Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by Willie, Nov 19, 2015.


MVP race - Josh Allen or Saquon Barkley

Poll closed Dec 19, 2024.
  1. Josh Allen

    9 vote(s)
  2. Saquon Barkley

    2 vote(s)
  3. OTHER - make a case

    1 vote(s)
  1. Catfish Guest

  2. The only antics he has are him actually having fun while playing football. Weird concept, I know.
  3. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    And sulking and pouting and acting unprofessionally...
  4. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    Thats just school rivalry talk going on there. Wilson, Heppe and O'Brian are all to blame and its just a war of words. Bottom line, Wilson is a Super Bowl winning QB, even if what the others say is true.

    Sounds like Heppe and Wilson have some issues. lol
  5. Catfish Guest

    yeah until he loses in the Super Bowl and acts like a bratty child and then takes his ball and goes home at the press conference. You wanna act like you're having fun - im cool with that Cam, but you gotta be professional too. Even Superman has flaws...
  6. Catfish Guest

    i guess these guys aren't celebrating July 4th anytime soon! Damn!
  7. he just lost the biggest game of his career, I appreciate his honest emotions. I'd rather that than a bunch of robotic answers after that loss.
  8. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    Being disappointed is one thing; acting like a 5-year old is something else entirely. Act like a man.
  9. If you think that was acting like a 5 year old you hold your athletes to unrealistic standards. The NFL put the Broncos press conferences so close to where Newton was you could clearly hear them. If a player didn't get pissed about that I wouldn't want them on my team because they obviously don't care about winning.
  10. Catfish Guest

    being a pro athlete is being a pro athlete 24/7 and not when you want. cam wants to be superman and make like he's tearing off his shirt like Clark Kent and hand balls to kids etc is all well and good. However win or lose, you still act professional. He didn't. And the reasoning bc of the Broncos being so close to their interviews is weak at best. Okay, lets say the Panthers win and they're interviewing Payton Manning - does he walk out ? Highly doubtful !
  11. BFRLA Guest

    After the Colts lost Super Bowl 44, Peyton didn't want an interview. He didn't shake hands with any of the Saints either. He was a sore loser.
  12. He's a person, not a robot. If you think Newton did anything wrong, you might have some serious issues and need to check yourself. He was emotional, it happens to everyone. And he's a pro ATHLETE. He's not a professional speaker, not a politician. He's not paid to get on stage and be the bitch of the media.

    Besides, Payton Manning wouldn't be able to walk out because he has to be able to plug his sponsors during it.
  13. Catfish Guest

    you better check yourself if you think I'm the ONLY one in America who thinks he acted inappropriately. Axe alone on here agrees with me. Newton took a ton of heat for this and now im wrong? You may drinking some serious drugged Newton Juice.
  14. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    One thing for Cam is he made an attempt and an appearance anyway. He was embarrassed on the field and was being embarrassed once again in front of the media. He was in the cross-hairs in a no win situation and chose to leave.

    I can see this from a young guy like him and i hope he learns from it and handles the pressure better in the future.

    If an old vet did what he did, i would have a major problem with that, but this was Cam's first rodeo so im cutting him some slack. What he did really didnt surprise me to be honest... i didnt like it, but it just seemed like something that under those circumstances was very possible to happen.
  15. You're not the only one but it's pretty clear a majority of the ones that were mad at Newton never played a sport in their life.
  16. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    It's "unrealistic" to act like a man after a loss? Didn't see other players (Josh Norman, Luke Keuchly) acting like a baby after the loss. Don't recall seeing Russell Wilson, Rom Brady, Peyton Manning, etc., etc., etc., pouting like a schoolgirl after a SB loss.

    Newton was a sore loser and admitted it. I don't respect poor sports. Props for being a great athlete, but time to pull on your big boy pants.
  17. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    Scam Newton is not winning the MVP award again ever. He had a career year last season. That is the answer to your question about him possibly going back to back on the award.
  18. Catfish Guest

    yeah that makes a whole lot of sense. i played sports, so what's your point? losses are harder to take as a pro than a high schooler? it's the Super Bowl, the grandest stage, so it's okay to act like a 3rd grader who lost his lunch money to the schoolyard bully when you lose and you play like crap? man up Superman, you lost out to the Broncos kryptonite!

    call a spade a spade man and call what happened as it is. defending him with little proof of acceptability of his actions is going to be tough on your part. have fun...
  19. Call a spade a spade? I knew there was racism mixed in with the hatred.

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