Players we should consider trading

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by blang84, Oct 23, 2019.

  1. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    This is the Bears though dline, Pace’s contract is through the 2021 season and the team is competitive. The only way he’s gone prior is if this team blows up, and there’s enough talent I don’t think that’s going to happen.

    I think we’re looking at a solid 8-8 year now. Maybe blang is right and wheels are going to come off. But I don’t think Nagy has lost the locker room despite that past game, and I think they’ll come up tougher. And man, Trubisky HAS to be better against weaker defenses coming up? The Saints D is very respectable, we all knew it was going to be a tough game, I just don’t think anyone saw that complete shot show on offense we got.

    given we don’t have a first I’m not sure Pace gets another shot at a QB. I really don’t know what they do here. I have a feeling it will be a facepalm kind of thing we don’t see coming though.
  2. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    who has he drafted on offense that gives you this warm and fuzzy feeling? Defensive eye I will grant you.
  3. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I thought he already retired this season.
  4. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Watch this video and then tell me you still feel that way. Cos anyone who thinks this gets turned around purely by QB play is majorly kidding themselves. I don't want to be on the fire Nagy wagon, but there are massive coaching breakdowns taking place right before our eyes. Run/pass ratio that some here have cited is just the start. The Offense/scheme is owned by Nagy. The Defense quitting in the 2nd half was a real thing. It goes way beyond QB.

    This vid is littered with all kinds of bad. But check out some of the blocking on the Offensive plays. Time and again guys seem to be either blocking thin air or blocking a team mate, and its been happening all season, not sure ive seen anything like it. No one seems to know what they're doing or who they're meant to block. That is pure coaching.

    -1st play of the vid

    These are all amateur hour breakdowns, some of which is scheme and situational playcalling, but even more than that, its coaching and the fails everywhere. Having seen this and others if it was me Heistand would be fired tomorrow. The basic principle of guys knowing where they're going and who they're blocking should be set in stone by week1. To see this shit happening at all, but so often? In week 6?? After a bye??! Totally unacceptable.
  5. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

  6. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    James Daniels is quietly turning it on right now while the Bears offense looks like crap. He's improved greatly over the past couple weeks.

    Javon Wims could be a good 7th round pick.

    Anthony Miller has a lot of potential. I realize it's popular to hate the guy these days but I don't.

    Jordan Howard was a really good 5th round pick.

    Cody Whitehair was a good pick.

    Tarik Cohen was a good pick.
  7. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Trubisky and Glennon, who lets not forget was signed cos he was in Pace's backyard/same division in TB and that's how he was so sure, should be more than enough to tell you Pace can't evaluate QB's. As a bonus tho i'll throw in trying to trade up to #2 for Mariota who's gonna on the street in a few months time.

    That's not me saying Pace won't be the one picking the QB cos of course he will. That's how stupid the Bears are. I'm just saying he has no business being near it.
  8. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Pure coaching yes but not necessarily proof Nagy can't be a good HC.

    Sometimes players have to play better. And that's not always something a coach can snap his fingers and make happen.
    blang84 likes this.
  9. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    So tell me who you think the best GM's in football are and let's look at their track record for drafting QBs.

    There is plenty of swinging and missing going on all around the NFL at this position. The difference is once you do hit a don't have to swing again for a while.
  10. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Yes but you can't separate Nagy the HC from these other aspects imo. He's not gonna give up the playcalling. This is his Offense, he's not gonna bring in some new OC to install a new Offense, that's not happening. The entire point of Nagy being here was Offense. We have the worst Offense in the league, that is owned, one way or the other, by Nagy. The fact his shortcomings at the bread and butter part of being Nagy seem to be loosing him the D side of the team doesn't exactly boost his HC credentials either.
  11. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    You do realise Pace is 0-3 in that list I made right? He's shooting a 0.00%, pretty sure most other GM's come out pretty favourably compared to that.

    And of course that is a loaded comparison, because Pace had something most other GM's never actually get a shot at, which is to have the entire draft class of QB's to choose from. And he still fucked it up.

    I have zero faith in Pace to evaluate QB's now, im just hoping he gets lucky at this point.
  12. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I don't think he needs to give up the play calling. I think he needs to look at his mistakes and adjust.

    Coaches are no different than players. They learn, fail, adjust, improve, and succeed as well.

    Nagy has shown me enough good that I'm willing to give him more time.
  13. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I don't hang Glennon on Pace as a failure that will stick with him. Dumb move yes but taken in context it's not the end of the world.

    Trubisky is a massive failure. That will hang with him unless he fixes it.

    But that failure doesn't mean he can't evaluate talent. Trubisky was gonna be a 1st round pick for the entire league evaluated the guy wrong. It's not like Pace was the only GM in the league that wanted him.

    I'm angry at this team too but we all as fans need a dose of reality sometimes.
  14. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Howard hurts because we traded him away, but I’d actually add Montgomery to your list of potentials, he’s shown a little bit of spark. Trading Howard I can’t fault Pace for, I put that on Nagy not seeing him as a fit.

    Outside of Cohen most of your list is potential more than reality (Daniels, Miller, Wims IMO), so I guess we can keep the book on Pace open. God knows we’ll find out in the next year or two.

    So in retrospect I might be a bit harsh. But I am concerned. Evs point on QBs is a good one though. Pace invested not just in Trubs but also Glennon, lest we forget. QB may not be his strong point and that’s really important.
  15. blang84 Legend Bears

    Ev, watched this whole video and it doesn't really change my opinion on Nagy, though I will say as bad as Trubs has been, it's clear that others on offense have been just as bad.

    What sticks out most is poor execution from QB, o-line, and TEs. It is ultimately Nagy's job to clean that up but had some of those linemen picked up guys they were supposed to, or Burton didn't suck as a blocker, or Trubs either made the right read or throw at the right moment, we're not having this conversation. There are plays to be made on the field, guys are being schemed open, but the Bears aren't making them. Yes, the coach needs to put his players in a position to succeed and right now no one is succeeding. Hiestand should be fired, I'll give you that.

    A lot of this can (or at least should) be cleaned up by players executing better. Nagy has his system, like it or not. And it does require that players do their jobs properly for it to work. Right now the players aren't. Asking Nagy to suddenly adopt a pro style offense from 1993 mid-season isn't going to make things better. The players gotta get their shit together, period.
    Bear-man 11 likes this.
  16. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Quite possibly they can start by shitcanning this RPO bullshit because the only thing I'm confident is that Mitch will always option wrong.
    If you expect to run sweeps for the love of God don't do it to the short side of the field Tax that defensive front 7 make them work.
    EvertonBears and bigrobo876 like this.
  17. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    How's he done with that so far in your opinion? That whole looking at his mistakes and adjusting thing.

    Im not buying it any more personally. He gave this whole spiel to the media after the Philly game about how they didn't run enough, gonna look at that, big self-scout during the offseason. This was after Howard got 10carries all game and we burned down the internet. All very familiar to after Oakland. Didn't run enough, gonna look at that, self-scout during the bye. Then a new franchise record for fewest carries in a game.

    Nagy is another Martz. Capable of drawing up some very clever plays and yet somehow a substandard playcaller. An "Offensive Genius", but also too stupid to get past his own stubbornness. With Martz it was 7 step drops, with Nagy its compulsive throwing. Remember when we all went nuts over Martz "only" giving Forte 8 2nd half carries in the NFCCG? Good times.

    But hey, Nagy gives a great PC doesn't he.

    I would say past dumb QB decisions have some relevance when judging whether he's worthy of choosing the next QB, but thats just me.

    Really??? You seriously didn't look at the very first play of that game and question what Nagy was doing?

    That play got stuffed purely because Gabriel was needlessly sent in motion thus drawing the eventual tackler into the box! It served exactly zero purpose to that play. It can't even be said to be laying the groundwork for a jetsweep to Gabriel later in the game cos Nagy never called that play even once. Its just needless overcomplication, something thats quickly becoming a hallmark of Nagy's Offense. Guys running around doing stuff. Doesn't have to have purpose, just run around over there cos, misdirection.

    Why was Cohen even getting that carry instead of Monty anyway? Because.....misdirection? Worked great. Don't give it to Monty who may break a tackle and make something happen. Give it to Cohen so he can miss the huge hole, run up the Center's ass and get tackled for no gain. Bravo Nagy.

    Just one example among many im afraid.
  18. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I agree he may be the smartest man in the room, but the problem as I see it he needs to be the smartest man on the field.
  19. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    Bizarro Belichick!
  20. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    The play got stuffed because Daniel knocked Whitehair off his block when he double teamed the DT. Forcing him to stay on the DT instead of moving up and blocking the defender that made the tackle. The motion doesn’t only effect the defender following the motion. In the play design he was accounted for. The motion also took the ILB out of the play when he follows Gabriel.

    It’s not a bad play design it’s more of a stupid time to call it on the first play of the game. Nagy would have been better off running it after a successful jet sweep.

    I do agree that Nagy’s run philosophy is flawed. He never just lines up and runs it. He is always trying to fool the defense with motion and misdirection. That is fine when you do it occasionally to catch a defense off balance. It shouldn’t be all you got. Nagy has 10 games to show he can adapt and take a different approach.

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