movie trivia

Discussion in 'Movie Channel' started by Catfish, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. igloofn68 Guest

    Fowler..... *THUMBSUP*
  2. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    What was the name of the tugboat Benjamin Button worked on?
  3. Catfish Guest

    Al Fowler is right.
  4. Catfish Guest

    saw the movie once. i got nothing.
  5. igloofn68 Guest

    Chelsea..... :D
  6. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

  7. Catfish Guest

    benjamin button was so long, i thought i was turning backwards in age. haha.

    next trivia question -- what is the name of the wrestler that Porter becomes in the movie the Sandlot ?
  8. igloofn68 Guest

  9. Catfish Guest

  10. Catfish Guest

    come on - no one knows this answer?
  11. Jeanquev Legend Steelers

    great hambino?
  12. Catfish Guest

    yes-the great hambino is right
  13. Catfish Guest

    in the movie the Little Giants - John Madden gives the team a special play. Ed O'Neill called it a fumble rooskie. What did Madden call the play?
  14. Catfish Guest

    my answer was the annexation of Puerto Rico. the holiday killed this thread.

    in the movie the Field of Dreams - what is Moonlight Graham's deceased wife's name?
  15. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    Damn, that's a great question. Let me mull...

    I know he always bought her hats, and put them away to give to her later...
  16. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

  17. Catfish Guest

    yes on hats. no on name. good guess though...
  18. Catfish Guest

    wile u tinker with field of dreams, here's a good one...

    in raiders of the lost ark - how much money in CASH does Indy give Marion Ravenwood for the Medallion he needs??
  19. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    Myra (or Myrna)...? Or Anna?

    I'm feeling an "A" sound...
  20. Catfish Guest

    No on Myra, Myrna or Anna! 0-3!

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