Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by Willie, Nov 19, 2015.


MVP race - Josh Allen or Saquon Barkley

Poll closed Dec 19, 2024.
  1. Josh Allen

    9 vote(s)
  2. Saquon Barkley

    2 vote(s)
  3. OTHER - make a case

    1 vote(s)
  1. steelersking M.V.P. Steelers

    No I specifically stated Super Bowl trophies for that very reason. If counting those championships prior to the Super Bowl removes the Steelers from the top of the mountain, they must be discredited lol
    gidion72 likes this.
  2. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Sorry, SK . . . But if you ignore the years before the marketing geeks named the NFL Chamionship game the Super Bowl, then there would not have been an NFL to have a chamionship game.

    Fourth place isn't bad. :point:
  3. TopDawg Legend

    like a blanket.;)
    IrishDawg42 likes this.
  4. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    So Trump cancelled the Super Bowl visit the day before it was scheduled. The Eagles were only going to bring about 10 players (and no blacks) and the White House tried to spin it that the number was low because he said they were going to stand, hand-on-heart, for the anthem during the ceremony and that because of the Anthem issue the players cancelled last minute and the WH had no choice but to cancel.

    Torrey Smith snapped on twitter that no one was going anyways and it had nothing to do with the anthem or military.

    Of course we know the plan from the start "So the Eagles are coming with no one do we cancel early?"... "No we wait until less than 24 hours before and blame it on them leaving over the anthem last moment."
    steelersking likes this.
  5. skinny123 Guest

    President snowflake
  6. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    I don't believe Torrey Smith for a second. The number of Eagles NOT visiting was no doubt political and berthed from a hatred of President Trump for what he has stood for regarding the anthem and patriotism.

    I don't blame Trump one bit for cancelling, most Eagles hearts wernt in it anyway.

    And that's, President Trump, Commander in Chief of the United States of America, period.
    Catfish likes this.
  7. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    Im not sore either... just had to give equal time to an opposite opinion. ;)
    IrishDawg42 likes this.
  8. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    He never said it wasn't because of Trump. He said it wasn't about the reason the White House presented. I don't blame Trump for cancelling it either, he just didn't need to delay the decision to make him look better.
    Willie and steelersking like this.
  9. steelersking M.V.P. Steelers

    Guess the sarcasm was lost? That’s fine. The NFL Championships before the Super Bowl was coined count, didn’t really say they didn’t. I said I excluded them intentionally so my team was on top. It was meant to be in jest, I apologize if I offended you, was not my intention.
  10. steelersking M.V.P. Steelers

    I really don’t know how to feel about this. On one hand, I feel that the Eagles should have gone, not just 10 or less as was reported, but at least a majority. It’s tradition and it should be an honor regardless if you agree with who currently occupies the White House.

    On the other hand, I don’t agree with much of what he does or says. He has criticized the players in the NFL many times and I could see not wanting to show up to boost the ego of someone repeatedly talking trash about them.

    If I were apart of the Super Bowl Champions, I can honestly say I’d go. I don’t have to like someone to work with them and I certainly don’t have to like someone who is going to honor me either. I understand the Eagles position, and I do respect it. Does not affect my day one bit that they aren’t going to the White House. The Eagles aren’t the first championship team to spurn Trump.
  11. firehalo Guest

    I noticed you conveniently left out the CORRECTION, since that wasn’t my original statement. Was just helping out a dawg.
  12. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    Catfish and TopDawg like this.
  13. TopDawg Legend

    Appreciate it...Actually, I posted your original statement above...The supposed "correction" you made was just some mumbo jumbo that didn't need to be added. ;)
    firehalo likes this.
  14. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    You don't believe him about what? All he said was the anthem wasn't the factor. He didn't say it wasn't political or born of a hatred of Trump. If you're a black son of a bitch err.... I mean football player how could you like him?
    firehalo likes this.
  15. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    He also went on to become an NFL franchise's General Manager.

    Trivia question: Who was Dwight Clark's first draft pick as a General Manager ?
  16. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish


    Ooh Ooh...

    Pick Me!! Pick Me!!

    {we need an emoticon raising his hand}

    I'll let one of the non-Browns fans answer this one...Although, it should be pretty easy, even for them.
  17. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    In my view, I choose not to accepted Torrey's side of the story. Of course, after the fact, he's going to say what he did to make Trump look bad here. To me and once again my opinion, I think the majority of the Eagles not going to be in attendance is solely based on a dis-like of the President and the anthem situation. To me it was clear they were out to set an example and make a statement... Trump discerned this and cut it off. I also think that some of the Eagles not going to attend probably have good excuses, but when the numbers dwindled to around 10 out of an entire football team, red flags were up in my mind.

    I might be wrong, but my gut tells me differently. I don't mean disrespect to Eagles fans, just took exception to the spin that this is all on Trump... I think it takes two to tangle.

    and in the words of Forest Gump... that's all I got to say about that.
    beachbum and Lyman like this.
  18. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    Well clearly his view on the anthem plays in to his overall perception but there are just so many things to dislike Trump over if you're a minority I don't think it's a necessary requirement to include the anthem. But this isn't a political forum so I'll leave it at that. Thanks for clarifying.
    Willie likes this.
  19. firehalo Guest

    I stand by the Eagles decision to not visit the White House.

    Fuck DonnieCo.
  20. Catfish Guest

    where is the Eagles owner in all of this ? Why is Torrey Smith speaking on this? now he's allowed too, but where is Jeffery Lurie at on this? It's his team that voiced their displeasure over Trump's call on the anthem and patriotism. Why is he so silent? He could've forced the Eagles to go to the WH. It's sad a ritual for the Champion of a sports league and an afternoon with the President turns into a sideshow of he said/she said and a farce now. Much like Golden State. Why even host a sports team now ? All these athletes do is bitch about their politics and actions in office. Can't bury the hatchet huh? Can't just go and enjoy the WH with your teammates? No. Once again, something easy is a circus.
    SPress likes this.

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