Saw the movie GLASS last night. Review will be on the Last movie you saw thread. TRivia - In UNBREAKABLE-What is Mr. Glass' real name? 2) What is the name of the art gallery he manages ?
no one on this ? Elijah Price and Limited Edition, which is also a term used in collecting rare comic books.
1) in the movie LITTLE GIANTS-what is the word used in this sentence: "Mess with Spike and mess with _____." 2) Name the Oscar winner who sells the house to Tom Hanks and Shelley Long in the movie THE MONEY PIT? 3) What is the maiden name of John McClane's wife (Bonnie Bedelia) in DIE HARD. His wife has it on her office door and she says it to Alan Rickman to sway him from knowing he husband is a cop.
in the movie FOR THE LOVE OF THE GAME - what does Billy Chapel write on the baseball he gives to the kid to give to the owner of the Detroit Tigers during his game ?
ok - i got a list of new ones from a lot of different movies: 1) what is the answer to the last question and the section to the example of part 5 to Dr. Barbay's exam question to Thornton Mellon (Rodney Dangerfield) in BACK TO SCHOOL ? 2) What famous writer does Rodney hire in Back to School to write a term paper about himself? Bonus - when he fires him - who does he say he should've called instead ? 3) What is the name of Lt. Dan's fiancee in Forest Gump? 4) In the movie Boyz in the Hood - what popular brand of chips is Ricky eating from when he bumps into the gang that kills him at the end of the movie? 5) in the movie Ordinary People-how was Donald Sutherland's and Mary Tyler Moore's other son killed in the movie? 6) In the movie Super Troopers-what word do they make a bet to say 9 times when they pull someone over? 7) Per Indiana Jones-where did Dr. Marcus Brody get lost once in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? 8) Name the 3 items in the cave that proves man was there first and before apes in the original PLANET OF THE APES. The book is a lot better and ending is a ton better than the Statue of Liberty. 9) What is the real of Gomer Pyle in the movie FULL METAL JACKET? 10) What is the 1 word written on the back of Kurt Russell's fireman's jacket in the movie BACKDRAFT ? 11) What sports team mascot does Ace Ventura get into a fight with at the SB when the mascot knocks off a rare bird from the water cooler that is worth $25,000 in ACE VENTURA: Pet Detective?
At the time of it's release, GOODFELLAS was the most profanity laced movie in history....How many times is the F-bomb dropped in the movie? (about half of them coming from Joe Pesci.) Bonus question: What actor turned down the part of Jimmy Conway, for fear of typecasting? later admitting it was a big mistake....
Close on the f-bombs...not quite that many..... No on Christopher Walken, though that would have been interesting....
now i think of it - Al Pacino. As great as he is, I don't think he could pull off Jimmy Conway, whose real name was Jimmy Burke. Scarface had a ton of F Bombs.
Correct on Pacino...There were 321 f-bombs in Goodfellas. Only 75 in the original script, but all the ad-libbing allowed by the director, really had them piling up....FTR; it now stands as the 12th most profanity laced movie. Rumor was that Jimmy Burke was so excited about Robert Deniro playing him in the film, he made several attempts from prison to reach the actor by phone, to give him some pointers....