior) of his college passes. In 850 NFL attempts he's completed 60%.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2018
  4. TopDawg Legend

    I'm basing it off what I see. Not JUST college tape, but at least you didn't chime in with personal insults and name calling like the master troll, d-line... . Baker has as good of footwork as any QB. I think he compares with Drew Brees in that capacity, without question. And I think that has a lot to do with his accuracy... He gets his feet set, and delivers an accurate football...Go back and look at his TD passes vs the Giants in week one. Needle threaders... And that was his first ever NFL game. Dude is just getting started...

    When it becomes clear to all, just how good Mayfield is, d-line will be long gone, trolling somewhere else, and pretending this conversation never happened...You can bank on that. It's the troll way.
  5. TopDawg Legend

    I think they both learned that you don't have to throw through a brick wall every time, and they learned that sometimes "touch" is needed, but dramatically improved accuracy? I'm not so sure about that..Maybe...Both tend to throw it to the wrong team a lot...I'd have to re-examine the college tape. I did not follow either of the college careers particularly close..You definately mentioned two of the biggest arms this league has seen, no arguing that. Allthough don't be surprised if d-line takes issue with it...:crazy:
  6. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Just to remind, I've been a fan of Baker Mayfield since he first stepped on the field for Oklahoma. I was floored when he came back for his senior year - I didn't see why he needed to.

    I just think anyone who calls him "one of the most accurate QB's in the NFL already", maybe-only-possibly beneath Brady, Brees, and Rivers, is an absolute idiot, and deserves to be called out for it.

    But, hey, I'm definitely the moron, here. There are flocks of people coming to your defense and proving that I'm wrong. They're providing rankings of accurate QB's, using game tape to show why he is or isn't, and...

    Oh. None of that is happening. Not even from you. Huh.
  7. TopDawg Legend

    Congrats. First thing you've got right all day.
  8. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    Only time will tell. I think his future is bright but there are definitely things he needs to prove at this level. Even Brees took awhile to get going and he benefited from having a great offensive mind coach him for the last dozen years or so.
  9. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    Look at Stafford from his first year to his last three. Huge improvement.
  10. TopDawg Legend

    I think Stafford has improved as a QB since his first year. There's no doubt about that. But can you specifically point to improved accuracy? Because that is what I'm not so sure about. I'm sure he's improved with reading defenses, and pocket awareness, and understanding gameplans and NFL personel....But accuracy? Idk...
  11. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    1:05 - Inaccurate, and one of the easiest throws you're going to get. The most accurate QB's in the NFL don't do this. You could also argue that the comeback route prior to this was a bad throw, but I think it was about timing, not ball placement.

    2:25 - In the dirt and uncatchable. We're just talking about accuracy, so we'll ignore the other things going on here. Strictly speaking, that ball should've been in his player's chest, not in front of his feet.

    First pass goes nowhere.

    :27 - Dirt ball. Wide open crossing route, chance to set his feet and see his target. Unacceptable from "one of the most accurate QB's in the NFL".

    1:17 - We could argue that this ball isn't thrown the way it should be, but it doesn't make it to his man nonetheless. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that the defender might've made contact with his arm getting into the body.

    1:37 - A thing of beauty, and a great example why so many are such a big believer. This is precisely why objective viewers say he needs to work on his accuracy and consistency, not that he's generally inaccurate.

    2:09 - Given that it's his first game, I'm willing to say this is more communication than ball placement, but an incomplete that his WR had to work for regardless of coverage.

    2:17 - Dirt ball.

    2:30 - ???

    2:52 - So far behind his man it hit the defender in the helmet. A better throw makes this a catch and run.

    Followed by a great throw on the run along the sidelines.

    3:33 - Behind a wide open man across the middle of the field.


    No idea why I did them in that order. That's just how they came up when I pulled them up on YouTube.

    Again, for those who take a while to get it:

    He's an extremely talented young QB. Like many, my favorite in the draft, and would've been my favorite last year (hmmm... maybe 2nd behind Watson). He makes some fantastic throws, and shows you why he's got such a promising future.

    Is the "one of the most accurate QB's in the NFL already", behind maybe-possibly-only Brady, Brees, and Rivers? Absolutely not. Not even remotely. I can't believe this has been an actual discussion.
  12. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Man, you're a petty little bitch for a 50 year old.
  13. TopDawg Legend

    Who the hell cares?
    More personal attacks. What a shock...

    Your reading and comprehension skills leave a lot to be desired. That's all I know...

    Go back and read again. All I said about Brady, Brees and Rivers is that they are pretty accurate QB's. And that I don't know for a fact that they could beat Mayfield in an accuracy competition. You are the one that consistently misrepresents everything I post. It's what you do. It's what trolls do..
  14. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Dude, you've taken multiple positions about the same thing. If anyone over these last few pages can accurately describe your position on Mayfield's ability, and actually make any sense out of it, I'll be astounded.

    I'm not trolling, here - I honestly think you're an idiot. I legitimately wanted an honest conversation from the get-go, because I was floored at the claim that Mayfield was already one of the most accurate QB's in the NFL. I wanted to know how in the hell you could state that, and who you thought the more accurate QB's were. Not only have you been too chicken-shit to name the QB's you think are more accurate than Mayfield, but you've backed off your position by quoting the word "would", like you saying that Mayfield could be the most accurate QB in the NFL in some hypothetical passing contest makes your position any different than originally stated.

    I've tried making sense of what you're writing, man. I've even asked you to make sense of it. It just can't be done.
  15. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    Well he was a 55% passer in college. Sub-60 four out of his first five years and the last three years 65, 65, 67.
  16. SPress Franchise Player Manager

    I think he's definitely one of the top 5 most accurate 2018 rookie QBs.
    3- Darnold
    Tied for 4th Mayfield and Etling
  17. TopDawg Legend

    Geezus beach, reading and comprehending a playbook, and just generally finding a comfort in your surroundings can help completion percentage dramatically, it doesn't mean you suddenly became a marksman. Finding an OC that meshes well with your style can add 7 points to your completion percentage without batting an eye...I don't think you can truly teach accuracy. You'll just have to accept that. lol! A guy can become more familiar and comfortable in a system, and that is improvement, but that doesn't mean he can drop dimes on every throw. Hell Favre was born to be an NFL legendary QB. That dude still has more arm talent then half the NFL starters. lol! Bringing him into this is a joke.
  18. TopDawg Legend

    Congrats D-line, you win for king of the trolls....Now I know what SAS was talking about when he gave you a similar title a while back...I think maybe Irish did too....And now me. Coincidence? I think not...
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2018
  19. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    Fair enough and since we're just talking possibilities this might explain why the instant Lincoln Riley got to Oklahoma Baker's completion percentage jumped 5 points?

    Nah... I don't have to accept something I know to be completely false. Mechanics are everything in throwing a football. And it isn't exclusive to rookies. Veteran QBs go through ups and downs throwing the football and need help getting back to the basics. You think Drew Brees has a QB coach for shits and giggles?
  20. TopDawg Legend

    Beach I'm not saying that a guy can't improve and clean up his game with better technique and mechanics. But you don't take a guy like Derek Anderson or Deshone Kizer (for example), and turn him into a pinpoint passer...I don't care WHO the coach is, some guys are always going to struggle with accuracy.

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