movie trivia

Discussion in 'Movie Channel' started by Catfish, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. Jeanquev Legend Steelers

    All I remember is about Jamie in this movie is she showed her boobs
  2. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    Absolutely no idea.

    For sh1ts and giggles, I'll say the dog's name was "Dog."
  3. Catfish Guest

    no it's not "dog."

    it's a real male persons name...?
  4. Catfish Guest

    oh she did and they are nice! (O)Y(O)
  5. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

  6. Catfish Guest

    good one axe but no.

    a hint - 4 letters and begins with F
  7. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

  8. Catfish Guest

    haha no.

    1 more guess and i'll post it ..
  9. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    Okay, you DID say a male's name.

  10. Catfish Guest

    yes - good ole Fred is it.
  11. Catfish Guest

    ok this is a tough one -- in the movie Night Shift, directed by Ron Howard in one of his first directed movies feathers Henry Winkler, aka the Fonz from Happy Days, Shelley Long and a unknown Michael Keaton. What is the 2 worded term for the escort service they provide? Keaton goes over the top when he says it?
  12. Catfish Guest


    Ok - I just saw this last night. 2 part question--

    in the first Beverly Hills Cop Movie - what future actor and comedian makes a cameo giving Eddie Murphy the bananas to put in the tailpipe?

    and outside Victor Matlan's house is a very famous car that is the root of a 1980's movie franchise. What is the car ?
  13. Catfish Guest

    oh come on - no guesses ?
  14. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    The first one is Damon Wayons.

    I'll take a guess on the car - Delorean.
  15. Catfish Guest

    holy crap Tim - double correct. yes, Wayans portrays a waiter or hotel worker and he talks likes he's gay and the car is a Delorean in the same color as the one in Back to the Future...

    nice work! *DRINK*
  16. Catfish Guest

    in the movie The Silence of the Lambs - what is the name of Buffalo Bill's dog ?
  17. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

  18. Catfish Guest

    nice Axe-didn't think anyone would remember. nice work as always. *DRINK*

    this one could be tough but if you think about it it's not.

    what real life baseball player did robert redford copy his swing so he could be Roy Hobbs in the Natural?
  19. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    That's a good question...and it could go a couple different ways. Did he copy his swing off an old-time player (since the movie takes place in the 30s), or a more modern player (since the movie was made in the 80s)? Or did he copy it off the guy who was actually shot by a female fan?

  20. Catfish Guest

    an old player before 1970's. put it this way, he's a hof'er.

    there was a philadelphia athletic player that was shot by a deranged nut but redford didn't use him.

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