movie trivia

Discussion in 'Movie Channel' started by Catfish, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. Catfish Guest

    and u said hall of fame, not NFL HOF. Sneaky, sneaky. haha
  2. Al in Cal Guest

    I'd guess that the college HOF would include Ernie Davis?
  3. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    He is in the college football HOF. Guess that now makes the question name three (3) players drafted . . .
  4. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    Dick LeBeau
  5. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes


    Now, who is the 3rd one?
  6. Catfish Guest

    actually e. davis was drafted by the redskins and then traded to the browns. so lyman was originally right with 2...

    is the other a qb name Garrett?
  7. Al in Cal Guest

    I named him. Hondo Havlichek. Was drafted as a receiver by the Browns and is in the basketball HOF.
  8. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Yep! Sorry, AL. . . I missed your post on the prior page. John "Hondo" Havlichek it is!
  9. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Davis was, in fact, drafted by the Redskins, not the Browns. Anyone know who else drafted him?
  10. Catfish Guest

    the Bills of the AFL.
  11. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Yep. I guess it's now either you, M.I.A. or Al who owns the next question.
  12. Catfish Guest

    MIA isn't on here. i think you mean U Dog.

    i'll ask an easy one --

    in the movie Tin Cup - who goes on to actually win the US Open since Tin Cup gave it away?
  13. igloofn68 Guest

    I'm out.....Never saw it......I'v been watching a ton of movies the last 2 weeks. If you get Verizon, you can watch movies on all the premium channels for 48 hrs. free.....I'v watched so many that I forget half of them.....I'm down to my las 24 hrs. of Starz/Encore and my last will be Showtime for 48 hrs. Did we go over The Accountant yet? *SCRATCH*
  14. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Don Johnson?
  15. Catfish Guest

    Tin Cup has aired the last 4 weeks Igloo, so it's been on too.

    Johnson lays up and loses. The guy, a real golfer is in the pairing ahead of them and he wins as he was tied with McAvoy until his 12!!
  16. igloofn68 Guest

    Doesn't sound like my cup of tea, Fish. Which is probably why I never watched it.......

    Got to go over to ebay. My wife wants to get a tablet cover for $9.49.......
  17. Catfish Guest

    igloo-what is your cup of tea? your range of "liked" movies is all over the place. your range of watched movies is even wider and bigger.
  18. Al in Cal Guest

    Peter Jacobson:)
  19. Al in Cal Guest

    In the Deer Hunter, one of DiNero's pals was an actual steelworker. Who was it?
  20. Catfish Guest

    yes Al! In real life Peter never won a golf major.

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