The Ditch part deux

Discussion in 'NHL General Discussion Board' started by cutter9394, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. Catfish Guest

    of course it's on me Dan. it's never about you when you stuck your nose between Will and myself about being personal. then you adding some nonsense about talking about non-sports issues and posters leaving here. no, it's never about me... hahaha
    it was a great viewing product. they even had their own hockey analyst in Barry Melrose and additional coverage with John Buccigross. Sad to see them leave. I am thankful I have Comcast Sportsnet cable for the FLyers and CNBC and the NHL Network to watch the other teams.
  2. Catfish Guest

    welcome back Halo !
  3. skinny123 Guest

    Don't forget the caps, isles and whalers got a fair share of coverage.
  4. firehalo Guest

    ... hmph! ...and some call me a "welcher".

    <<<still rockin' mine.
    Catfish likes this.
  5. Catfish Guest

    putting a microscopic pic of ovi as your avi is a far cry from getting something permanently put on your body! the funny part - the guy who wanted me to get one, got a terrible infection from his last tattoo so bad that he was in the hospital for 2 weeks ! and that was only the outline. he never got it colored in bc of how sick he got etc. fuck that.
  6. firehalo Guest

    Just messin' with ya, Cat. We good.
    Catfish likes this.
  7. Catfish Guest

    plus my older brothers would kill me for getting a tattoo and my Dad would come back from the grave and kill me for getting one. he told us a story about his brother, our Uncle, getting one against his Mother's wishes in the mid-1940's. When she discovered he got one, she broke down and cried. My Uncle was so upset he broke his Mother's heart, he had it removed the next day! The scar on his arm was nasty. My Dad ended this story with - "if any of you 5 boys come home with a tattoo, don't bother coming home at all!" haha.

    and we're always good halo. happy to see you back. i'm ready for another avi bet.
  8. firehalo Guest

    I'll wait until the Penz are up against the 8-ball again, then I'll make another unwinnable wager.
    Catfish likes this.
  9. Catfish Guest

    haha. im ready! unwinnable? they were the 2 time reigning cup champs. you had better odds? haha.
  10. firehalo Guest

    The CHAMPS (not the Craps) were down 3-1 when we made the bet.
  11. Catfish Guest

    haha. you must've been high to make that bet ? haha.
  12. all-pgh Guest

    This is what I was talking about!
    Vancouver Volcanos likes this.
  13. skinny123 Guest

  14. Catfish Guest

    Flyers GM said now they are in contention for a playoff spot he has to reconsider his earlier stance of being a seller at the deadline. Brilliant. Hope you're happy getting ousted in the first rd and sitting on Simmonds, Gudas, Ghost, etc. Season ends in 2 months. You're letting a winning steak deter you from making a trade? The value on Gudas, Simmonds and Ghost won't be any higher than it is right now. I love that school of thought. Hope the boys love the exhausting grind for the next 2 months trying to make the playoffs.
  15. skinny123 Guest

    You have to go with the consesus, what the fans want. You can't bail after this winning streak, fans would never forgive you.
    The most important thing with any rebuild, fans have to be on board.
    Vancouver Volcanos likes this.
  16. You have to go with the consesus, what the fans want. You can't bail after this winning streak, fans would never forgive you.
    The most important thing with any rebuild, fans have to be on board.

    Cat.............READ that.........that is an EXCELLENT post by Skinny.

    Just look at what his Leafs did.........beautiful Re-Built.

    BWW...........good luck tonight........Canucks vs the Hawks.......HUGE game for both teams.
  17. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Looking forward to it. Hawks are hot right now and just 3 points out of a playoff spot. I really hope this mini-burst they are on is legit.
    Vancouver Volcanos likes this.
  18. Catfish Guest

    i just don't see a value of keeping wayne simmonds past the deadline - winning streak or not. sorry. not trying to cause trouble or be a bad fan. he has a ton of trade value and i think contending teams that are higher in the standings than they are would pony up a lot for him. to me he's an asset that brings back better asset. the flyers need assets without breaking up the core of the team and the team morale if he's traded!
    Vancouver Volcanos likes this.
  19. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    Catfish likes this.
  20. Catfish Guest

    so much for the save of the year from Hart. the #1 save was great and he made two of them. nice list. thanks for the post.
    Willie likes this.

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