The Ditch part deux

Discussion in 'NHL General Discussion Board' started by cutter9394, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. skinny123 Guest

    5-3, Varly sucked.
  2. Catfish Guest

    good for u Will. keep it up.

    Im at 978. Closing in on 1000 days (Feb 1st).
    Willie likes this.
  3. Im at 978. Closing in on 1000 days (Feb 1st).

    WOW that is 3 years Cat.........good for you.

    And Will and Skinny........KUDOS for you both for cutting back on alcohol intake.

    I think I need to make Beer Bets with you guys on upcoming games.....I can never loss....LOL
    Catfish and skinny123 like this.
  4. Catfish Guest

    thanks VV. 3 years is May 10th. Can't believe it's been almost 3 years. I don't think about it though. I know my # but don't think about drinking or having a drink. im long over that. im lucky in that regard.
    Vancouver Volcanos likes this.
  5. Catfish Guest

    i didn't mind Miller Lite, Bud Light or Busch Light. Coors light was just too light for me. all of it was easy drinking but to me Coors Light was like beer flavored water. haha.
  6. I know my # but don't think about drinking or having a drink. im long over that. im lucky in that regard.

    Kudos my friend..........I'm a Social Drinker and enjoy having a Beer with my Buddies.
    Catfish likes this.
  7. but to me Coors Light was like beer flavored water. haha.

    I feel that way about ALL Lite Beers.......I hate Beer that is Flavoured with Fruits and Veggies...WTF
    Catfish likes this.
  8. Catfish Guest

    i learned VV last year when i made a comment about others in the program that outsiders saw my comments as mean and not compassionate. i was appalled by that until i looked back and pealed back the layers of what i was saying and they were right. not everyone is like me and is making this look easy. not everyone can go throughout a day and not think or want a drink or be happy to make it to bedtime without drinking. i was wrong to speak ill of people struggling. i won't do it again, but i also won't give any more anniversary speeches or anything like that. no one needs to know about my fight and successes. this is my problem and my problem alone, not everyone else's. they don't need to know about my past year of sobriety. it's really no one's business but my own. my own family, including 7 older siblings, rarely even asked me about it or how im doing etc, so if they don't care, i don't or won't care to tell them anymore. this is my fight alone. just the way i like it.
    skinny123 and Vancouver Volcanos like this.
  9. Catfish Guest

    Blue Moon ! haha.

    Yeah i liked to hang with my buddies, but i had a second and third gear afterwards that they didn't have. Most people don't have the gear im referring too.
  10. but i also won't give any more anniversary speeches or anything like that. no one needs to know about my fight and successes.

    I disagree Cat..........Be Proud of yourself and don't be afraid to share it....were all friends here Cat.
    Catfish likes this.
  11. Catfish Guest

    i meant in the program. i gave an anniversary speech the last 2 years to rounds of applause. i don't need to showcase my sobriety anymore. people in those rooms are a lot more sober than me and don't say a word. i actually took a ton of shots at myself in these speeches. i don't have to do it anymore. no more grandstanding or boasting. i'll keep it to myself. i know what im doing.
    Vancouver Volcanos likes this.
  12. skinny123 Guest

    I've never allowed the booze to control my life, hardly ever drink at home. I'm a social drinker and don't get hammered much anymore. I went to a bar in europe about 15 years ago and had 6 beers. Everybody thought I had a problem because they don't binge drink over there.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2019
  13. Catfish Guest

    omg then what is Oktoberfest ? 6 beers pfft. it's like ordering an appetizer for me in my heyday.
  14. skinny123 Guest

    No way I was in your league, my limit was usually 6 beers at a club or bar. At a wedding, stag, cottage or vacation resort was when I did my most drinking, mixing beer with other spirits.
    Catfish likes this.
  15. Catfish Guest

    haha i won't even tell you what else i could do and some contests i was asked to do in my youth that i did foolishly. how i didn't die is beyond me. never mixed beer and spirits. one or the other all night. a mix is a guarantee puke call. there was a phrase in college about it about doing one before the other but not mixing it or reversing it. i forget it now.
  16. skinny123 Guest

    At some these functions I would be able to drink 10 rye/rum and coke/ginger witth wine and shots, still drive home.

    Little did I know they were watered down and not full ounces It didn't even cross my mind about all the pop I was consuming, tonnes of artificial sugar.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2019
  17. skinny123 Guest

    Bobrovsky being disciplined by cbj for an undisclosed incident, looks like he's done there.
  18. Catfish Guest

    i wouldn't recommend that again !
  19. Catfish Guest

    he's been done there since November when he was in the doghouse for something else.
  20. Bobrovsky being disciplined by cbj for an undisclosed incident, looks like he's done there.

    I'm hearing rumours he beat up his girlfriend after pounding some Vodka.

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