The Ditch part deux

Discussion in 'NHL General Discussion Board' started by cutter9394, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    Cat, what are you getting worked up about?

    I told you, I was not singling you out.
  2. skinny123 Guest

    I like this, but the poor guy died in a plane crash.
  3. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    Was he flying the plane with her on his lap?

    Cause that shit could cause an issue...
    BearsWillWin and skinny123 like this.
  4. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    I know for a fact that one member no longer posts here because anytime he did he was met with vitriol or had his opinion ripped apart because of an issue that looked personal in nature.

    I believe that's what Dan was referring to, and I posted exactly that.

    Nothing more.
    Vancouver Volcanos likes this.
  5. remind me of Johnny speak your mind and I'm OK with that.

    BUT Dan is a really good guy and there is NO reason for you to attack him.

    "Dan goes off mentioning non-sports themed issues and people leaving. he is causing it go off the rails by bringing up bullshit that didn't exist between Will and I yesterday or how or what people post. To say people left for posting non-sports issues is a joke and a lie."

    It boils down to the Flyers and when you think about it Cat.....your suppose to be HAPPY.

    The Flyers are the HOTTEST team in the NHL right now.......8 wins in a row......KUDOS for your Flyers.

  6. Catfish Guest

    i know you're not Tim. you saId the "personal" nature of the post. what was so personal about it? Will posted to me and I replied back. i don't understand what was so wrong about my post back to him ? im worked up at what Dan said and was inferring i.e. people leaving the website bc of non-hockey talk or non-sports talk bullshit and im to blame and blowing things out of context. etc. that's my issue Tim.
  7. Catfish Guest

    it didn't happen yesterday and if Will had a problem with what I said, i wanna hear it from HIM, not Dan coming to his defense and aid.
  8. Tim........

    "I know for a fact that one member no longer posts here because anytime he did he was met with vitriol or had his opinion ripped apart because of an issue that looked personal in nature."

    I'm going to guess that was Red ???
  9. Catfish Guest

    VV- he came after me with several shots. i am simply defending myself and my posts against his non-sports themed post bullshit. and VV you're mistaken. it boils down to is them losing (tanking) and my and Will's opinion on it. To me winning just to lose in the first rd is pointless over getting a top draft pick. that's the debate. you and Will think tanking is for losers and to always do your best to win. this has nothing to do with being happy. tanking was the root of our debate. Dan jumps in and now we are at where we are now, which is a tangled up mess.
    Vancouver Volcanos likes this.
  10. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    Dan can express his opinion and call out what he sees as a potential issue.

    If you disagree with him, you can post that you do, just like you did.

    All I did was clarify what I believed Dan meant with his post before things actually did take a turn sideways.

    It's not some kind of well kept secret that there is not a lot of love lost between a couple people on these boards.
  11. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    I'm not going to say who it was or who it wasn't.

    It's their business if they choose to let anyone know.
    Vancouver Volcanos likes this.
  12. BWW...........

    "For some reason hot girls always look hottest when they are wearing the best jersey in all of sports".....

    Very nice FULL MOON do like the Blackhawk Jersey.....BUT my FAV is the Red Wing.
  13. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    It's okay to have a favorite.

    But it's a fact that the Blackhawks sweater is the best uniform in sports history. Any argument is invalid because I said so.
    Catfish likes this.
  14. Catfish Guest

    VV- i heard Alex Edler is ok. Happy he's doing better.
  15. Catfish Guest

    even i like the Blackhawks logo and sweater.
  16. Catfish Guest

    that's fine Tim. I just don't agree with his supposed issue of non-sports talk on here. what i posted was 100% sports and hockey talk.
  17. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    I have so many favorites I could never narrow it down to just one.
  18. "To me winning just to lose in the first rd is pointless over getting a top draft pick."

    Cat that is my POINT.........and I used the Vancouver Canucks as an example yesterday..

    .....the Draft is a Lottery......the Canucks Tanked two years in a row and the best they did was 5th overall.

    With the Lottery there is no guarantee......and check this out ....the 2017 Draft.....Flyers picked 2nd.

    I believe they were 11th overall for season.....that is what I hate about TANKING.
  19. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    There is an issue with people getting too personal with each other over mild disagreements.

    It happens all across this website from time to time, not just here on the hockey threads.

    Dan expressed his opinion on it.

    You expressed yours.

    I'm just here to see what happens next.
  20. "But it's a fact that the Blackhawks sweater is the best uniform in sports history. Any argument is invalid because I said so." is nice BWW.........and they have NEVER changed it.

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