The 2020 NFL Draft Thread

Discussion in 'NFL Draft' started by Campbell, Apr 23, 2020.

  1. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Pace constantly spending capital to fix his own mistakes.

    I can't stand it. Not happy. Oh, well. I didn't do my own scouting for the first time... ever. So I get to just optimistically hope this kid is going to be a good fit.
  2. StlCrtn Franchise Player Steelers

    I still like Dobbins or Akers
    gidion72 and TopDawg like this.
  3. Badd_Man1 M.V.P. Vikings

    I was hoping the Vikings would get him Laviska Shenault jr
    gidion72, TopDawg and LAOJoe like this.
  4. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    Not sure Dobbins will be there
    TopDawg likes this.
  5. RTTRUTH Legend Manager Colts

    I appreciate both these responses.

    To be clear, nobody is 100% decided yet.
    gidion72 and Campbell like this.
  6. RTTRUTH Legend Manager Colts

    Definitely unfortunate I have Mack already though.
    gidion72 and Campbell like this.
  7. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    Of course COMMERCIAL BREAK happens while the pick s in for the Browns.
    gidion72 and Campbell like this.
  8. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    If Delpit and Winfield both go in the next few picks I'm calling shenanigans on ESPN.
    gidion72, TopDawg and Campbell like this.
  9. dirk275 Franchise Player Steelers

    Oh Yeah. They shored up the D too.

    Who do I root for when they play the Steelers? It's a quandary
    gidion72 and Campbell like this.
  10. StlCrtn Franchise Player Steelers

    I don’t think so either, unless Tampa passes on him. Then there’s a chance
    gidion72, IrishDawg42 and Campbell like this.
  11. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Okay if Winfield is next then ESPN is using their knowledge to spoil on tv with the cameras.
    gidion72 and Campbell like this.
  12. TopDawg Legend

    Love that pick for Cleveland...
  13. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish


  14. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    ESPN is fucking trash.
    RTTRUTH, gidion72 and Campbell like this.
  15. StlCrtn Franchise Player Steelers

    That’s not new news
    dirk275, RTTRUTH, nybites and 4 others like this.
  16. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    Mims would be hard to pass if he were there. A big target who can stretch the field.
  17. TopDawg Legend

    They did
    gidion72, LAOJoe and Campbell like this.
  18. crextin Franchise Player Browns

    So far I really like the way Berry is handling his first draft
    gidion72, RTTRUTH and Campbell like this.
  19. RTTRUTH Legend Manager Colts

    What can I say, Chris Ballard doesn’t respect the trenches quite like I do
    gidion72, Campbell and LAOJoe like this.
  20. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Delpit to Cleveland. I would've much preferred him over Kmet for Chicago. Oh, well. I'm glad Cleveland gets him - they need him desperately, and he'll fit well there.

    Ryan Pace, please save us all and give up, already. Let someone else do your job. Please.

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