The F this team thread

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by BearsWillWin, Sep 11, 2023.

  1. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Anybody want a cruel silver lining from the football gods? Leonard Floyd sacks Erin the play he blows out his Achilles tendon and now the Packers wont get a 1st round pick because a condition of the trade was that he play 70% of the snaps this year.

    Claypool shouldn't be getting reps. Give them to Scott or fuck, even VJJ.

    Bench Nate Jones too. Time to find if Ja'tyre Carter is useful or not.
  2. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    You are depressing me dude. I understand it's early in their tenure, but the results we've seen are garbage. Everyone gave them a pass last year because they obviously tanked. What the fuck is the excuse this year? The kneecap biter at least had people buying in, this product, man. I am trying not to overreact to one game but you telling me 5 more fucking years, oof.

    I was thinking about this today, specifically how the fuck does Green Bay keep getting away with it. How can every other team in the league turn it around. And sure, ownership is a part of the problem, but they open the wallet. The problem is they are football clueless and cannot hire the right guys. And when it comes to those guys, what is the mistake we make, year after year after year? We treat the oline like a fucking after thought. The game is won and lost in the trenches, and what we saw this past weekend shows that BOTH lines are horrifically bad. I will beat the drum for the trenches for fucking ever (thought bringing in Wright at least was a good use of the pick this year). 5 more years of bandaid patchwork line is too fucking much for me.

    To your point, results are what matters. Whether or not you or I would have picked one of these coaches/GMs is irrelevant, we are getting paid to find these guys. Their ENTIRE LIVELIHOOD depends on this, and they fuck it up every single fucking time. And our fans continue to reward them with PSLs and Jersey purchases and on and on.

    It's not just that they need time. It's not just that they lose. As BWW says, it's HOW they lose. That loss wasn't some tough fought fucking game. That loss was an absolute clown show of incompetence. The game did not look like the needle is pointing up. It looked like a team that is somehow fucking worse than last year. Part of that is the Packers showing up for the rivalry, but it's hard to dismiss just how bad the Bears looked in every respect.

    While I was clowning on Greg Olsen for being pissed that the Bears weren't hurrying up down 3+ scores with 4 minutes left, he's got a point that there was zero urgency. Those loafs man, I remember Tommie Harris in 2006 hauling ass down the field, and the announcer made a comment like he was hustling like he was going to get cut tomorrow. Prime Tommie Harris. That was the loaf system under Lovie working. If there are loafs in Flus' system, it clearly doesn't mean shit.
  3. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    They still get a 2nd, so I'm hoping for the Packers and the Jets to be middle of the road teams so the picks are at least less valuable.

    The Jets were still fucking idiots in that trade. They had the leverage in my opinion, because now they're going forward with what they had last year, minus a bunch of cap space and draft picks. They traded all that for 4 snaps of Rodgers.
  4. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Someone asked for the JT O'Sullivan breakdown. Here you go. An hour long, which I've never seen him do outside of his Patreon stuff before. Should give you an idea of just how bad this was.

  5. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Heh, I said I'd go look for it, but thanks Dline, this should make for an interesting watch.
    dlinebass5 likes this.
  6. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    It was really cathartic to hear someone who knows their shit saying the same things we've said over and over. Makes me feel like I'm not crazy. That's about the only positive I can take away from everything.
  7. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Thanks dline, i'll watch this later. I expect Fields is gonna come out of this very badly with field vison/progressions being the biggest problem. There were so many checkdowns in that game, i can't believe no one was open every time. The INT Fields stared down the receiver the entire time, it was asking to be picked. At best it was backup QB level bad, by this point in his career it simply shouldn't be happening.
  8. blang84 Legend Bears

    Given the effort he showed on Sunday, his non-performance last year, and the fact that he's a diva (apparently he demanded the Bears introduce an extra starter on offense in the pregame introductions so that he could run out as a starter and Flus complied), I see no reason for him to be on the team. He doesn't want to be here. Cut your losses and cut his ass.

    Would rather see Tyler Scott getting his reps.
    EvertonBears likes this.
  9. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Finally got to watch it, and man, he really let it rip, not a lot to disagree with there. The number of times he said "What the fuck" was justified and also comical. I mean when Nate Davis block Patrick in the back, you can't help but laugh. The only bit I disagree with him is on some plays, he's being a bit unfair to Justin on what to let it rip. I agree his thought process has to speed up, he has to throw with anticipation, but I have a hard time blaming him when there are guys bearing down on him so quickly. That said I do agree with him on the lack of urgency.

    It's as you think and I was worried about during the game, there are opportunities for sure. He shouldn't hit them all, but what did Fields actually get, two shots downfield? There were more than that, and the processing just isn't progressing. We've got the rest of the season, but unless something clicks, it's going to be a long one with the end of the road being another swing at QB soon.

    What frustrates me, is QBs struggle yes, but why is it that other teams can have the decent Jordan Love first game, and we've gotten, what we've gotten forever. Constant "well, he doesn't look good now, but he can get better". Greg Olsen said it best during the game, "hope is not a strategy". This is a team built on hope. Hope that the oline can pull their head out of the ass, hope that the offensive and defensive schemes will suddenly work, hope that the coaches are better than they've shown, hope that Fields can put it together as a passer. Pure fucking hope.
    dlinebass5, EvertonBears and babyfan like this.
  10. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Oh, and lest I forget, "this is how coaches get fired" - the number of times JT says this, yet we know changes aren't coming until the end of season, IF then.
    dlinebass5 and EvertonBears like this.
  11. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    How many games does Flus need to lose to actually be fired? 13?
  12. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Wow. ..........I mean holy hell. Im gonna try hard not to write an essay here, really.

    I thought he would just be concentrating on Fields, but this covered the full spectrum of fuck and shredded virtually everybody. Before i get into the Bears just wanna say after this video i watched his one on Purdy/49ers, i even watched 10mins of the Love breakdown. He's telling the truth when he says he just calls what he sees. The vid on Purdy was utterly glowing, but i'll get to that later maybe. What i saw of Love, he was both critical and positive, but ultimately there were far more compliments for Love than Fields. I mention this cos i think its important we grasp this isnt some analyst who just rips everybody, thats not his schtick. Seeing him cover other teams really gave me the context of just how bad the Bears were. Tbh i was gobsmacked. Some observations:

    - First up, the Kmet sneak. Bww ripped that playcall a new one in the game thread and O'Sullivan did exactly the same here. Horrific. Interestingly he said something i thought of too, which is 1- you do not call this fucking play, no how no way. 2- If you show this look the only chance the play's got is if you run a fake sneak to Kmet and have him pitch/toss to Fields who then attacks the edge with Herbert leading. With everyone crashed down you'd have a great chance of a FD, there's a shot at a huge play also. But mostly, do not run this fucking play! It reflected terribly on Getsy and badly on the O-Line.

    - All told Kmet came out of this really badly. Multiple times JT noted in the passing game they're asking things of Kmet that he simply isnt athletically capable of. I totally agree. We've noted Kmets average athleticism in the past. A lot of the fail re this is on Getsy tho, who clearly doent know who Kmet is. In the run game there were missed assignments, loses on blocks, he got torched for his effort on the pick 6. I hadn't noticed a lot of this. I thought Kmet came out looking terrible. This is the guy the Bears just gave a $50mil contract to.

    - DJ Moore should've come out of this game with like 8catches for 100+ yards and thats not even taking into account his YAC abilities. The guy was constantly open, often wide open. By the 4th Q he was getting visibly frustrated, he had every right to be.

    - A LOT of the route concepts in the passing game were utterly trashed. I mean fucking obliterated. As varder says, it was shocking just how many times and how much JT couldn't believe what he was seeing. Multiple times he couldn't even tell you the ultimate concept on the play. There were a couple of compliments, but mostly this was about the sheer number of times there were route concepts that simply had no business being near the NFL. One was described as, and i quote, "JV install 1 redzone". That is damning. There was just so much bad here i won't look at Getsy the same again.

    - We know the OL fucking stinks, but im used to seeing them beat in an engagement. The way assignments were missed just beggared belief. Nate Davis(who was roundly trashed in this vid) on one play didn't just blow his assignment and ignore the guy right in front he was meant to block, he actually took out Patrick who was about to engage a different player and both went scot free straight at the QB. It was legit keystone cops. Braxton did basically the same thing on another play. Ignored the guy right in front of him, wandered off looking around, didn't lay a hand on anybody and Fields got blasted in the pocket. JT actually coined the phrase "sabotage blocking" and used it multiple times, like these guys were double agents. Patricks snapping all game was also criticised. Whitehair was overpowered regularly. Nate Davis is a flat out bum. Dumb as a box of rocks and plays with zero power or leverage. Great signing Poles.

    - Ok, now the moment blang's been waiting for(jk): Fields. It was bad. The sheer number of passoffs he did when the throw was on and should've been made, was crazy. Watching the video after this of Purdy making throw after throw right on time and with anticipation drained all colour from my face. Fields can't throw with anticipation. JT showed 1 example when did and like 10 when he didn't. Score 10% at anything and you can't do it. I used to think it was the bum WR's his first two years. Its not, its Fields. He had guys getting open and he wouldn't throw in advance. That is a huge problem going forward.

    Another huge problem, JT didn't explicitly say this, but it was easy to see it for myself as a Bears fan.....when Fields would bail the pocket his first two years, he would do a v good job of keeping his eyes downfield and still looking for the pass. Sunday plays broke down but WRs scramble drilled and got open... and Fields didn't throw them the ball, even when they were right in front of him! He's not keeping his eyes up anymore, his eyes are going down and he's not even thinking about the pass. That is a clear regression. Terrible to see.

    Ive never been this down on Fields before and as a fan of his fuck its tragic. Maybe somehow it will miraculously turn around, but at this moment he looks fucked to me. He's trying, there's no quit, but thats not enough. JT went to lengths to say it wasn't all on Fields, its the full combination and i totally agree. The passing game scheme is frequently awful. The O-Line is again epically bad. Fields isn't developing. I actually think this OL is already totally in his head, by the end of the season i expect Fields to be ruined.

    There's gonna have be a hack of a turnaround to get me off the call that they will be going QB in the top 5-10 next April. Its really depressing cos i do believe Fields could've made it in this league. "Bears ruin QB", where have i heard that one before...

    Also it was an essay. Fuck. Sorry.
    babyfan, vvarder and dlinebass5 like this.
  13. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    I didn't even mention Claypool. Total bum. Got ragged by a DB 30lbs lighter than him on one WR screen. There's no way in hell they're paying this guy. Blang's right, you may as well cut him and give Tyler Scott the playing time.

    It won't happen of course cos no way is Poles gonna bring that kind of heat on himself. But it should.
    vvarder and dlinebass5 like this.
  14. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    I remember when they drafted Fields, the first words out of my mouth were "I hope he survives this team". It's pretty simple, when you can't block / scheme / coach for a guy, he's not going anywhere. And here we are.

    The "This QB will save us" mentality has got to stop with this team.
  15. blang84 Legend Bears

    babyfan likes this.
  16. blang84 Legend Bears

    I think it has to be worse than last year. Anything else can and will be called progress by the front office. The most that happens is Getsy gets scapegoated if the offense shows no improvement. No, we'll have to wait for 2025 for a new coach and maybe if we're lucky new GM.

    As for Kevin Warren, what power does/will he have when it comes to hiring a GM and coach? I'm sure the official explanation will be that Warren has full control, but we all know better.
  17. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Amazing rant dude. Just wanted to highlight this, as I mentioned Hoge said that he was also seeing this during camp. His argument was he can still be a very good QB throwing without anticipation, but I contend there is no way with this line.

    And you bring up Purdy, Mr. Fucking Irrelevant and this dickweeds get him and almost instantly dump Trey Lance, who they traded UP for to take over Fields. Those fucks even got a 4th rounder (FOURTH) for him from Dallas, who HAS a QB. To be clear, I am not saying the Bears would do any better with Brock Purdy, the 49ers have a thing called an offensive line and smart coaches that can gameplan to strengths and away from weaknesses. What I am saying is that it absolutely pisses me off that this franchise continues to wallow in stupidity. As JT says multiple times, why not have a designed run for Fields? I get it, he needs to be molded into a passer yes, but you can still at least sprinkle in a designed run here and there? You know, where this kid was absolutely electric? Were there ANY designed runs, or was it all on busted plays?

    As the thread title says, Fuck this team. We can likely reuse this one all year too.
  18. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    He too, no longer has any fucks to give.
    game switch.jpg
    I'm Gonna hook this up next week and see if I can go back to 1985.
    Wish me luck. I'll bet I'll have a better chance of securing those games than the Bears have at winning one.
    Tuck this team.
  19. blang84 Legend Bears

    Davis is getting hammered, as he should be, but not the extent that Claypool is. To me the effort and level of preparedness from Davis was just as bad as Claypool's. I realize OL is incredibly thin but Davis' job should be on the line too. One more week of that and he should ride the bench or ride the amtrak out of Chicago.
  20. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    I finally got time to watch this.

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