movie trivia

Discussion in 'Movie Channel' started by Catfish, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. Catfish Guest

    Mr. Smiggles ?

  2. Catfish Guest

    in the movie - the usual suspects - what is the name of the female lawyer that keaton was shacking up with ?
  3. Jeanquev Legend Steelers

    works for me lol it was just some name that popped in my head to add to the list
  4. Catfish Guest

    care to take a try at my question ?
  5. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    Ooooh, I should know this. Damn, it's on the tip of my tongue...give me a few...
  6. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    Edie...Edie something.
  7. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    Finneran. Or Finnegan.

    I'll stick with Finneran. Edie Finneran.
  8. Catfish Guest

    haha correct. nice work.
  9. Catfish Guest

    in the movie Good Will Hunting - the late Robin Williams tells a story to Gerald Lambeau about a Berkley student who becomes a terrorist. Who was he talking about?
  10. M.I.A. Unknown Soldier MIA's C.P. Falcons

    Patty Hearst
  11. M.I.A. Unknown Soldier MIA's C.P. Falcons

    In which 007 movie does James Bond never set foot in England?
  12. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    From Russia with Love?
  13. Catfish Guest

    wait a minute. patty hearst isn't right. ?? *REF*
  14. Catfish Guest

    license to kill. the movie starts in florida and ends in arizona or somewhere in the mountains.
  15. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    Missed this.

    Ted Kascinski?
  16. Catfish Guest

    yes. MIA thought he was right and then asked another question. he was wrong. ted aka the unibomber is right.
  17. M.I.A. Unknown Soldier MIA's C.P. Falcons

    Wrong and wrong. Give up or want to try again?
  18. M.I.A. Unknown Soldier MIA's C.P. Falcons

    Oh well, I was close. :D
  19. Catfish Guest

    live and let die ?
  20. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys


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