Steelers Draft and Mel Kiper sucks thread!!

Discussion in 'Pittsburgh Steelers' started by Steelroc74, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. igloofn68 Guest

    They have about 5 writers on CBS mocking and all but one have the Bears picking Donald right before the Steelers pick. I haven't looked lately so things might have changed but thats what they had about a week or 2 ago....

    The thing about all of these QB's are, none is a Peyton Manning, Big Ben, Brady, Luck, etc. Is it really worth picking one early 1st round when some of these teams can fill a bigger need with a better player. When most will probably fall to late 1st round or 2nd round, imfo? There's some that will go in the 3rd, possibly Savage, Mettenberger is rising for example. Manzeil is the wild card. Can he take the pounding in the NFL every season?
  2. smcndfan Franchise Player Steelers

    If Jones can play inside then fine, but they better be sure. I don't want to use a first round pick on an insurance policy.
  3. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    Worilds, Timmons, Jones and Barr - that is an exciting group of LBs with explosion, youth and talent.
  4. smcndfan Franchise Player Steelers

    If the Steelers cut him they still have to pay him
  5. How many yrs does he have?
  6. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    Are you insinuating the 3-4 defense is all about the linebackers Tim? [:}
  7. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    How many edge rushers did the Seahawks have last year? They rotated those guys in and had fresh pass rushers all day long.
  8. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

  9. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    49ers are going to be aggressive according to what I'm reading. They love Mike Evans. Imagine if he dropped to 15 and the Niners came up to nab him in front of brother John? Niners have the #30, #56, #61, #77, #94, #100, #129, #170, #242, #243, #245.

    We have a big gap between 46 and 97.

    How bad do they want him? Would they give up the 61st and 77th to move from 30 to 15? Is that enough?
  10. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    There is a thread discussing a scenario with Aldon Smith -

    Play the part of Colbert, does any of this interest you?
  11. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    I have no interest in Aldon Smith whatsoever. You can't fix crazy and he's a free agent in March.
  12. smcndfan Franchise Player Steelers

    Worilds signed his one year transition tag offer. It was assumed that they would try to work out a long term deal with him before the season started.
  13. nybites M.V.P. Steelers UCONN

    Ok someone else gets it cool. *SHADES* That was my argument all along BPA and Barr > Gilbert or Dennard. Defense slid last year. WHY? 1- No pressure on QB 2- Ike winding down. Round 3-4 you can get Desir, Cockrell, EJ Gaines, Walt Aikens. You sure as sh@% are t going to find anything close to Anthony Barr & his ceiling . JMFO
  14. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    That ^^^^.

    If Anthony Barr is there at 15 pull the trigger and figure the rest out later. Unless someone wants to come up for him and give up picks.
  15. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    I'm not as versed as some of these other guys but I think there are going to be some really good WRs and CBs from 30-64. Or maybe Nix or Hageman at 30. I also like what I've seen from Jernigan but I know he's not real popular in here. There could be a run at QBs from 20-30 also so that could push a guy like Mosley or Pryor down.
  16. LoveTheSteelers Franchise Player Steelers

    The thing about QBs in general is you never know until they start to play. Ben was a huge gamble for the Steelers because he played in the MAC. He had all the physical tools and a whole lot of intangibles, but until year 2 we didn't really know how good he would be for the team. And he's still improving in terms of decision making and running the offense.

    Brady was a 6th round pick, right? No NFL team had any expectations of him at all when he was drafted.

    I get your point that none of this year's QBs are considered generational talent like Manning or Luck - I totally agree. However, teams know that the fastest way to win is to get lucky with a QB. That is how you wind up with Jamarcus Russell, Ryan Leaf, Matt Leinert, Kerry Collins, Richard Todd, Vince Young, David Carr, Joey Harrington, Jack Thompson, Kelly Stoufer, Tim Couch, David Klingler, Todd Blackledge, Akili Smith, Andre Ware, Rick Mirer, and Heath Shuler. Most or all of those guys were top-10 picks where you have the best talent in the world available to select from. Instead they got really bad quarterbacks.

    **Thanks to Bleacher Report for a list of QB busts...
  17. igloofn68 Guest

    That's what I mean LTS. I think a team is taking a BIG risk if they draft any of these guys this year in the top 10. Manzeil might go with fingers crossed but all the others need work before they start in the NFL. That is, if they can do the job after all the coaches help. Carr is supposed to have an NFL arm but needs groomed in other area's according to what I hear and read. So they are all actually projects that need worked on. None are going to just come in and start. So any team picking a QB will not get 1st round help this coming the very least......Not many teams in the later rounds need a QB until the Browns at 26. That will leave players open in the 2nd round for the later picking teams to get a good player in the the first 2 rounds. Most of the teams that need a QB won't chance one getting to the 3rd round, imo......
  18. nybites M.V.P. Steelers UCONN

    NFL. com has 4 mocks out, 2 out of 4 have Darquez Dennard going to Pittsburgh. However, both have Anthony Barr going 16 to the Cowboys. Once again, Barr played 2 seasons on Defense, he has natural pass rush ability and is going to get better. Dennard is a press corner who was allowed to be pretty physical at the LOS in the NCAA. I believe LeBeau can adapt to the player's strengths and vice versa. But if you put up a value chart on a guy who gets to the QB, it's more than a guy who can cover. If Dennard ends up being the next Revis, shuttind down half the filed, I'll eat my words. But in my mind, Anthony Barr has an unlimited ceiling right now, he has a connection to Carnell Lake, and if you watch film, he is relentless and unlike Clowney, plays the whole field, not just his side. So I am banging the table for Barr. I've been wrong before, but from what I watched in the Fall, Barr is one of those 5-6 special players in this draft. (Clowney, Mack, Barr, Watkins, Manziel,

    Moving forward, it'stime for big board, top 100 THAT FIT PITTSBURGH. I will put out this list within the next week, you guys are welcome to chime in and we can adjust it. Due to the minimal participation this year, and time constraints, I just have to grab the ball and run with it. There are a few guys I will jump up and down for, and I will try and remember all the players others liked. Any player that the Steelers have shown an interest in, must be included. You cannot exclude anyone unless they are not a fit for the Scheme or Team.

    I have no negative comments about anyone on MNC or this thread, I myself have a lot going on in my life, the Steelers and the Draft are a percentage of my interests. Doing this is a hobby, and paying the bills, for all of us, must take precidence. My order of what is important.


    Counitng CBS this is my 7th rodeo of putting out my thoughts in one way shape or form on the Draft. I still have the passion, the drive, the time, that's another issue. I have not waivered on a few things.

    Trust the Steelers, they are commited to putting a winning team out there.

    You can put in countess hours and still be wrong on every level including the NFL front office

    Mel Kiper Sucks because he's an arrogant twit, who's opinion is just that. He is not very good at talent evalutation, he is more of a sensationistic figurehead who sells books and advertising for ESPN. ESPN appeals to a ceratin demographic audience, 18-25 year olds, who are impressionable and too naiive to question thier "knowlege" It's really simple, and I do not hate everyone at ESPN, but would you rather listen to MIke and MIke and put up with that whiny Greenburg, or Cold PIzza with any whiny biatch, Skip Bayless, or better yet turn on the radio and listen to the King of Whine, Colon Blowhard. I myslef would prefer to watch Molly Qerim host a panel of fomer NFL players. (unlike ESPN who hires Tennis Geeks; Kiper, Greenburg)
  19. smcndfan Franchise Player Steelers

    I prefer to watch Molly Qerim without the former NFL players
  20. nybites M.V.P. Steelers UCONN


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