Yeah its all BS. Also there's was a tangible snark and underlying resentment running throughout that presser. You see the bit were Haugh hadnt unmuted and George said thats the best question you've asked me, then Haugh shot back it'll be as good as your answer and did you see George's face? The mask slipped. Same with Ted's snide response when his did we win enough games response from last year was thrown back at him. The guys HATE that they have to come up there and do that. HATE having to answer questions from the press. HATE having to have any kind of accountability to fans. They would love nothing more than to be running the state ping pong team in communist China. All money no questions.
One thing i will say is this....assuming George was telling the understanding is the GM will answer directly to George. George knows nothing and will stay out of the way. What that means is the GM will have tremendous power to make decisions. In theory it also means with one less layer there should be clearer accountability and you should be able to see quicker if he's doing good or bad. The GM of the Bears will have more power than a lot of other GMs where there is a VP football ops to go through. That means what was already a big draw job is about to become a huge draw. The right guy is gonna apply for this job, no question. Problem is its a clown circus in charge of sifting through it all to find him among all the applicants.
He could've thrown Pace under the bus, but he chose to throw Kreutz under the bus. Just think about that. You wanna be a coach or player for this team? The team whose President just said a former and beloved star who is a major part of the community is a liar, and "that's just the kind of guy he is" - you know, a liar. Holy fuck, Georgie. Just leave, dude. Fuck.
100%. I saw the same the whole time. These dudes have their jobs, no questions asked. So they hate anyone asking any fucking questions. They're gonna get it right, they don't owe us any explanation - that's how they operate. It was clear how much they hated being up there, and that they didn't have any answers. "We're confident we'll get it right, just wait and see". That was the answer. Fuck.
I don't want to be a dick but I totally envision at least one of the hires they will do, GM or coach, to be a diversity hire and maybe both of them. And that's fine. There are plenty of minority candidates out there that could be really great. But...if that's your motivation going in then you aren't going to see things clearly and it's going to steer you in the wrong direction. I'm all for diversity. I think a sport dominated by minority athletes should definitely see more minorities in the front office and owners box. But it should happen organically and not be forced.
Theoretically the GM will have power, sure. But that GM is going to have to get the job, and I'm sure Georgie and Ted are going to have some answers they demand out of that interview process from their eventual hire. We know that prior GM and HC candidates weren't hired because they didn't give answers Georgie and Teddy liked - whether it was guys like Ballard wanting to get rid of Cutler, or Arians wanting his own staff. So, sure - once they're here, theoretically they'll have power and only answer to Georgie on review at end of year. That sounds nice. But the guy who gets the job is going to be one that satisfies Georgie's questions in the first place, and that's the problem. Based on this presser, nothing is different, so... Let's hope they get lucky. We know Pace and Nagy are gone, so at least there's a chance the next two guys will get it right. Is it a good chance? No. But there's a chance. And that's better than the last seven fucking years with the last guys.
I think Georgie was just trying to score brownie SJW points by reiterating the role of the DEI consultant. I doubt she will factor much in the actual hire for either coach or GM. Truthfully though, she could probably make a better hire than Georgie + Teddy. Or at least not do any worse.
Exactly. Also, isnt the NFL basically paying draft picks for minority hires this time? I think i read somewhere that you get a 3rd round pick for a minority hire in each post. It would be just like these clowns to base the hire on the 3rd round pick thinking they are somehow gaming the system. Stupid fucks.
I mean dont get me wrong i do it too. When the local pub does the bingo offer of buy yourself a pint of Guinness 6 times and we'll buy you the 7th, i sometimes do it. But 1- I can drink that much Guinness. And 2- Guinness is good.
This was my thinking. Same cynicism we all have, just predicting a different result. You can hire anyone you want to, as long as you can say you had your diversity consultant there at all times, so you don't look racist. The guys that think they can do no wrong and shouldn't change their hiring process... that feels more like their response than actually hiring a minority candidate. But could definitely go either way. Could make for an interesting bet.
If I lived in Chicago? Make a series of T-shirts with Georgie's face on it that say, "My mom thinks I do a good job". But since that tweet is from a T-shirt company, I have a feeling they're ahead of me on this one...
Whole heap of lick-spittle toad journalists in that presser, but Mark Potash was the clear MVP. Really hit em pretty good. I think Pat Finley might've landed a good blow once too. Adam Hoge also go it on one, but it was more of a passive aggressive chess move. Kinda like when the wife questions you in such a way that you wind up fucking yourself without even realising it. Those sneaky bastards
An 80’year old guy that said Lamar Jackson’s only option in the NFL would be as a wide receiver is basically gonna pick our new GM and coach.
No, no. Georgie is going to. But, as he said, Georgie is just a fan, so he's going to rely on an 80 year old that said Lamar was only a wide receiver to give him all of his football information in making that decision. This was literally the entire point of the press conference, and if it doesn't make anyone feel any better, well... Georgie told us it's just gonna take time. So... I'm gonna pay my therapist for at least another 4-5 years, probably.
Why would you pay a therapist when you can stop in here and get it for free? 4 or 5 years of smoke blown up your ass by them, or come in here for a slice of reality with no expectations.
Man, the more I think about it, the more disastrous that press conference was. It's amazing that someone in their 60's, operating among the highest executive levels of a multi-billion dollar field, made the prepared statement that he did. He asked himself a question, "Bears fans must be asking, 'How can we be sure you'll do the right job?'", then answered it with, "We're confident". That's it. That was the answer. How are you going to prepare that statement, decide you want to specifically point out how you suck giant balls at your job, and then have no answer to it??? It amazes me that anyone other than a failing middle school student in English class would do that.