in ACE VENTURA: PET DETECTIVE -- What is the real nickname of Ray Finkle and where did he go to College ? And the answer to #1 is not STINKLE! The answer is when Jim Carrey knocks on the door to his family home and his Dad answers and asks "what do you know about Ray Finkle?"
new one -- in the original terminator - sarah connor makes a phone call from a dance club. the name is in white flashing lights. what's the name of the club she's in?? the terminator finds her there and plans to kill her, but Kyle Reece is also there and saves her and that's when he tells her about the Terminator's plan to kill her to her disbelief about robots.
No one has gotten these, so i need to go easy on you guys.... what former player wanted to play in Iowa at the FIELD OF DREAMS, but the Black Sox told him to "stick it?" haha. Just bought the book the movie was based on for $6.00 Very different than the movie. And the famed writer Ray kidnaps is not Terrance Mann, but rather JD Salinger.
Not my official turn, but . . . In the movie "Forrest Gump" : There is a scene where Forrest receives the Medal of Honor from Lyndon Johnson. The scene was done by superimposing Tom Hank's head on the shoulders of a soldier who actually received the medal from President Johnson. What was the name of the real life Medal of Honor winner?
i know this - Sammy L. Davis. i know this because there's a Marines bar in South Philly and they always celebrate the Marine Corp Birthday in November. A bunch of Medal of Honor winners had a picture taken of themselves and signed it to the owner and they are on the wall. The Picture of Davis made him look very young compared to the other old men on the wall, so I Googled him. Wow. what a story. the bar was a dive but 2 blocks from my old apt. i knew 2 of the guys that worked there and they had take out beer and sports all day long on 6 tvs at the bar. a rough place sometimes with the young kids in there. im glad i moved. this is a copy of the photo in the bar...
Let’s start high jacking this thread to talk about the GOAT thread and see if catfish doesn’t come up with some rules.
first rule is kicking you out for coming up with an idea like that ! how's that ? rule 2 - get back to trivia! hhahahaha
a bunch of trivia for ya... 1) what is the full name of the victim they are trying to save in the movie Dragnet ? 2) What is Nathan Muir's rule for a choice of cocktail he drinks in Spygame? 3) How much money did Muir spend to cause a blackout at the prison to rescue Tom Bishop in Spygame? 4) What is the name of the henchman to Pizza the Hutt in Spaceballs ? 5) What is the fake middle name Michael Douglas tells Kathleen Turner the T stands for in Jack T. Coltane in Romancing the Stone?
no rules about the order of posts. there are certainly rules to keep your ass in order on here Gid. haha
wow - nothing on these? they're not that hard. 1-the virgin connie swail 2-12 yr old scotch 3-$282,000 4-Vinny 5-Trustworthy im done for the day at work and wfh tomorrow, so i may post bf the weekend. if not, be safe gents.
man, no one on in 2 weeks ! grrr. im away for the holiday, so here is one before i leave... in My Cousin Vinny, what is the name Vinny gives the Judge that was his supposedly real name because a stage actor already had his name? The name he gives him is the name of a famous NY attorney who Vinny saw in all the papers. He didn't read why? He died! hahahahahha