Yeah, he's a Grade-A dope (no pun intended). If he can't keep himself away from substances for the 7-10 year (at best) window for being a multi-million dollar professional athlete, then he's not worth keeping around. I agree with Irish that the limits are draconian and deserve to be changed, but at the same time, they are what they are and to play within the confines of that is part of getting paid the massive paycheck he sees every Sunday.
They talk bout changing the culture but they let this go on instead of taking a hard stance like they did w Schwartz...I wuld like 2 know the difference?
Josh Gordon has the potential to sell a lot more jerseys, ad space, and fantasy football interest than a top-rated right tackle?
As well, he has for the past 2 years...The last time he failed a drug test, the limits were right at, or 2 nano grams less than the then 15 nano grams limit. NOW, there is a media report that there were "trace elements" in a drug test that was not failed, but found to be diluted...that could mean 34 nano grams, or 1 nano gram...yet he has been crucified in the media as if it was a full blown failed test. Some of you know, but many have no idea what a pain in the ass it is to be in a program that at any given minute, someone you will never meet decides you have to stop what ever it is you are doing and drive to an office within 60 minutes to pee in a cup with the door open in front of a complete stranger. I have to do that up to 4 times a year...Josh Gordon does it up to 13 times a month.... This kid has done more than most to deserve his spot as an NFL player in my book...
Josh is simple...His actions indicate he doesn't even comprehend the value of a dollar. Unfortunately, some day it will finally dawn on him, and it'll be far too late....He's nothing more than a football "tease" at this point....His autobiography should be titled, "Wasted Talent".....
This kid has done more than most to deserve his spot as an NFL player in my book... I could not disagree more.
I was first required to comply with random, periodic drug testing when I was in the Air Force as part of my security clearance. Most recently, the company I worked for required the same random, periodic testing because we made safety components for the automotive industry and the company didn't want stoners or pot heads approving these parts for shipment. So, ya, I do have an idea. For the record, I don't give a rat's ass if he only had a tenth of 1 nano gram of pot in his system or if the test was determined to be diluted. IT WAS STILL THERE. I guess we will simply have to agree to disagree on this topic.
This has now become a moot point.
Mentally WEAK is the 1st thing that comes to mind here with this situation. I don't smoke pot anymore. I did when I was younger though. My Union has annual drug test and random testing from the computer. Why would I put myself in a situation where pot could ruin my job, pension and a way to raise my girls? I make between 45k to 60k a year not millions like he does. He is the prime example of what's wrong with this team. Mental Weakness! The Browns have saved boat loads of money this off season. It's time to cut him and move on. How many wins has he contributed to the last 2 years? The dumbass can't even get on the field. Release him and draft a WR EARLY! Continue cleaning house from the loser mentality.
Irish I cant believe u r trying 2 find every excuse in the book for this kid....if ur kid fails a class w a 59.99% and doesnt graduate, r u gonna tell him/her its ok u only missed by .1...Im just using an example here...hes had multiple chances since he entered the NFL so he was put in this predicament and he has himself 2 blame not the NFL 4 testing him 13 times over a certain period of time
That's not what I'm saying at all, you missed the point completely. They wouldn't be failing at 59.9%, Everyone else in the entire world would, but my kids would be failing by having a 98.2% grade. Taking the same test, but a drastically different grading scale. Everyone else in the world (not exaggerating) is at 150 Ng, the NFL is at 35...and he didn't even fail that...before it was 15, and between 2 samples, one was 13 and the other was 15. I am trying very hard, to no avail...even you Lym, unless you are hermit, are subject having up to 15 Ng in your system. Do you ever go over to the Boat Basin? I've walked through there plenty of times and smelled that funny smell...that's what it takes to walk in and fail under the old rules. It would take you moving inside any of those bars by the Boat Basin to move the needle closer to the new 35 Ng...Now about 4 puffs off a 3.55% (middle of the road potency joint) and about 48 hours of not smoking at all, will move you to the 50Ng mark and a failing grade...He has gone 3 years without even coming close to that, while being subject to tests every 3 days of his life over that time period. So to address you Els, he is not a "pothead" any longer (he may have been in college)...otherwise, he would have been failing test after test.
The point you are missing Irish is that after several suspensions / failed drug tests Josh Gordon should have 0 NG in his system.
p.s. This scientific study renders your example above as far-fetched. If Josh Gordon was in a closed environment with several smokers for several hours and then tested shortly thereafter he's not an addict - he's just an idiot.
If peeing into a cup is cool... consider Josh Gordon Miles Davis. Seriously? Because he has to take a leak in front of a stranger 13 times a month to continue getting paid a six-figure salary, he deserves it? C'mon, Irish. I'll take a piss in a cup six times a day if it makes me a multi-millionaire. And unlike Josh Gordon, I'll test clean. You're a bit too far out on the limb this time, pal.
That's interesting... read this morning that he's eligible for re-in statement again on August 1st. After an article about Josh and Johnny not being roommates, but before an article on the Browns trying to trade out of #2 overall.
How so? After 4-6 hours of exposure, 1 of the 12 participants was above the 50Ngs of the testing standards. So yes, in an enclosed environment, you can reach levels of 50 Ng...What I said is that it could take you close to the 35 Ng that the NFL tests for...which wasn't a part of this experiment. Who knows how many of the 11 others would have been at or surpassed that threshold. Let's not forget, Gordon has not in the past 3 years ever tested past this 35 Ng threshold. The only failed test in the NFL, was an outdated test threshold of 15 Ng, and with two samples he was at 15 on one and 13 on the other. The point is that other agencies won't even use anything below the 50 Ng threshold because of inconsistencies in testing...let alone the 90% of all testing agencies using 150 Ng as the proper threshold. Look, as Lym already said, this is a moot point Josh Gordon is not going to be playing in the NFL any time soon... MY F'ing OPINION is that the testing being done in the NFL is ridiculous, that is all.. I don't doubt that someday in the near future these rules will change and Gordon's career will already be an after thought of what might have been. Let's not leave out the fact that the NFL is not a drug free environment. This is hypocrytical thinking if you do...Tom Brady may be one of the biggest potheads in the NFL and you would never know it, it would just make him smarter than Josh Gordon. In the NFL, if you are not in the substance abuse protocol, there is a small window that a player "can" be tested randomly..this year it begins 04/01/2016 and ends early on in pre-season. So once that date passes, you can feel free to toke up for the next several months over the season without any worry AT ALL of being caught by the NFL. Now, obviously if you break the law, that is another way to get caught, but no NFL tests are administered to any players not in the program, outside of these dates. Seems, if they were truly trying to keep illegal substances out of the league, they would be quarterly randoms year round...limiting it to 4 tests per year/per player, again, like almost every other entity in the world.
That's because he didn't fail a test due to drugs, it was because of the diluted sample, which in most cases is considered a failed test. The difference between the NFL and the rest of the world you might wonder? In the real world, a second test is administered immediately and that person can be cleared of the failed the NFL, they delay it up to 90 days and in this case, they delayed it the maximum amount.
beachbum wrote: If Josh Gordon was in a closed environment with several smokers for several hours and then tested shortly thereafter he's not an addict - he's just an idiot. That's kinda harsh, beach....C'mon now, it's not Gordon's fault. What had happened was, They were playing Madden on the XBOX, because Josh loves the new feature where you can take players off the suspended list and play them anyway...But seriously, those kids said it was just a regular cigar! Clearly, moving to L.A. with Johnny was the act of a man with a well thought plan for reinstatement..... *HIGH* bad luck just happens to Josh.....
C'mon Crex....where's the hotties? I love those fishing babes....If that's not perfection, I don't know what is..... ...and this may be way off topic, but I've heard way more praise today for Kobe Bryant than I can possibly stomach...I know it's the end of the line for his epic basketball career, but Kobe has never been about anybody other than Kobe.....His talent can never be denied, but is ANYBODY that isn't a Laker fan supposed to celebrate this guy? I think not... One of the all time a-holes in sports as far as I'm concerned... And I love the way Seth (Family Guy) is never going to let him forget!