I never said no chance at success but ur making insane comments bout potential(broad word) when u have guys like Brown, J Jones, Marshall, D Thomas etc that do it every yr...Gordon had 1 good yr and thats all we hear bout....Coleman hasnt played a down, but they culd b the best tandem in football? How bout u give it some time and see what happens before u sound so silly....btw, why do u bring up me being a coach so often....its true whether u believe it or not so it doesnt make me mad...also Shelton Gibson and Dorian Baker will b 1st round picks based on potential and Justin Layne will win Big 10 Frosh of Yr if he reaches his potential....show me Im right boys *BRAVO*
tandem is singular therefore he thinks they will b #1 or used the incorrect spelling...I can only go off what is written there
Ok, so tandem is an adjective. Using the term "among" illustrates the user's willingness that they may NOT necessarily be #1, but merely a part of an elite group. I'm not certain you are understanding the English language totally...using the word totally, illustrates that I DO believe you understand the English language...just not completely.
Why do we let stopper spin everything "stupid" on us?lol! Clearly anybody that knows ANYTHING about football can see that Cleveland has a potentially potent duo in Gordon and Coleman...that's it...nothing more...that's all that was said... And he'll yeah stopper, I seriously question the validity in your coaching prowess when you can't even comprehend what I'm saying about "Potential" in regards to Wide Receivers that have the raw talent of our duo...but who really gives a shit? This is what you always do....
Im on board with saying I really like this coaching staff. Jackson and Horton are true professional football coaches. I've also read in the Cleveland PD that Jackson has brought in Chad Johnson to work with these young WR's. Hopefully he can get his hands on Josh Gordon. Like him or hate him Johnson could ball. I feel 1 of the major problems with this team is leadership with the skill position players. Maybe Johnson in some type of coaching capacity can do that. The line has JT but no skill positions has that. I liked the draft this year. I like the fact they addressed the WR position and did it early. Coleman can play, great speed and good hands. He is shorter than what I like but if he can play fast, then that will make up for it. I'm not expecting Gordon to be the all-pro WR he was but if he can be 3/4 of that then we should be alright at the WR. Gordon, Coleman, Pryor and Bandridge will give whoever is QB some very good and athletic targets. Then you have Crowell and Johnson coming out of the backfield. For the 1st time since this return I actually see talent at skill positions. Thomas, Bitonio, Erving, Greco and ? Scares me a little bit. Erving and RT is what scares me. JT,Bitonio and Greco are very solid but those other 2 positions scare the chit out of me. That's why I would rather see Griffin as the starting QB. He has a stronger arm and can get out of the pocket when it collapses. McCown is a sitting duck.
U can question all u want, but u sir dont have a clue...I havnt heard ONE person other than u mention Coleman and Gordon as future #1 tandem in the NFL...why...cause nobody is ignorant enough 2 trust a drug abuser and certainly not a rookie who hasnt played a down yet...but cause they play 4 the Browns ur wearing ur brown and orange glasses instead of letting them play a down together...u keep gushing bout 1 yr when he accumulated so many empty stats and his team went 4-12...wake up man and hope they win 4-6 games instead of worrying bout a #1 tandem which has bout as much chance of happening as winng the powerball
Geezus...Josh Gordon has been suspended for like 2 full seasons worth of games in his career, and yet he remains on an NFL roster. Why do you think that is stopper?? Could it be because he's only 25 and he's already proven that he can dominate at this level??? With Brian Hoyer and Brandon Weeden throwing The ball to him, he dominated!! The whole world knows what Gordon is capable of doing on a football field...Do you NOT understand what "potential" means?? Obviously not, since you can't grasp the concept even in regards to the 1ST WR taken in the draft, so I really don't even know why I'm bothering with this absurdity. Lol! If anybody was wondering why I don't post here as much as I used to, just read through the last page or 2 and it should be crystal clear....smh Only in brownstown....
Yep, feel the same TD... Trying to get a glimmer of hope in the fan base, AND THERE IS ACTUALLY POSITIVE NEWS TO DISCUSS...only to have someone come in and shit on the parade about how it in fact isn't positive. Well, that negativity is your attitude, not the news coming in. Come back and bitch away if the Browns lose their first 4 games...bring it THEN...Not when we have a renewed sense of hope within the organization. We have enough of that from the national media, we really don't need it from our fan base. I know I have asked before, but stopper, what has happened to make you a constant brick of negativity? I know you are a coach, I don't doubt it for a second. Every now and then you actually use your knowledge of the game for insightful posts...However, I have yet to meet a constructive coach that is based in negativity. Do you coach the way you post? It is, in most cases, a persons persona, not simply a single element of their life. So I would assume, when one of your kids does something asinine, you aren't using it as a teaching moment, but rather scream at the kid at how wrong he is at doing it. If you can't change the way you view the Browns on these boards, I highly doubt you are going to in your everyday life either. Just an observation.
Agree with Irish almost 100%. The difference ?? I don't believe for a New York second that someone as ignorant, abrasive and asinine as Showstopper could coach a flee circus much less in a highly respected program such as he claims.
Oh for the love of god. TD said... I'm not an Engish major but nowhere does that say TD thinks they could be the #1 tandem. If you read it that way then that's on you Stopper. He said, based on talent level he thinks they could be talked about as one of the better tandems in the NFL. That doesn't mean Week 1, it means the potential is there if everything pans out and he''s dead on. Josh Gordon has already proven it. Is he the same guy right now? Doubtful but he's 25 years old. He could get back there in a relative short period of time. Corey Coleman is a dynamic receiver. I'm probably a little biased because I called him a Top Ten Pick 9 months ago but there's no questioning his skill set or athletic ability. Yes, plenty of players drafted in the Top Ten fail but there's also plenty of recent history suggesting he could flourish. Either way, TD didn't make any guarantees and he didn't set a timetable. So STFU.
Thanks beach, Lyman and Irish. I would thank your posts but on my phone, I don't see that option...anyway, Beach really nailed it on his last post. I wasn't even specifically talking about this upcoming season. I just said that Gordon and Coleman have the potential to be among the NFL'S best WR tandem....that's it. And those of us that know football, know that my comment is valid. There is no argument! Those two guys have a ton of potential to be a great WR duo....Everything else stopper rambled on about was in his own head...he just read a bunch of bullshit into what I said, and then commented on his own misinterpretations...
I can't wait for this season. Its so refreshing having a coach who knows wtf he is doing. The next 10 years are gonna be awesome.
Cause the Browns are an awful team and didnt need 2 cut him...he was suspended and wasnt getting paid...the whole world saw him do it 4 ONE season...there are a ton of one yr wonders...now throw in the drug abuse and other things...did he look like the player u thought when he came back the last 6 games? Thats what I thought
Rings everywhere Lym....believe what u want, but trying 4 another one starting Monday...young team but we have a Sr QB that can play so mayb he carries us
I will say it again, the potential is there 4 every player....did anybody expect Jerry Rice 2 b the best WR ever coming out of MV St and running a 4.6...probably not so he had the potential and exceeded expectations...now take a guy like Charles Rogers and u have a 6'3 220 lb WR that can run, jump and the #2 pick in the draft...he finished w 36 catches in his career...potential means NOTHING!! Mike Piazza drafted in the 62nd round and just inducted into the Hall of Fame...so mayb u need to relax
HUGE difference between missing 10 weeks away from team facilities COMPLETELY, no contact allowed at all... and... Allowed to participate from day one of training camp, allowed to participate in all pre-season activities, then allowed to remain at team facilities and participate in team meetings throughout his 4 weeks missed until returning to practice/games full time. Question for showstopper: Would you, as an expert, say being able to participate in team meetings and all activities besides practice and actual games for 4 weeks, is a chasmic difference than no contact at all for 10 weeks, then returning to games?