Runner, Boxer, Martial Arts Expert or Crossfitter?

Discussion in 'Physical Fitness' started by babyfan, Feb 20, 2016.

  1. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Of course your basement is a bar Axe ... :)

    When you're working out do you stick to strength-training/weight-lifting or do you mix it up with cardio too?
  2. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    I always try to mix in at least a LITTLE cardio - I usually start off on the treadmill to work up a bit of a sweat and get the heart rate going.
  3. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Have you ever tried a HIT workout Axe? At the most it would only take between 10-15 minutes. It's really high intensity but once it's done ... it's done.

    Is there a trainer at your gym who you ask about it?
  4. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    I haven't - what is it...?

    There are - and my wife and I are actually entitled to one free consultation with a trainer since we just joined.
  5. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    So a HIIT workout is:

    High Intensity (Interval) Training (HIT) is a form of strength training popularized in the 1970s by Arthur Jones, the founder of Nautilus. The training focuses on performing quality weight training repetitions to the point of momentary muscular failure.

    These moves are not all necessarily done with weight equipment either. It's just as beneficial to use your own body weight for some of the moves.

    From Tom Holland who is a Connecticut-based exercise physiologist, certified sports nutritionist, and CEO and founder of TeamHolland. "HIIT allows athletes to get more work at a higher intensity than if they did it steady-state. By having those rest intervals, you spend more time in the upper end of aerobic capacity, whereas you wouldn?t be able to do that if you tried to do 10 minutes of really high-intensity exercises. It's going to have positive physiological adaptations, including improved fat burning, insulin sensitivity, and skeletal muscle oxidation".

    The other workout that really brings results is the Tabata workout. As for Tabata, this training style originated from a 1996 study in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise authored by Izumi Tabata. The study found that intense four-minute workouts done five days a week for six weeks improved VO2 max and anaerobic energy supply system. The shorter the workout, the more intense it will be. Nowadays, the Tabata method is often used in sessions lasting longer than four minutes, making those workouts Tabata adaptations.

    Here are the details about HIIT and Tabata training. HIIT and Tabata are similar but the differences are that rest and work periods in Tabata are shorter compared to HIIT, and Tabata pushes the limit on the percentage of your maximum heart rate.

    These are easily found on the Internet too, you really don't even need a personal trainer to show you the moves, just study them on the net and put together your own program. Both of these workouts are very similar to Crossfit workouts where you'll excerise fast and to failure for each body part.

    Here's a sample of one of mine that I designed. I do this workout once in the morning and once in the afternoon and it should only take you about 15-20 minutes or so:

    40 Jumping Jacks
    5 Jump Squats
    30 Speed Skaters
    1:00 Jog in Place High Knees
    10 Side Lunges
    10 Burpees
    10 Alternating Lunge Jumps
    30 Mountain Climbers
    5 Jackknife Situps
    20 Lunge Kicks
    30 Jumping Jacks
    20 Russian Twists
    10 Burpees
    1:00 Jog High Knees

    Do this with 10 second rests in between each move. Repeat 5 times.

    That should get your heart rate going :)
  6. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    "Going" is right - going to the hospital with a myocardial infarction.
  7. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    LOL that's so funny Axe!
  8. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    It's funny because it's true...!

    Seriously, that's a great, high-intensity regimen you developed, but I can honestly say I'm not ready for that yet.
  9. Catfish Guest

    i don't even know what half of those are. i would need a EMT team on standby!
  10. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Honestly you could probably do just one set and work on that for 2 weeks or until you're comfortable. Taking a longer rest in between moves also helps you to control your breathing.

    I just finished doing it and LOL ... I'm ready for another shower. I've got a client who asked me to work with her once summer starts and she's finished teaching. She's very heavy and I will use this program with her with some modifications. Start with 10 Jumping Jacks and modify the rest of the program to suit her abilities (notice I didn't say limitations?). It's a great way to kick start a fat loss program (if you need to lose fat) or to simply maintain where you are now if you're trying to bulk up. Add a macro-nutrient rich diet to that and you're the winner!

    Speaking of which ... I have to get something to eat. LOL
  11. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    This made me burst out laughing ... I love you Cat or Fish or whatever we're going by LOL
  12. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    BF, is that the same type of thing they do in a Pi-yo class? My wife is talking about starting to take one on Sundays and I'm curious as to how large of a medical bill I should be prepared to pay.
  13. Catfish Guest

    on here - people call me both. and in some cases a profanity follows them. haha.
  14. Catfish Guest

    for you or her ? haha
  15. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

  16. Catfish Guest

    well daylight savings time is coming in 2 weeks and temps in the 70's next week. time to start walking after work. i used to do it all the time and got out of it. i need to start up again as i am a fat bastard. hell in my 20's i used to jog 4 miles a night.
  17. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Hey Tim! I actually teach PiYo which is a combination of Pilates and Yoga. You will not need to call any Emergency Medical Services .. it's really just concentrated stretching. It's also just about the most amazing thing you can do to tone up your entire body AND get into a total meditative state of mind. It's very calming and relaxing (except when it's hard and challenging) and she'll leave the class feeling good all over.

    What I've been talking about here is completely different really. These workouts are aimed to have the athlete working in their upper cardiac range (burn fat and build muscle) and it basically brings you to complete fatigue in all of your muscles. The fun thing about HIIT and Tabata workouts is that you can actually even do them outside ... just bring a bar out with some weights and you can then add in your sprints and lunges and squats while you're enjoying the sunshine.
  18. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Well I'm just glad that the Cat and the Fish is here ...
  19. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Fat Bastard as in, "Git in my belly" fat?


    Walking is awesome. I love walking all year round. We just got a huge amount of snow last night but I will put on my snowshoes and go out this afternoon. There was 2 feet of snow on my deck (it's 50' x 15') but it's all gone now and it took me 1 hour to shovel it. I love shovelling. The driveway will have to wait for my husband to do because I'm not allowed to drive the big John Deere.

    And surprise surprise ... I'm hungry again. I think I wrote that same thing somewhere else on the board ... protein and Kale here I come!
  20. Catfish Guest

    Fat Bastard as in, "Git in my belly" fat?


    thankfully im not anywhere close to the real fat bastard. it's been a rough winter with some illnesses so i packed on some weight i didn't need to pack on. once i get in a routine of walking 4 miles a night, it will jump start me to do it every night! that's what i need - the push!

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