RIP Thread... pile them up in here

Discussion in 'In The News' started by firehalo, Sep 28, 2017.

  1. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    Hard to see a Caesar and not want a Caesar.

    That’s actually how they market Caesars.

    I’d have a Caesar.
    LAOJoe likes this.
  2. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    I've had Goslings (80 proof and 151), but none of their aged products.

    Goslings is the way to go for a Dark 'n Stormy.
    gidion72 likes this.
  3. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    Used to be a gin and tonic guy (years ago). Now it gin martinis (with a twist, no olives...and just wave the bottle of vermouth in the general direction of Europe when making it.)

    Oh, and stirred, not shaken.
    gidion72 likes this.
  4. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    Gin only taste good with tonic. Kind of weird. Tonic only taste good with gin.
  5. Catfish Guest

    in my day - mixed with raspberry juice or orange soda over ice. never tested the vodka.
    gidion72 likes this.
  6. skinny123 Guest

    Danny Aiello, 86.
  7. Catfish Guest

    no James Bond ladies for you.
    AxeMurderer likes this.
  8. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    No ... but at least I'm not ordering a watered down drink.
  9. Duff_Beer_Doug Franchise Player Browns Indians C&D Club

  10. Start fixing your diet, and hit the gym (or take up some sort of workout regimen). I'm 55 and can bench more and run farther and faster than I could when I was 40.

    Great advice AXE..............I go too (water park) and swim 3 times a week......Probably the best exercise is swimming.
  11. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    That's something I want to start doing at least once a week once my shoulder is 100%. Almost there - 'nother month, maybe.
    Vancouver Volcanos likes this.
  12. Catfish Guest

    then why would he ordered it? i think he ordered a beer in one of the Daniel Craig movies and there was a huge backlash from Bond fans. I don't think martini's so why is it watered down ?
  13. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    A good Martini (like a good Manhattan) is 100% booze. It's chilled with ice, either shaken or stirred, and the ice is strained out as its poured into the glass.
    AxeMurderer and Catfish like this.
  14. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    Shaking it breaks the ice - the ice chips dissolve in the alcohol, diluting it.

    Bond might have ordered it shaken KNOWING it was a bit less potent so he could keep his wits about him!
    Catfish and Lyman like this.
  15. Catfish Guest

    good thinking. haha.
  16. "Shake or Stir"

    AxeMurderer and Catfish like this.
  17. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Herman Boone, the Head Coach of T.G. Williams High School portrayed by Denzel Washington in the movie Remember the Titans died at the age of 84.
    Vancouver Volcanos and Catfish like this.
  18. Duff_Beer_Doug Franchise Player Browns Indians C&D Club

    Catfish likes this.
  19. Catfish Guest

    "I'm a winner, I'm going to win!"
  20. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    Tough year for the Titans. Bill Yoast and Julius Campbell both passed in 2019 as well
    Catfish and Lyman like this.

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