RIP Thread... pile them up in here

Discussion in 'In The News' started by firehalo, Sep 28, 2017.

  1. Rest in Peace he was so young.

    He was great in "Life of Pi"............great movie.
    Underdog likes this.
  2. Duff_Beer_Doug Franchise Player Browns Indians C&D Club

  3. Duff_Beer_Doug Franchise Player Browns Indians C&D Club

  4. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    That’s my age. He was born in 1964.
  5. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Don Shula. Hall of Fame NFL Head Coach with the Colts and the Dolphins. Age 90.
    Last edited: May 4, 2020
  6. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    gidion72 likes this.
  7. Don Shula. Hall of Fame NFL Head Coach with the Colts and the Dolphins. Age 90.

    Rest in Peace were one of the Greats.

    Don Shula.jpg
    gidion72, Willie and Lyman like this.
  8. Jeanquev Legend Steelers

    Singer Brian Howe (fronted bad company from 1986 until 1994) dead at 66 from cardiac arrest.
    gidion72 likes this.
  9. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints

    Roy Horn
    (Siegfried and Roy)
    The virus got him.
    75 y/o

    The wife and I went to see them. They were great !!!
    gidion72 likes this.
  10. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    Little Richard, 87
    Jeanquev, Underdog and Duff_Beer_Doug like this.
  11. Duff_Beer_Doug Franchise Player Browns Indians C&D Club

    Just heard this on the radio. Big loss to the world of Rock-N-Roll.

    Still love him singing his overly long version of the Star Spangled Banner in Mystery, Alaska to freeze up the NY Rangers. Wish I could find a video of that.
  12. RIP Richard..........another Great One Passes.........
  13. Duff_Beer_Doug Franchise Player Browns Indians C&D Club

    Underdog, Jeanquev and LAOJoe like this.
  14. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    Was a tough week for the music biz.

    Uptown Records founder Andre Harrell at 59

    Kraftwerk co-founder Florian Schneider at 73

    R&B legend Betty Wright at 66
  15. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    I bet nobody thought Betty Wright would go before Betty White.
    Underdog likes this.
  16. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    Fred Willard, 86, natural causes. Fuck me 2020 sucks swollen blue whale nuts
    LAOJoe and Campbell like this.
  17. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    Phyllis George, NFL Broadcasting Pioneer, Dies At 70
  18. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    Former Bears President And CEO Michael McCaskey Dies At 76
  19. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    This may be in bad taste....but that's the wrong McCaskey. How is Virginia still holding on?
  20. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    He's had so many good smaller roles over the back half of his career. Lots of father, professor, boss roles that he nailed. He's got a recurring role in the Netflix animated comedy Space Force coming at the end of the month too.

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