Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by Willie, Nov 19, 2015.


MVP race - Josh Allen or Saquon Barkley

Poll closed Dec 19, 2024.
  1. Josh Allen

    9 vote(s)
  2. Saquon Barkley

    2 vote(s)
  3. OTHER - make a case

    1 vote(s)
  1. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    The difference with Gordon is he checked in while already under suspension... did he not? Maybe that makes a difference in some peoples eyes, I don't know.

    I'll admit its a tricky situation and for the NFL to go all 'mums the word' on us is bogus.
  2. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    No, he did not. He had already been reinstated (with a 4 game suspension tacked on) when he checked himself into rehab. Now, 8 months later, with no failed tests reported, he finds himself back to being indefinitely suspended?
  3. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    The league has to officially reinstate you no matter how long you're suspended for. He probably couldn't apply while in rehab
  4. steelersking M.V.P. Steelers

    If I remember correctly, and based on Lyman's posts, he was already reinstated. I don't recall him getting suspended again, so why does he need to be reinstated again? That is what doesn't make sense to me. And if he's done what was asked of him, there really is no reason not to reinstate him...
  5. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    He, and others, could not apply for reinstatement until after the season was over which was when he, and others, did in March.

    My whole point is, and always has been . . . If he was reinstated (with a four game suspension tacked on) in August of last year, then checked himself into rehab (which was probably a condition of the reinstatement) and then tested clean ever since, then why is he not reinstated now (with the 4 game suspension intact)?

    I will concede that MAYBE he knew he would fail the next test that he absolutely knew was coming and checked himself into rehab in order to avoid the test. But that is pure speculation.

    Either way, stick a fork in him. He's done.
  6. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    I agree with you that it doesn't make sense that he was reinstated and still is not officially with the team. They never said he was not reinstated
  7. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    The thing is, the policy doesn't call for announcing a player has failed a test in any way. The media learns of the failed test, due to suspension. He was already under suspension when he entered rehab, so if he was then suspended for the rest of the year because of something new, it wouldn't necessarily be made public and no one really has a reason to go digging because he went to rehab.

    As Lyman stated, if he got a notice for a drug test and on the way to the lab decided to drive to rehab instead, then he "missed" that drug test and would automatically remit back to an indefinite suspension...not saying that's what happened, but it would be one of the possibilities of why he was not "re-instated".
  8. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    re: the bolded part of Irish's post . . . therein is my confusion. He had already been notified by the league that he was "conditionally reinstated" (albeit with a 4 game suspension tacked on). At that point in time, all he had to do was stay clean and serve this 4 game suspension and he was good to go.

    I guarantee you if he had failed a drug test since then, it would have made the news. Not a peep about him failing a test yet, he was required to reapply to have his (already lifted) suspension lifted?

    We now know, based on the requirements of Martavis Bryant's reinstatement, that one of the requirements from the NFL that must be fulfilled is a written plan outlining the player's agenda intended to keep the player clean. If Gordon felt the need to enter rehab as part of his agenda, then I would take that as a pretty firm commitment by the player to stay clean.

    It simply doesn't add up.
  9. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    But they shouldn't just leave the fans in the dark, at least say there is more to it than we know.
  10. manosteel9423 Franchise Player Steelers

    I think the only thing we can know for sure with him is that the suspension was never lifted. He was never reinstated by the league. Yes, he was told he would be reinstated after the 4th game of the 2016 season, but once he entered rehab prior to reinstatement that was off the table.

    At this point, its all at the league's discretion and, like anything else, we have no idea what's been said or done to keep him from being reinstated. Its all speculation. We don't know for sure that he hasn't had another positive test. We don't know for sure that he's met all the conditions of reinstatement. We don't know for sure that he hasn't. It sucks as a fan to be so left in the dark but that's the nature of this stuff.
  11. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Yinzer logic at its finest. What part of "Conditionally Reinstated" means he was not reinstated (based on meeting some conditions). While we really don't know what those conditions were, it's a pretty safe bet that ONE of them was to submit to and pass all tests from that point on. Agree?

    And I think you would also agree that, in today's media world, if he had missed a test or failed a test we most certainly have known about it. If for no other reason than the NFL, upon receiving that news, would have just banned him for life right then and there.

    Lastly, IF the NFL truly feels that a player entering rehab is sufficient cause to invoke a suspension or take a reinstatement off the table, then they probably just prevented quite a number of players from seeking professional help. And that is precisely what they demand at risk players to do.
  12. mattymcgee55 Legend Patriots Bruins

    for the LeGarrette Blount tender-

    lets just call it cheating and move on.
  13. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Baltimore and New England are always gaming the comp system. It isn't even used for what it's supposed to be used for when it comes to them. No way anyone can say the rule formula is being used as it was intended when it was implemented back in the day.
  14. mattymcgee55 Legend Patriots Bruins

    then they should evolve and change the rules to match their intentions.

    this is similar to when the Harbaugh and the Ravens themselves were furious about the odd formations that the Patriots used against them in the '14 playoffs. know the rules and be prepared.

    also not dissimilar to the Patriots taking Gilislee. it amazes me how poorly run other teams are. it was never trolling, it was about strengthening yourself and weakening your opponent. no brainer.
  15. rediiis Guest

  16. rediiis Guest

    I just want to point out that I see a lot of doctors and rich einsteins that go to the memory ward too.
  17. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    It's a tough rule to change. Most of the teams that do it well are clearly not simply getting something for losing somebody they may not have wanted lost and in turn hurt their team.

    And ya the Pats didn't troll for Gillislee. How many RBs do they want though? lol. They were still shopping afterwards. It's their most expendable position in recent history though. I don't get why the Bills didn't protect their guy better. Analytics actually had Gillislee with some historic average yardage numbers among other things. Well that GM is fired now. I wonder if the new Bills GM will be competent.
  18. KilkennyDan Let's Go Buffalo! Patreon Champion Sabres Bills Kilkenny

    The Bills have become the modern version of the KC Athletics to the NY Yankees. The Pats just use Buffalo to prep players for the big time.

    If the Bills were any good then they may be in a position to retain players like Gilmore. But he had two chances per year to see how things can be.

    Gillislee is a fiasco, hubris and stupidity rolled up for the perfect fuck up. Just because BUF has had good success using fifth round assets for good RB's it was egregious for them to think they can keep that going.

    Eventually even Uranus completes its orbit around the sun. Eventually Buffalo will make the playoffs again. I'm impressed by what I've seen so far from the new regime. But Buffalo will remain NE's bitch until they decisively slap them down. That may be quite a while from now.
  19. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    I am 53, will it be in my lifetime?
  20. KilkennyDan Let's Go Buffalo! Patreon Champion Sabres Bills Kilkenny

    Do you have really good family genes? Eat a balanced diet in moderation? Exercise regularly but not too vigorously?

    Oh, that probably doesn't matter. The odds are agin ya. Me, I'm cooked cause I'm older than you.

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