ok - lets go back to the 80's - name the first names of the main group of friends in - st. elmo's fire ?
ok here it is...u guys got 3 right... billy - rob lowe alec - judd nelson kirby - emilio estevez kevin - andrew mccarthy jules - demi moore leslie - ally sheedy and the tough one which made no sense - gwen - mare winningham
in the movie Batman Begins - Liam Neeson is really the great Ra's Ah-Ghul, but what is the name is uses bf he reveals himself as Ra's? btw-this is terrible bc if you know the story Ra's, from the comics and cartoon series, is a 700 man who is kept alive by the acid in a Lazarus pit, which also makes him a bit crazy and insane. His hot daughter and Bruce Wayne hook up and produce the only child to Bruce Wanye/Batman - Damien Wayne. Ken Watanabe had the look of Ra's as he's middle eastern, but they switched it to Neeson for some dumb reason and his daughter Marian Cotillard seduces Bruce Wayne to get his trust just to ruin him and Gotham later. No kid, no real love affair or anything else. Failure on Chris Nolan here.
I'm out.....I don't watch Batman movies anymore. They just keep making them and keep making them. Not interested anymore......Hollywood will milk it as long as they can!
the answer is from the early 2000's? the reboot from nolan was excellent minus a few hiccups. the one now with affleck is a mess bc they show no back story of how he became Batman and it's now the whole justice league is tied with batman and superman and each character is getting their own movies. wonder woman this summer. aqua man next summer etc. that is going to suck to high heavens!
anyone on batman? jeez. -ducard leaving batman in the batcave... what 2 options of food poisoned everyone in the movie AIRPLANE??