RIP Thread... pile them up in here

Discussion in 'In The News' started by firehalo, Sep 28, 2017.

  1. skinny123 Guest

    Papa Oriole
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  2. Catfish Guest

    Robinson won both the ROY and MVP in his career. A rare feat but even rarer was him becoming a winner of the triple crown ! Insanely hard to do. A legend. RIP Mr. Robinson.
  3. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    I just noticed I could have worded this better.

    Frank Robinson was, in fact, MLB's first black Manager. He is also in the MLB Hall of Fame.
  4. Catfish Guest

  5. Catfish Guest

  6. Duff_Beer_Doug Franchise Player Browns Indians C&D Club

    Jeanquev and Lyman like this.
  7. Catfish Guest

  8. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints


    When girls were girls, and men were men !!!
    Catfish likes this.
  9. skinny123 Guest

    If you did that today you would be doing time for sexual assault.
  10. skinny123 Guest

    Just curious, could you imagine in 1945 if that guy was black, holy hell, no time cover eh?
    Catfish likes this.
  11. Catfish Guest

    hell if it happened today it would be assault, sexual assault, and lord knows whatever else they would drum up.
  12. If you did that today you would be doing time for sexual assault.

    Sad but True Skinny...........they did know each other and he just grabbed her and planted a Lip Lock.....WW2 was over.

    May they BOTH Rest in Peace.........ICONIC image of a different time.
    Duff_Beer_Doug, Catfish and skinny123 like this.
  13. skinny123 Guest

    Back then if it was a black guy he would've got 10 years for that, nevermind an award winning picture.
    Catfish likes this.
  14. Catfish Guest

    sorry skinny i didn't see your post until after my post. yeah black or white he would be in trouble. what Oscar winning movie are you referring too ?

    vv-i thought they didn't know each other and he just grabbed her??
  15. skinny123 Guest

    Not sure if he won any awards for that picture but it became one of the most famous pictures of the century and he even had to copyright it, the photographer.
    Catfish likes this.
  16. Catfish Guest

    to be on Life magazine it had to be copyrighted.
  17. skinny123 Guest

    So he made a lot of money on it.
    Catfish likes this.
  18. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    The subjects in the photograph didn't make a dime. The photographer did.
    skinny123 and Catfish like this.
  19. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    We could use a man like Herbert Hoover again
  20. SoCalSaint Franchise Player Saints

    I'll be humming that song all day now.
    Catfish likes this.

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