Hmmm, I'm going to have to write this stuff down. I watch movies and think, That would be a good question to ask". When i wake in the morning, I forget all about the questions. So, I'm gonna have to write them down!
Huey Lewis is the teacher who is judging the bands for the talent show and he tells Michael J. Fox "I'm sorry son, you're just too darn loud!" hahahaa
happens to me daily. that's why when i have a bunch written down, i post them all for all to answer by #.
Great movie. One of the best of that decade, IMHO. Alfonso Cuaron before Alfonso Cuaron was Alfonso Cuaron.
i hated Gravity and couldn't believe the hype it got. And he won the Best Director Oscar for it. I was praying the rumor he was spreading about an alternate ending where George Clooney's dead corpse lands on Sandra Bullock as she crawls out of the water killing her. Now that would've been spectacular!
Haven't seen it, but I got the impression that win had more to do with technical excellence than storytelling. He's definitely a fantastic director, though. Pan's Labyrinth was a stupid story, too, but it sure looked great. Children of Men is excellent. His version of Great Expectations is another film I really like. And he made easily the best installment in the Harry Potter series.
Wasn't crazy about Gravity or Children of Men,,,,,,My older son liked Gravity and said you had to see it in a theatre to get the full effect, but I don't think so. Not much action about a woman caught in space trying to use the ships controls to get back to earth.....Doesn't exactly make for an exciting movie, imo......
PL's had a ton of hype too and I hated that as well. Cut down the hype and make a better movie. Gravity had the chance to be great. The moment Bullock is in the Chinese capsule and could operate it when everything is in Chinese was it for me. Yeah she had the manual but come on now. The story was flat and i think the movie is only 90 min. really easy storytelling which in this case wasn't good.
i knew that from way back. yes the author makes a cameo. i mentioned this the aired for tv version 2 things are added. 1 is huge and it shows hotty cherry valence (Diane Lane) testifying in court that Bob and the others were drunk earlier and looking for trouble, which gets Ponyboy off the hook. In the movie version, she says she will say it, but on tv, it's shown. and at the end, the 3 brothers get into another fight/argument and Rob Lowe runs away and this time Ponyboy and Darrell catch him and tell him they gotta remain a family forever and no one is leaving.
OK we've had an Anthony Kiedis cameo question and a Flea cameo question - what movie did they both appear in as musicians (but not as RHCP)?