Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by Willie, Nov 19, 2015.


MVP race - Josh Allen or Saquon Barkley

Poll closed Dec 19, 2024.
  1. Josh Allen

    9 vote(s)
  2. Saquon Barkley

    2 vote(s)
  3. OTHER - make a case

    1 vote(s)
  1. [​IMG]

    I'm also a Republican and if you look at their opposition they try to paint Trump as a racist who hates all foreigners which is obviously not the case and they make themselves look pretty dumb. Kind of like what I ended up doing in this thread.
  2. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    ...and - Cowboys sign 1st-round pick RB Elliott to $25M, 4-year deal.
  3. KilkennyDan Let's Go Buffalo! Patreon Champion Sabres Bills Kilkenny

    This gets you a +. I was thinking the same thing.
  4. Jeanquev Legend Steelers

    When you basically said If cam doesn't win the MVP next year its because of Racist media. I was willing to give you the benefit of doubt that you were not as dumb as the statement you were making. I mean at that point you had exactly 29 post (now whether that was the exact 29th post or not I don't know nor am I going to take the time to figure out), but it was less than 30 post. Amazingly you had managed in less than 30 post to say something that can contend for dumbest comment ever on Live 4 Sports. For those who have been here a long time they will realize what a feat that is. Like I said I was thinking maybe he isn't that dumb, but now post after post it seems there can only be 2 conclusions. You are that dumb or you are Colin Cowherd (I guess basically that is the same thing though).
  5. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    I know the Eagles don't wear Black & Gold, but it isn't a crime to like them. While Cam is watching Ben from his couch this February maybe he can figure out what it takes to be a winner.
  6. Reading comprehension is important. When I made the comment I was responding to a quote of someone else on here saying the press won't vote for him because of the Super Bowl stunt. If the media would refuse to vote for Newton because of the stuff that happened at the Super Bowl something is definitely up. Especially since it would be the same media that flocked to vote for Peyton Manning in 2013 after his poor sportsmanship in 2010 after his Super Bowl loss. Of course this is all a moot point if he doesn't have a season where he is deserving of it.
  7. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Gid is solid. You can't take everything he says at face value, that's this style. He is definitely not racist. This convo hasn't reached *REF* level but it has jumped near there a couple times. SouthernCo nobody as far as I can tell wants you to leave, but they want to make sure you aren't just trying to rock the boat. There is rivalry and smack talk and tons of opinions but as was said, smack talk isn't the primary currency. You can see AFC North rivals going onto rival message boards and actually put in constructive or positive input and the others won't bat an eyelash by their presence.
  8. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    The NFL reportedly began investigating the Ravens for using full pads during rookie minicamp. As ESPN reported, the Ravens broke out the pads because they didn't realize the CBA rules, which don't allow full pads to be used before training camp, extended to rookie minicamp. They reportedly stopped using them when players' union rep Ben Watson clarified the rules.

    But, according to a new report by ESPN's Adam Schefter, the Ravens actually knew about the rule. They allegedly broke the rule intentionally and, as a result, might face a steeper punishment from the league.

  9. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    Take away their 1st next year.
  10. steelersking M.V.P. Steelers

    Possible but unlikely they take a 1st round pick for that, if true. Probably a hefty fine, and maybe a lower draft pick if it is found they intentionally broke the rule, which will be hard to prove. Harbaugh would receive a fine as well as the team I would think.
  11. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    A 5th round draft pick seems to be the precedent set over the years, if you can call it that.
  12. Catfish Guest


    2 weeks later and you still suck Sam and you're not the long-term plan for the Eagles!
  13. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    Although I would love for it to be a 1st...or even a 5th round draft pick, from everything I have read, they have to have multiple occurrences in a given year to take a draft pick...

    SUPPOSEDLY, the NFL deemed deflategate to be an ongoing violation, not just the AFC Championship game...that is why they had draft picks taken away.

    This is a single incident for the Ravens, so a loss of draft pick would actually be stating a precedent.

    Most likely fines, and possible loss of practice time.
  14. manosteel9423 Franchise Player Steelers

    My thoughts exactly. Loss of a couple of OTAs and a fine.
  15. igloofn68 Guest

    Fixt! :)
  16. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish



  17. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings


    NEW YORK (AP) ? A recent national poll found that nine of 10 Native Americans aren't offended by the Washington Redskins name.

    The poll conducted by the Washington Post indicated more than eight in 10 said they wouldn't be offended if someone who was not a Native American called them that name.

    A federal judge ordered the cancellation of the Washington Redskins' trademark registration in July, ruling that their name may be disparaging to Native Americans. The club is appealing.

    Ninety percent of the random national sample of 504 Native Americans said the name doesn't bother them; 9 percent said it was offensive. Native Americans make up about 2 percent of the U.S. population.

    Interviews were conducted from December through April on landline and cellphones, with a margin of error of plus or minus 5.5 percentage points.

    Washington owner Dan Snyder said in a statement the "team, our fans and community have always believed our name represents honor, respect and pride." He added: "We are gratified by this overwhelming support from the Native American community, and the team will proudly carry the Redskins name."

    The Washington Post noted that the lead plaintiff in the first case challenging the team's trademark protections dismissed the findings. Suzan Harjo is a member of the Cheyenne and Hodulgee Muscogee tribes.

    "I don't agree with them," Harjo said. "And I don't agree that this is a valid way of surveying public opinion in Indian Country."
  18. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    What is Daniel Snyder's #? I think I can convince him to change the name to the Foreskins and we can circumcise this whole discussion.
  19. BFRLA Guest

    'Redskins' isn't so bad, it's the tacking of 'Washington' to it that's offensive. :)
  20. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Exactly. George was a good ol' European decent loving man and viewed non-Caucasians as inferior. He is rolling in his grave that he is associated with the Indians, only consolation he has is the whole racism angle.

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