That's the thing, and where we're going to learn what Nagy has. BTW guys, in the power rankings, CBS moved us to #3 during the bye week, ESPN we moved up to #7, and NFL Network stayed at #8. While I am hopeful for the Bears, this seems like madness - I don't think, even in 2006, I've ever seen the Bears so high - no one bought in seemingly. Power rankings mean exactly nothing, this isn't bowl selection I know it's just....strange to be a media darling... ESPN had this interesting tidbit: "Rest-of-season SOS ranking: 22nd. The Bears' toughest remaining game is a Week 17 road game against the Vikings, where they have a 40 percent chance to win, according to FPI. This is actually just one of the Bears' two remaining games in which they are not projected to win. The other is Week 14 against the Rams, where Chicago has a 41 percent chance to win." I honestly hope the lack of penalties is due to solid coaching by Nagy and team, and the lack of roughing the passer calls, lend credence to that. I've started listening to Colid Cowherd in the morning, and while he can a real talking head at times, he did a show discussing Mack where he went on at length on how he and the league WANT the Bears to be good, it's a huge market. So we just need Trubs to be 1985 McMahon? I think that's possible. I can't wait to see if he can progress at the least. If nothing else, this season has me excited to watch the Bears again, and that's the best thing.