Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by Willie, Nov 19, 2015.


MVP race - Josh Allen or Saquon Barkley

Poll closed Dec 19, 2024.
  1. Josh Allen

    9 vote(s)
  2. Saquon Barkley

    2 vote(s)
  3. OTHER - make a case

    1 vote(s)
  1. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Elliott will play week 1 and now CBS is likely salivating that his mid-season return is set to be on their network.
    Falcons Guy and Willie like this.
  2. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Another Urban Meyer student who has no idea how to be a decent human being, and gets himself in trouble post-college... Not saying, just saying...
    Catfish likes this.
  3. Catfish Guest

    ^^ well you should say "student athlete." he's not there to learn botany. he's there for 1 reason!
  4. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Urban Meyer's job isn't just to put together a winning football team, it's to teach these kids how to be young men. He has a disgusting and despicable track record at not doing that. Elliott is another in a long line of those who Meyer has taught that, as long as you win at football, that's all that matters. Churns out winning football teams and horrible human beings. I've had this debate with some of you here, and I've been astounded that so many of you back up the "Just win, baby" mantra, and defend Urban Meyer. The guy is indefensible, and every time another current/former player of his does something awful, it only furthers that.
  5. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Bucs vs Dolphins moved to week 11. No bye weeks at all for those teams.
    Willie likes this.
  6. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    They got the bye week this week.
  7. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    All you have to do is look at Aaron Hernandez to see Urban Myers track record with student athletes. If I was Ohio state I would fire Myers.
  8. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    WFAN radio talk show host Craig Carton has been arrested on conspiracy and securities fraud charges.

    The 48-year-old “Boomer & Carton” co-host was taken into custody by the FBI at his Manhattan apartment Wednesday morning.

    He is apparently charged in a fraudulent ticket-selling scam that netted over $2 million, 1010 WINS’ Al Jones reported.
    Willie likes this.
  9. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Of course I forget to type the rest. No bye for these teams during their season. This is an extended preseason with only 53 players.
    I bet their odds in Vegas dropped decently.
  10. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    Ravens coach John Harbaugh said that Flacco (back) has experienced no setbacks since returning to practice Saturday and will be "ready to roll" for the team's Week 1 matchup with the Bengals...

    Eagles coach Doug Pederson said Wednesday that Smallwood would serve as the team's kickoff returner this season...

    After being listed as a limited participant at practice Monday and Tuesday, Kelce (calf) does not carry an injury designation for Thursday night's season opener against the Patriots.
  11. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    Go Buckeyes !!! :rally:
  12. Catfish Guest

    i disagree with this statement and what lyman posted. sorry gents, but when is it on the damn individual to be held accountable for their OWN actions? You can't seriously blame Urban Meyer for the murders Aaron Hernandez did, are you? that's like blaming the bartender for continuously serving me alcohol when i get behind the wheel and drive drunk. the action is on me and me alone. aaron hernandez did not kill anyone while being a U of F Student ! He did it under the eye of Bill Belichek. So how the hell is it Meyer's fault? Hell, blame Bill. To me, you can't blame Bill either. It's on Hernandez. He killed that person. He was guilty. Not some coach who coached him years before.

    That's like saying every teacher who ever taught Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, or Gary Hidnik was a bad teacher and didn't teach them correctly and that LED these 3 people to be infamous serial killers! That's not true. The person inside makes them who they are. Did they have great role models in their lives? Probably not. Did Elliott, Clarett or Hernandez? Probably not, but you can't pin crimes and a murder rap on a coach! They are their to coach and win games, not babysit 70 players 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week around the clock. The person must be held accountable here! Zeke is a crumb and was probably a crumb bf OSU and bf Meyer met him. Same with Hernandez. You can't pin their behaviors on a coach from years prior. If that was the case, i would sue every math teacher i ever had bc i still hate math and still think Trigonometry sucks! If I ever met Sine, Cosine and Tangent on a street corner, i would punch them right in the face. It was on me being a poor student who couldn't understand it. I should've tried harder to learn it better.
    IrishDawg42 likes this.
  13. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    First and foremost, Catfish, you're ignoring the extensive and overwhelming history of players under Urban Meyer that have behavioral issues, both while under his watch and after. You can't compare one individual instance to the other in an attempt to write off a mentor when that mentor's history is damning.

    Secondly, if we're going to that Ayn Rand-ian a level, then no one should ever be to blame for anyone else's actions. I can tell my students that stealing is acceptable, that nothing's wrong if you don't get caught, if it ain't white it ain't right... And that's cool with you, right? Why shouldn't it be? Sure, I'm teaching that, but it's up to them as individuals to act appropriately, not me. If they steal, it's not my fault. If they habitually do awful things simply because they're getting away with it, it's not my fault. If they espouse racist ideologies, it's not my fault. Right?

    We are a product of our environment, and what we're taught/who we're taught by (in addition to our nature, yes). That's not debatable, that's fact. To say that Urban Meyer isn't responsible for the litany of misgivings his students have repeatedly caused is absurd. He specifically pitches, as any coach does, that he'll take care of his students in the absence of their parents. And, as a coach, that's your role. He's not doing it. Anyone who argues otherwise is simply not wanting to see Urban for who he really he is. You can keep your Paterno blinders on, but it doesn't change any facts.
  14. steelersking M.V.P. Steelers

    So it's Urban Meyer's fault Elliot beat his gf? He told Hernandez to kill someone? Sorry, that's bullshit. If you have to be told that is unacceptable behavior than that goes much deeper than a college football coach. At some point they need to take responsibility for their own actions. They are adults when they get to Meyer, and they are adults when they leave. I guess I missed the college course that said it's ok to beat women. Must be a special course taught by Urban Meyer during practice huh?
    Catfish likes this.
  15. Catfish Guest

    i never said anything about paterno and this issue isn't about what happened at PSU, so lets drop it.

    and again lyman - his ex-players are not committing this heinous crimes of rape or murder while at OSU! So how the hell is Meyer responsible for his FORMER PLAYERS ACTIONS?? How can you sit there and blame Meyer for Hernandez murdering people years later? That makes 0 sense. Maybe Meyer is not the issue dline! Maybe it's YOU. Perhaps you have it out for Meyer. Perhaps your witch hunt is a personal vendetta against him. Again, i was raised by good parents, but anything I DO IS STILL ON ME, not them! How can you blame a football coach for the actions of Zeke and Hernandez when they left the school ? That's the same thing as my serial killer example. It's just not right.

    If you wanna take that stance then ALL COACHES past and present should be held accountable for their players - current and former actions. Yeah that's real fair ! Who would wanna coach then ? Who would want thousands of kids' actions on THEIR RECORD? Not me.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2017
  16. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    I am not saying Myers molded these guys thinking, just that he seems to recruit a lot of these types of people. They were already assholes when they got to his programs. He isn't concerned with their character in the first place. That is why I wouldn't have him as a coach.
  17. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    No, you're right, guys. I'm glad you've tried to give some perspective to the long-time teacher and coach, here. I should learn from your obviously well-stated and flawlessly reasoned wisdom.

    Look, I've tried to make this point a number of different ways with you guys, before, and it just doesn't sink in. That's fine - keep defending Meyer. I'm not really sure what the motive is, or why the denial of obvious facts/evidence, but there's nothing I can do about that. I'm having to come to terms with the fact that there are more willfully ignorant people than those willing to learn and be wrong. It's a shame, but I guess I'll just try and reach those a little more sensible.
  18. Catfish Guest

    There's no motive dline. every issue i brought up you refuse to even mention. you mention your own opinions and not facts and you refuse to answer our facts about other coaches and their players and crimes etc. and you made 1 statement of meyer, his former players and the crimes they committed. it wasn't a number of different ways. then you call us "willfully ignorant." then you add "and be wrong." and you top it off with calling us "a little more sensible." who made you Pope around here? you talk all this smack and bash us.


    answer me that for starters dline. so you're responsible for your kids' actions till their die? wow, they better be Saints the rest of their lives then!

    So every coach in every sport is responsible for every player they coached since they were 5 or 6 till they die? So the HS Coach of OJ Simpson is responsible for the deaths of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman? That's what you're saying. You better blame OJ's USC Coach too. See how ridiculous that is? I don't know if you can see that after how much you praise yourself and bash us!
  19. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    What the fuck did I post?
  20. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    Catfish, coaches aren't responsible for the off field actions of players, but when they keep recruiting thugs and gang bangers they need to be held accountable. Florida hasn't had as many troubled players as when Myers was there, and Ohio state's rate of troubled players has gone up since he was there. It shows he doesn't give a crap about off-field issues, just winning games at any cost.

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