You BASTARD!! Gawd. 2 of the worst damn songs ever reverberating in my head. So I just did my online class. Man that's fun!
Good to know you guys are all dealing with this ok. For me, Seattle was ground zero for this mess, so I'm on day 24 or so of lockdown from when the companies sent us all home (early March, before Illinois closed down and everything). My wife and I are pretty sure she had it already as her and my daughter had this BRUTAL cough that I was really worried about, and the timing would be right around just after this guy came to the US. Guys I work with probably have it as well, despite all the symptoms, they are not "at risk" so they were denied testing. We're pretty well stocked in general for earthquake/volcano/whatever readiness, and Omaha Steaks delivered a bunch of shit to our door, so we're good for a while. My job is easily done from Home so I am one of the privileged ones. It is an absolutely nutty time we are in. I understand the comparisons to 9-11, etc, because it does feel like that. This crazy disaster that has us all holed up. To the politics discussion we had briefly, the interesting thing is that most viewpoints ARE valid on this one. China clearly fucking LIED and covered up how bad it was. Or they are just have some amazing immunity in a country of 1.3 billion people. And the WHO, being complicit in that, backing up their data and telling the rest of the world it was solid, fuck them as well. Then you come home, and you have the CDC caught completely unaware. FDA restrictions locking down independent testing from ramping up. A president that says "we'll be down to zero in a few days". A mayor of the largest city saying, "we don't want you to stay home, GO OUT, go to chinatown!". Asshole politicans on both sides of the aisle selling off stock insider trading with ZERO repercussions. All we can do right now is hunker down. Save the world by not spreading it further. Then it is my fervent wish we address the goddamn root cause of this economic calamity and learn from it. And I hope all us bastards live to see the other side. Bear Down! Also - I too am worried about Mongo, I know he was super busy and travels a bunch, hope he's keeping safe.
This is what I can't wrap my head around. I can understand them wanting to investigate this stuff to follow the path assuming (blah blah blah) you knew initial carrier, but it seems like this thing probably got here a week or two prior to when they discovered the presumed first carrier. Seattle lit up in no time even for a contagious virus. Did they even consider that the cat may be out of the bag with this one? Germany did a fairly good job containing it by tracing and containing it considering fatalities in Spain and Italy 8% and 10.8% respectively and yet Germany .72% as of yesterday. We're about 1.3-1.4 %. Maybe there is something to be learned from Germany's response.
Shit is going down hill fast here in NYC. I have had a couple of friends on the front lines send me private videos of the hospitals. It’s scary. There is lots of talk from the higher ups about the millions of this and thousands of that that have been acquired but that shit is NOT getting to the front lines. From what I am told the leadership is not there. The Hospitals are not experienced for this kind of stuff. Where is the fucking Military. They are needed to take over the higher chain of command and get things better organized. You are going to see front line personnel start to not show up as they are being put in a hopeless situation. They are getting infected at a high rate while the Governor thumps his chest about how fast and well they are putting the new hospital spaces together. sorry for the rant.
Dude that's expected. People at home have one essential job, just one, sit your ass down on the motherfucking couch and stay there. People think it's clever to go to a fast food place with friends and sit in the parking lot, It's not clever it's stupid. People are treating this shit like it's a vacation. There is one job people need to do, just one. It's not like they're being drafted for war, no, they're being drafted to sit their asses on the couch and watch TV. My grandsons 4th birthday was tonight had to use hangouts with 8 connections. We all sang Happy Birthday! and watched him open up presents. We need to make this work. People need to realize this isn't a life sentence on the couch they shouldn't make it one.
That's really profound tuna. Most of the people I know are strictly isolating. But then ... they announce on social media that they had pick up from some restaurant and they then go through the obligatory self-congratulatory posts about 'supporting local business'. Well I think it's bullshit. Unless every single person preparing food for the public right now are wearing a fresh pair of disposable gloves for every meal and are wearing a N95 mask to shield ever single droplet of fluid coming from their bodies than it's just presenting an even higher risk. Stay home, make your own damn food. People are so entitled, spoiled and ignorant they think that they are 'special' cases. I look at this break from normal life as an opportunity to learn new things. I've figured out how to create and teach online classes on 2 platforms which is really cool. People can teach their kids how to cook and bake so that they don't rely so heavily on take-out and fast foods. I've got a lot of clients who are taking this time and using it positively, going on nature walks with their children and creating scavenger hunts for their kids. It's a great idea and it takes them outdoors no matter the weather and the kids are still learning and having fun. Plus the upside is, this is precious time spent with their kids and spending time outdoors which they normally wouldn't do. One really huge negative side to this are all of the kids at high-risk. The children who rely on the breakfasts and lunches that they get at their schools which now they can't count on. This whole situation must be completely baffling and confusing to younger children. They are so used to a certain routine at school which is gone now, unless they have parents who can and will provide it for them. I have a really good friend who lives in Florida. She emailed me the other day talking about how well her husband and her are isolating. They built their own massive house on a tract of 43 acres and a lake about 5 years ago. It's amazing and gorgeous there. They have a swimming pool. So she tells me that she's still playing tennis but only at private courts. She said that they keep their distance on the court, had lunch on the lawn and then they all piled into a friend's pool. I was pretty pissed off so I let her know how I felt. I may end up with zero friends at the rate that I am going. I've asked Tim for Mongo's email address. It's not unusual to see him completely disappear on the off-season but I think we need a check-in. Not relevant to anything but I heard on the news last night that obese males are at higher risk than females are.
With all due respect Baby, I'm going to disagree with some of this. There's plenty of people who aren't capable of cooking their own food and are dependent on food delivery or other people to cook for them. At various times in my life I had some physical issues that have prevented me from cooking (couldn't stand up due a major back issue) my own food even though I lived alone. As far as supporting local businesses, you bet your ass I'm going to do that. There's a pizza/sub shop about a block away from my condo that I've been going to regularly since I moved here 2 years ago. I'm friendly with the owner and all the cashiers there. They've since shifted to carry out since all this started and not surprisingly business has taken a hit. I've been going there twice a week and every time I do they are thrilled to get some business. The cooks/cashiers may soon be out of work for good. I'd feel awful. Yes, they are wearing masks and gloves. I can't be 100% certain that a droplet of fluid from their bodies hasn't touched the bag of my sandwich or my credit card. But I'm going to continue to support them because I care about them and the business they do. If you think I'm spoiled and entitled for it, that's your opinion. EDIT: I don't post any of this on social media.
I should have been more clear in my post blang. I'm not referring to people who depend on Meals on Wheels, Food Banks or any other program which is set up to help those who can't help themselves. I'm referring to the people who can cook but who are looking at this outbreak as a holiday and who regularly visit restaurants for their meals. I really do understand your position on supporting local businesses right now. I have a lot of friends who work in the hospitality industry who are out of work now. These are people who can't afford their rent or utilities because of their loss of income. A loss of income is a huge step away from a loss of life. I know for a fact that the restaurants in my town are still open for business on a restricted scale (take out and delivery) and I know for a fact that they are NOT wearing any protective clothing. That's inexcusable. If you feel confident that the food prep at your favourite restaurant is all being managed under tight restrictions than I think you should do whatever you want to do ... as you are. Restaurants and bars are just a couple of industries that are being hit hard right now. My husband has been laid off from his long-distance trucking company because they are non-essential (He trucks Honda parts to the States). My yoga studio is closed so the only way I can work is by teaching online which is not always convenient. Almost every single person I know who is not retired is afraid because they can't work. The loss of income is terrifying for everyone but the loss of life should be even more daunting. The impetus of this flu is staggering. All non-essential businesses are shut down in Canada. All gatherings over 5 people is prohibited. Here's a bit of information from a Canadian government website: As of March 29, 2020 total of 713,171 confirmed cases caused by the novel Coronavirus COVID-19 and 33,597 deaths were reported. At this time 177 countries are reporting cases of the novel Coronavirus. I am passionate about what I believe in. I believe that people, that means ALL non-essential workers, should do as they are being asked to do and that is to stay home. We have things a whole lot easier in North America than in places like India where self-isolation is almost impossible.
Hey I just emailed Mongo to see if he's doing okay. He'll either reply in here or to me and I'll let you all know.
I agree with this. Outside of my forays to the supermarket down the street (where everyone has to stay 6 feet apart and only 10 people are allowed in at a time) and the sub shop (and my dog walks), I've been at home. Fortunate that I can work and still get a paycheck. You're right that social isolation is really a 1st world privilege.
I hadn't even thought about it because I'm so content and lucky in my little bubble here but it's true. Things are that much harder for people who live in reduced circumstances. Thank God it isn't summer yet. Or winter. Can you imagine being cooped up without AC or having to stay indoors because the weather is lousy? The COVID flu is a huge game-changer and governments need to check their egos and start working towards saving people.
I think selfishness is a good word to describe these people. Many continue to think it won't happen to them, but they don't realize they could be carriers and by doing that they continuing the spread this shit around and prolonging a good outcome. This idea that we can socialize with one another as long as we keep a safe distance should be discouraged. People need to start limiting these trips for food or supplies. I think many go out just to hunt for fucking toilet paper for crying out loud not that they have an immediate need for it but they do it anyway. This president is a fucking lunatic and while I support his entire task force including Mike Pence who is at least concise, I just don't trust him to make the right decision or stick with the facts. Give me one good reason why I should trust this president who in the midst of a pandemic he finds a need to boast about how good his ratings are from his pressers. This need he has to have smoke blown up his ass with praise every time someone goes up to speak simply boggles my mind. His need for self-promotion and gratification is everything I despise in a pro athlete and it isn't attractive at this extreme level in a president either. As my daughter says "sit your ass down or come visit me @work."
Yesterday on Twitter. The President of THE United States of America’s boast and bragged about his amazing TV railings on his daily press conferences. This guy actually thinks that somehow his TV ratings are showing what an amazing job he is doing.
Lol. I should read everything first as tuna pointed out what Injust did like one sentence later. For whatever reason this and when he congratulated China on the anniversary of their Communist take over are my tipping point with that tool.
A friend of mine just forwarded this video to me on how the virus does its thing. Since this is a more active thread regarding Covid-19, I thought I'd post here. Post it anywhere and everywhere and share it with family and friends. This is some scary shit we're dealing with.