When asked why he thinks he should still be a part of the solution, he just talks himself out of it. No answer. He said, "Ownership wants me to continue". Cool, cool.
Yeah, I loved that. At least someone tried. Georgie boy still talked nonsense out of it, but at least Potash tried.
Why no followups? He answers that they made the decision on Nagy and Pace last night. Why no logical followup of, "So if they won yesterday, would they still be here? And if not, why didn't you make the move earlier?". Come on, guys. Fans are pissed. Do us a fucking favor.
The live chat on the youtube page is hilarious. Just an endless stream of clown emoji's. Well done Bears fans
When asked why he and Teddy are helming the hiring again: "At some point, the football person answers to us anyway, so we don't need someone else" (paraphrasing). Yeah, we know, Georgie. That's the fucking problem.
"I'm just a fan, not a football evaluator" Yes, Georgie. WE FUCKING KNOW. WHY ARE YOU JUST AGREEING WITH US BUT NOT CHANGING ANYTHING????
Another good question: Will Ted have any say in the firing of next GM & HC. Answer: Essentially yes. So the guy who isnt involved and has never been involved in football operations will continue to be involved in football operations. GTFOH
McCaskey just compared himself to Halas. Just to be clear. I'm a few minutes behind, because I got a call some kids at my son's school have COVID. That was important enough to pause.
"Polian talked football with Dungy for eight hours during their initial interview". Georgie, we both know you're not going to talk football with a candidate for eight hours. This is, again, part of the problem.
Yeah...nothing has changed. They are gonna use an outside source like an Ernie Accorsi...just like they did last time. This is fucking same ole, same ole for this franchise.
Teddy says that he doesn't regret anything about his prior hires, with Nagy and Pace. "You couldn't ask for better leaders". You know, "leadership" being the same quality that they said was the driving factor in their next selection. Guys, please. You're saying the things that we're telling you not to say. But you're still saying it. Why?
Georgie keeps saying, "We'll only convince people once there are wins on the field". But that's not the question. You're being asked WHAT THE FUCK IS DIFFERENT this time around, and you're telling us nothing - that nothing is different. You dumb fuck.