Thats interesting. I guess if he did his own stunts, that would have been tough to do. It really was a dark movie and had some really tough scenes in it. I didn't really like the story but it was well directed and acted.
i dont know if he did his own stunts. i just read the scenes were hard to act out and he poured a lot of effort into them and making them look as genuine and as real as possible.
just an fyi fact: Silence of the Lambs Martha Stewart was dating Sir Anthony Hopkins but after watching Silence of the Lambs she was forced to break up with him because she couldn't separate him from the roll of Hannibal Lecter
what a tool! just as long as he didn't do the "i ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti. pfpfpfpfpfpfpf!" Which was improvise by Hopkins!
no idea where's igloo at... im jumping in... i think we had this one before, but if not,.... what somewhat famous or not famous singer appears in a cameo in the Silence of the Lambs?
axe-ok, isn't he more of a 1 hit wonder? so yeah he's somewhat famous for that, but not the most famous singer out there... we've been through a ton of Lambs trivia before, so i will get off of it. Oh how Lulz hated the movie too! haha. ok-- in the movie 16 Candles - what is Jake's last name ?
Yeah, I'll buy that. I actually thought he had a couple more hits, but I looked it up and he had only one other song that squeaked into the Top 50 here.
Let's go to another movie with a Chris Isaak connection with a That Thing You Do! magnum opus... What is the name of the restaurant The Wonders play their regular gig at in Erie after winning the talent contest? What is the name of the dentist Tina falls in love with? What is the name of the store Guy's father's store is competing with that is open on Sundays? What is the name of the movie they appear in, and what is the name of the band they play in the film? What is the call sign of the radio station where they give the interview about their musical influences? What real-life person is portrayed in a brief appearance by future TV legend Bryan Cranston? What is the name of the jazz club Lamar sends Guy to?
What is the name of the restaurant The Wonders play their regular gig at in Erie after winning the talent contest? -it's by the airport. the spaghetti house? What is the name of the dentist Tina falls in love with? -Dr. Collins What is the name of the store Guy's father's store is competing with that is open on Sundays? -pass What is the name of the movie they appear in, and what is the name of the band they play in the film? -captain geech and the shrimp shack shooters What is the call sign of the radio station where they give the interview about their musical influences? -pass What real-life person is portrayed in a brief appearance by future TV legend Bryan Cranston? -the astronaut- Gus Grissom What is the name of the jazz club Lamar sends Guy to? -the top spot or hot spot? ive seen this movie a bunch of times but don't recall all these questions. i do know there's a cut scene with NFL player Howie Long picking up Tom Hanks in a red convertible. The scene suggests they are gay lovers, but it was cut from the film.
Dr. Collins, Captain Geech, and Gus Grissom are all correct -it's by the airport. the spaghetti house? It is a "spaghetti place by the airport," but it is not called The Spaghetti House. -the top spot or hot spot? You're half right with "Spot"
Remaining: What is the name of the restaurant The Wonders play their regular gig at in Erie after winning the talent contest? What is the name of the store Guy's father's store is competing with that is open on Sundays? What is the name of the movie they appear in? What is the call sign of the radio station where they give the interview about their musical influences? What is the name of the jazz club Lamar sends Guy to?
i got it Villapiano's! pass on the store on sundays MOVIE is Weekend at Party Pier. Guy says it to Jimmy... radio station WCOL? jazz club is the BLUE SPOT! I knew i was close.
Well done on Villapiano's, Weekend at Party Pier, and The Blue Spot, Cat. The store's name was Tele-Mart ("you know, I don't believe I want to live in a country where you have to stay open on Sunday to do business") The radio station was KJZZ (and Clint Howard was the DJ!)