movie trivia

Discussion in 'Movie Channel' started by Catfish, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. Catfish Guest

    ok more trivia -- in the movie Forrest Gump -how many US Presidents does he meet in the movie?
  2. Jeanquev Legend Steelers

    I believe it's three Kennedy whom he meets after a crap load of Dr Peppers (15 or 16) so that when he meets the president he says I have to pee and Lyndon Johnson whom he shows his wounded ass to, and Nixon who lets him stay at the watergate hotel only to have gump be his undoing.
  3. Catfish Guest

    JEAN - yes and all 3 examples were right. extra A for you.

    ok - in the movie Philadelphia - how many Oscar winning actors and actresses are in that movie? it's a lot higher than you think.
  4. Jeanquev Legend Steelers

    2 for sure but you say a lot higher so Im going with 5
  5. Catfish Guest

    5 is right - hanks, washington, steenburgen, robards and woodward.

    in the movie risky business with tom cruise - what college does he really want to attend but will settle on the university of illinois if he doesn't get in to the college of his choice?
  6. igloofn68 Guest

    Princeton???? *SCRATCH*
  7. Catfish Guest

    nice igloo-correct.
  8. Catfish Guest

    staying with cruise - in the movie TOP GUN - his code name was Maverick, but what was his real name in the movie?
  9. igloofn68 Guest

    Pete Mitchell.....easy one! :)
  10. igloofn68 Guest

    In the movie "3 Days To Kill", what football team was Costner a fan of and later in the movie told his daughter she had ________ blood in her veins?
  11. Catfish Guest

    only saw this movie once and barely recall it.
    since he's from pittsburgh in it, i'll say the Steelers...
  12. igloofn68 Guest

    Very good Fish, correct.......
  13. Catfish Guest

    in the Superman movies not counting Man of Steel and Batman vs Superman - how many Oscar winning actors appeared in those movies?
  14. Jeanquev Legend Steelers

    wow I totally pulled that one out of thin air lol

    There was more to risky business than him dancing in his underwear and sex on the subway? Elmhurst?
  15. Catfish Guest

    jean-are you saying the train was in Elmhurst or that is the college he wanted to attend?

    Princeton was the right answer.
  16. igloofn68 Guest

  17. Catfish Guest

    huh? my superman question is still unanswered?
  18. Jeanquev Legend Steelers

    I was guessing Elmhurst as the college it was wrong but it was still my guess lol
  19. Jeanquev Legend Steelers

    I can only think of 2 but that cant be right.
  20. Catfish Guest

    ah-some trickery from me. that's what i wanted you to think, but no, there's 1 more...

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