Great trivia question. I've seen the movie a few times, but it's been a couple years, so I have no idea.
now did you know that or google it? those are the right names! well done Lyman! kudos and Philly cheesesteaks and Tastykakes coming your way. I would wish you a QB but I don't think any this year are that worthy of taking.
great stuff. i read it was a stage play and preminger the director wouldn't let holden come back up the hole and salute the men and then holden balked and preminger caved in and let him do it. This role was the only acting Oscar William Holden won!
ok-time for a new question... what is the name of the infamous book keeper in the Untouchables movie?
I watched this last night. So it's the only thing of right now (didn't write any down). Where was the movie Phantoms shot with Ben Affleck and Liev Schriber?
It's an older movie and was a Free On Demand FIOS movie to pick from.......I never did either Fish until I was browsing around last night on the free On Demand movies. It sounded good so I watched it...... Edit: Gonna take a shower after cutting the grass, a little raking and bagging and throwing some grass seed down and watering a bit. Still have to cut the top part, seed and a ton of trimming....... %) *HELP*
My bad, Cat (and everyone) - I was thinking of the guy who gave up the bookkeeper at the Canadian border cabin. He played Morris in Slapshot.
yes that is him! When Newman is on the phone with Melinda Dillion-Hammerhand's exwife, he comes over to Newman and is like "she's rubbing her tits all over me..." he also says "here's to all the snatch in F L A!"