movie trivia

Discussion in 'Movie Channel' started by Catfish, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. Catfish Guest

    in the movie the Sandlot, when a ghost of Babe Ruth visits Benny "the Jet" Rodriguez, as he was leaving, he asks to take something from Benny's room. What is it?
  2. Catfish Guest

    oh come on- no one knows this?

    i got 2 more questions to ask too...
  3. Al in Cal Guest

    I know. I know. It was a Hank Aaron baseball card.
  4. Catfish Guest

    yes-no just any Hank Aaron card - his 1954 Topps rookie card. I know bc i had 2 in my lifetime!

    Nice work Al - the floor is yours...

    I got 3 if you're not ready...
  5. Al in Cal Guest

    Go for it, Cat:)
  6. Al in Cal Guest

    What company is mentioned by Charlton Heston as his sub sits on the bottom of the ocean?
  7. Catfish Guest

    ok i have 4 questions anyone can answer...

    1) what is the character's name of the person who was smoochie the rhino in death to smoochie? not rainbow randolph. edward norton's character's name?

    2) What is the phrase John Bender repeats and mimics to himself as Mr. Vernon yells it out in the Breakfast Club?

    3) What is the name of the fictional family that was used as a code-word in the movie "Miracle" for the top line?

    4) In the movie 8 mile, Eminem is called "Rabbit?" What is his real name in the movie?
  8. Catfish Guest

    what movie is this from to help us out Al ?
  9. Al in Cal Guest

    Gray Lady Down
  10. Catfish Guest

    never heard of it. im out.
  11. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    Smoochy's real name was Sheldon Mopes.

    I believe the phrase Bender mimics was "I'm crackin' skulls!"

    The rest...never saw, so no idea.
  12. Catfish Guest

    yes u dog ! 2-2! well done.
  13. Catfish Guest

    the one from Miracle is easy. it was a fake family from a popular SNL skit...
  14. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

  15. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    Gray Lady Down sounds like the title of a terrible porn movie.
  16. Catfish Guest

    yes - coneheads is correct !

    and the last answer was jimmy smith.
  17. Catfish Guest

    in the movie stand by me - how much money did the 4 boys have to get burger meat, rolls and 4 cokes?
  18. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    Don't remember the exact amount, was a couple bucks and change, I think. I just remember Vern only had like 8 cents because he still hadn't found the jar of pennies he'd buried in his yard lol.
  19. Catfish Guest

    it was less than $2.00. i think Wil Wheaton says $1.43, but the "Verne's penny comment" was the best! well done!

    the show verne digging under the front porch. it's a large area but how do you forget where they were ? haha.
  20. Al in Cal Guest

    Gray Lady Down was about a navy submarine unable to surface and the rescue of it. The company was General Dynamics which made the submarine able to withstand the tremendous pressure at low depths. There was a scene in the movie when Heston who was the sub commander was part of a conversation when the officers were amazed that the sub held together at a very low depth. One of the junior officers commented: "Thank God" and Heston's character commented: "And for General Dynamics".

    I worked at General Dynamics and visited its submarine building facilities several times in my career. It is amazing how they build these new submarines in the Conn. and Mass. facilities.

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