Protests and Riots ...

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by babyfan, Jun 4, 2020.

  1. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    Which one was it Eistein ? Were they undefeated or did they lose battles?
  2. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    GTFO of here with this bullshit, veiled statement.

    Foreigners? In the context of trying to become a citizen, the US has a very difficult and rigorous path to citizenship, and we do not bend over backwards often for them (DACA and Reagan's policies being the two in recent memory making pathway to citizenship easier).

    Do you mean in the context of diplomacy? We pay countries/governments to do what's in America's best interests. Sometimes it works like Hawaii. Mostly it really doesn't like Iraq/Sadaam, Iran, Cuba, and a long list.

    US political establishments/both parties refuse to help Americans, not because they want to "please foreigners." Because they want all the money to themselves.

    The US refuses to help Americans because once entitlements are given to its citizens, they're incredibly difficult to get rid of. For example: Social Security. And how long have politicians been trying to get rid of that? In recent memory: The Affordable Care Act. I remember how Orange Julius, McConnell, and Paul Ryan all said they will destroy Obama's bad healthcare plan. They've had FANTASTIC success by the way...

    Lovers of unchecked, unbridled, and predatory capitalism dont like Americans, especially poor ones having nice things. That involves spending money on them or letting them have money. So what's better to politicians? Don't give the people help or entitlements, instead give it to the rich who in turn kick back via "campaign donations" through a well worded, bullshit loophole made law called "citizens united."

    Its part of the reason this country is in the shitty position it is now, with millions of people out of work, unable to afford rent or food meanwhile Karens complain at their local grocery store because they're inconvenienced for having to wear a fucking mask meanwhile congress fumbles around for as much camera time as they can get while still doing nothing.

    We cant wait to throw our most vulnerable into any kind of debt, be it student loans, medical, etc because that means you don't spend money on or invest in them or their communities, and its genius because the poor/vulnerable have to give what money they have away to the debtors.

    The best part is when we tell ourselves we cant invest in the poor because a few will squander the money/opportunity--not because the vast majority would replenish an already diminishing middle class like under Eisenhower.

    Ding ding ding.

    I'll believe it when I see results.

    I'm skeptical. First they told us all in March that a vaccine would take a year minimum. Now, low and behold--5 months later Russian scientists have a cure ahead of the US and China, who have been working on it longer. I'm curious to see who will all invest in this company making it, then wont be shocked when a list of senators and representatives alike expand their net worth sizes before no repercussions of insider trading happen yet again...
    babyfan likes this.
  3. blang84 Legend Bears

    All true. Clinton also bombed Sudan and killed hundreds of civilians in 1998. In the first months of W things were relatively quiet for our military. I would hardly describe that period as a state of war.

    When looking purely at casualty counts as proportion of total population, the Romans have much more blood on their hands. Caesar genocided the Gauls, before that was the genocide of the Carthaginians.

    None of that excuses the nefarious actions of our government that you highlight, particularly since WW2.

    100% accurate. There is no Roman Empire as we know it without the acceptance and integration of immigrants into their nation. Defeated people who survived were often enslaved or forced into military service on behalf of Rome. But the Romans also granted citizenship to folks ranging from Spain to Middle East to Central Europe and beyond. A person from anywhere in that range was a “Roman”.
    babyfan likes this.
  4. blang84 Legend Bears

    Skeptical. The objective for him is to be the one who developed it first. Nothing more. But if it does actually work, great. Well done Russia.
    babyfan likes this.
  5. Wow Baby that was a good read......4 Parts took me 2 Beers to and this was my Favourite Quote (Part 1) by Wade Davis.

    COVID-19 attacks our physical bodies, but also the cultural foundations of our lives, the toolbox of community and connectivity that is for the human what claws and teeth represent to the tiger.

    Guys and Gals......ALL of you.......SCS....Gidi....BWW.....Blang......Baby........Pat........we are living through a VERY Scary Pandemic.

    The Teeth of the Tiger could get worse........and I believe we are starting to see it.

    .............A restaurant in the Shuswap Lake, British Columbia is given a Racist Blasting because it is Chinese.....Yikes
    .............A Doctor is MURDERED in a clinic office in Red Deer,Alberta from a Psycho with a hammer..............Scary
    .............Schools across Canada are looking at STARTING the year in the beginning of September......................Stupid

    These examples are the "Teeth of the Tiger".......... and it is getting worse.
    babyfan likes this.
  6. Because of Covid we are taking a big hit in sports right now, which means the level of traffic on LSN4 isn't driving the same attention = less revenue = BAD THINGS MAY HAPPEN. As long as some of you good thinkers show up occasionally to share your thoughts on different topics you are doing your part to make sure that the site will be here and available when sports come back and we want to yell and scream at each other. This thread, "Protests and Riots" makes my point for me.

    A Classic Post by baby.........well written my friend.........\+/.....Beer.
    SoCalSaint likes this.
  7. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Things just getting uglier now with what's going on in Kenosha.

    Cops shoot a man in the back 7 times....protests....riots...violence....a 17 year old with an AR-15 in his hands kills a couple rioters last night.

    This shit is bad.
  8. .a 17 year old with an AR-15 in his hands kills a couple rioters last night.

    How on Earth does a 17 year old get his hands on a AR-15 ???
  9. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    And it doesn't look like anything is going to change any time soon.
  10. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Flash forward to early November.

    Covid-19 is still a reality and flu season nears. Election craziness is on overdrive. On election night one of two things happens...

    Trump wins re-election. The left completely loses their collective minds. Some cry, some soil their diapers, some find new ways to bring up impeachment charges. Some take to the streets to protest. Mass violence.

    Biden wins. Trump contests the results. The right claims voter fraud. Angry white folks grab their guns. Protest, protest, protest. Craziness.

    Either way this year doesn't look to be ending any better than it has gone so far.
    babyfan likes this.
  11. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

  12. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Citizens in Kenosha are protecting their property with their guns. Something they can legally do.

    You can google the specific videos...the kids name appear to be Kyle Rittenhouse...and there are videos of the violence all over right now.

    Depending on the angle and the video....he either was attacked and defended himself or opened fire on a crowd. It's gonna get spun by both sides to show what they want.

    But police knew he was out there. And didn't discourage him from participating or attempting to "help". Hard to say what actually happened...maybe the two people he killed were violent rioters that were gonna harm him. I have no idea.

    Just scary and sad all around.
  13. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Yeah, of all the years that I can remember in US elections I think this is going to be, by far, the most contested results ever. Jesus what an enormous mess. People dying in the streets ...

  14. Murica.

    stereotypically American,.........

    Either way this year doesn't look to be ending any better than it has gone so far.

    So NOTHING is really sad what is going on in your country.
  15. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    There's so much noise right now it's impossible for any rational person to be heard.

    For What It's Worth is a song that always plays in my head in times like these.

    Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
    babyfan likes this.
  16. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Actually Larry, it's really sad what is going on in all countries right now. We are no better. You know what I'm talking about. Indigenous people in Canada have suffered for years.
  17. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Still the best smelling shithole on the planet.

    What you see now has been brewing for a long time. And there's blame all around. The left, the right, the media, the filthy uber rich pulling the strings. All of them.
  18. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Ugh. You're so descriptive. You've been to almost all the countries in the world Bww. Do you actually have that impression of your country still?
  19. For What It's Worth is a song that always plays in my head in times like these.

    Nobody's right if everybody's wrong

    GREAT song BWW......Buffalo Springfield and I think Stephen Stills wrote the song ???
  20. Still the best smelling shithole on the planet.

    I disagree......your Country is a Great Country and I try and visit 2-3 times a year......Washington State.....Oregon (Fucking Spectacular State)

    But because of Covid I have not crossed the 49th.......and I miss the USA and the Friendly Folks.

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