Axe's buddy Johnny Stompanato ! Holy crap - he wasn't acquitted of murder! He was murdered by Turner's 16 yr old daughter bc he was hitting on Turner and was abusive. Stomp once thought actor Sean Connery was seeing Turner. Stomp went to England to confront with a gun and Connery bent his hand backwards, beat him up and sent him on his way. Stomp was then deported after the incident. After Stomp's death, 1 mobster blamed Connery and he had to go into hiding for a little while! wow. In the scene from LA Confidential where Exley calls Turner a whore - a real life pix of the 2 is behind them in the booth!
why? she didn't do it, her daughter did? her daughter got off on justifiable homicide. stomp was abusive to not just turner but his 3 ex wives. and turner was on her 5th husband by then and slept around. while researching stomp - Frank Sinatra told Mickey Cohen to tell Stomp to stay away from Ava Gardner. Cohen told Sinatra "to go back to your wife and kids and men don't get between other men and their broads!" bwhahahahahaha
woman actually thought stomp was good looking? huh? he looks like brown haired twin of Frankenstein! jeez.
well stomp was a bad guy and a abuser, so i'm sticking with what she testified. ok - i posted another question bf Johnny Stomponado came into our lives...
this one is tough - in the movie Unforgiven - what is the name of the whore that was cut up and disfigured so badly that the other whores put their money together to hire Clint, Freeman and the kid for revenge?
great guess but no. Alice is one of the whores though. A for effort! Right - Alice was Frances Fisher's character... Hmmm. I can picture her, and I can remember her talking to Clint...but I'm vapor-locking (so far) on the name...
Frances Fisher is one of Clint's real life ex-wives. haha. It's a weird name that begins with the letter D... ?
jean sneaks in on the back door ! correct. nice work. in the movie LA Confidential - what was Dick Stensland's last meal?
well, that's a beverage and it's right, but that's 1 piece of the question. they show a picture of it from the crime scene and Russell Crowe's sees the picture and says the meal out loud to the coroner.
I'll give you this one... grilled cheese, black coffee ! in the movie the Outsiders, what is the name of the Soc Johnny Cade (Ralph Macchio) kills?
I remember a few names - Ponyboy, Sodapop, Dallas, Cherry - but can't remember the plot details other than the West Side Story-esque rivalry between the kids from the wrong side of the tracks against the wealthier kids.