Steelers Draft and Mel Kiper sucks thread!!

Discussion in 'Pittsburgh Steelers' started by Steelroc74, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. StlCrtn Franchise Player Steelers

    What the??? Gidion is actually on point with something? Is the world ending?
  2. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    WT? I am always on point. Most of the time people are lost when I educate them!
  3. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    WT? I am always on point. Most of the time people are lost when I educate them!
  4. Baramay Guest

    My mistake, thanks for pointing it out in a non-offensive way. Educate me some more, what is it called when someone nitpicks your post for errors but misses the message and has nothing positive to say? Are you going to contribute a redraft or just complain if a player does not pan out on the team?
  5. manosteel9423 Franchise Player Steelers

    Eggs-actly (TM burghball)

    Ike has every right to be angry. I don't even mind him voicing that anger...once. If he were to go on and on about it throughout training camp and the season, I would change my tune, but Ike doesn't strike me that way. He said his piece, I'm sure that will be the end of it.
  6. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    Hopefully reporters don't ask him about it every day.
  7. burghball Guest

    I'm not sure how anybody that makes over 250,000/yr can whine.. but you hear it all the time....

    One reason I dont pay much attention to who gets what money in the NFL..


    one of the idiots
  8. demolisher43 Franchise Player Steelers

    Wheaton's status is still up in the air. :cool:
  9. manosteel9423 Franchise Player Steelers

    Average NFL career is less than 6 years. $250K x 6 is $1.5M. If somebody handed you $1.5M at the age of 25 would you be able to make it last the rest of your life?

    Maybe you could, maybe you couldn't.

    The reality is that these guys work from the time they are very young to get to the absolute top of their profession and once they are there, they have a VERY limited window to earn their money. Sure, they have the option of finding an alternate source of income once football is no longer an option, but that doesn't diminish, to me, the fact that they have every right to maximize their earning potential during their limited career or their right to complain when someone takes money away after signing a contract agreeing to pay that money.
  10. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    I would like to try (and, in my case because I don't have that much further to go) and would have no problem.

    However, in Ike's case, your math is a tad bit off. Ike didn't average $250K / year. He averaged $3,441,250 per year (including base, signing bonus and roster bonus). Multiply THAT time 6 and you get . . .

    $20,647,500 !!!

    Ya, I could live on that.
  11. manosteel9423 Franchise Player Steelers

    Well, I was basing my "math" off of burghball's lack of sympathy for anyone making over $250K/year, but the point is the same.

    That $20M, after taxes, agent fees and other miscellaneous business expenses, would pocket Ike about $8-10M. Could someone live off of that for his entire life? Probably, if they lived frugally and invested wisely.

    However, the point of all this is that football players are routinely forced to honor a contract early in their career that they outplayed but the team is never forced to honor a contract when a player underperforms. I have no issue with a player expressing his displeasure with that dynamic of the player/team relationship.
  12. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    The problem isn't that they don't make enough to live on the rest of their lives. It is that most of the players find a way to spend the money almost as quick as they get it. They are like every other American living paycheck to paycheck.
  13. manosteel9423 Franchise Player Steelers

    I think "most" might be a stretch. We certainly hear more about the players who struggle after they leave the game than we ever hear about the guys who handle their money well, but I think there are probably just as many who take good care of their money as there are that blow it all.

    Or, at the very least, the percentage of players who are bad with their money is likely no higher than that of the regular population.
  14. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    Where the problem is more pronounced is among players who have the gang banger mentality. If you make 10+ million in a few years you should never have money problems again in your life.
  15. LoveTheSteelers Franchise Player Steelers

    Yessir, and if you take Mano's estimate of $8-10 million that Ike has earned after taxes, fees, and other expenses... he doesn't need to invest a penny or live frugally. He can spend $100,000 per year for 80-100 years before the money runs out.

    I have no sympathy for anyone, athlete or otherwise, who wastes millions of dollars and is left penniless. All it takes is a modicum of thought to ensure fiscal freedom for your family for generations to come.
  16. Jeanquev Legend Steelers

    Seems to be most
    I belive they also said 60% of NBA players end up in the same boat.
  17. nybites M.V.P. Steelers UCONN

    When did this become a salary thread
    Discussing Financial stability? Steelers Draft and Meryl Lynch Sucks?

    I have a good article but cannot figure how to post it on my profile. *BYE*
  18. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    NY, if you email Jason he can get you all the info you need to get rolling.
  19. manosteel9423 Franchise Player Steelers

    Interesting, didn't expect that to be so high. Any chance you could find me a link to that article?
  20. manosteel9423 Franchise Player Steelers

    Wow...did this conversation ever get sidetracked! lol.

    It started with the idea that Ike shouldn't complain about having to take a paycut. I disagree. Not because it puts Ike in a financial plight, but because the terms of the contract are extremely one sided. If Ike had played really well last year, the team would not have asked him to take a pay cut. At the same time, if Ike would have had a career year and thought he was worth more than he was scheduled to make, he could not demand a raise the way the team demanded he takes a cut. The team would just say, "Ike is under contract and we expect him to play under that contract."

    I just think as fans, we get caught up in the amount of money these guys make and have a hard time understanding how anybody could be angry about making just shy of $3M this year. To me, that's not the way to look at it. Its all relative.

    If Ike had been scheduled to make $200K last year and the team forced him to take a 60% cut down to $80K, I bet people would be singing a different tune just because those are numbers we can more easily relate to.

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