I do agree with you but my advice to a woman is to try and get the hell out of any situation which presents itself as a danger to them in the first place. I'd suggest that they carry a can of spray oven cleaner or mace, carry a whistle in their purse or an alarm, kick your shoes off and run. Even if the danger is imagined, better to look like a fool then be a victim. Do not get trapped. Don't be alone if you can in potential dangerous places. Don't get out of your car, EVER, if you are in an accident. If the car is operable drive a safe distance away after calling the cops . This stuff pertains to guys themselves. Hell, I am an old man(68) and I take care to notice what is around me because the way I figure it, I'd have about one minute if that to disable someone otherwise I'm pretty much done for. I'd give it a good one minute, though, because I do not fight "clean"
What it does take most of all, in my book, anyway, is COMMITTMENT foremost. It is the same thing with firing a weapon at someone. It takes a big time decision to COMMITT to killing someone and that really has to be the motive when you use a weapon to defend yourself, including using physical force like martial arts. Having a weapon and knowing how to use one are very important, for sure. But it takes a very deep mindset to use that weapon to kill someone and not all people have that, men or women because they sometimes think too much.
That's what I thought. She's gorgeous. Okay time to let the dog drag me a few hundred million kilometres.
lol packerz. i loved the SNL parody ad - "If you should experience an erection that lasts more than four hours, call all your friends and brag about it."
Well I guess judging by the look of your women up their in cheese land.........getting an erection at all must be a huge shock. Love when you stop by brother, you don't do it enough.
Really it's such a wonder why he doesn't ... with this kind of love being thrown his way. LOL bww you're terrible! Packerzz has overcome a lot of obstacles to play on the Pick thread with us. We need to show him big respect and love!