Everyone remembers Bob Uecker, with his unforgettable role as Harry Doyle in the movie MAJOR LEAGUE....What other former MLB player had a significant role in that classic movie?
Steve Yeager's nephew, Matt, was on my little league team back in the late 70s. He mostly played 3rd base.
Jeopardy style: This Leslie Nielsen movie, that is definitely worse than the Super Mario Bros. movie, was re-released as Naked Space as a marketing ploy in reference to his Naked Gun movies.
Vuckovich is what I was looking for....Ironic that he played the part of the menacing Yankee slugger, yet in reality he was mostly an AL pitcher, and he never hit a HR in his 11 year career...
In the parade scene at the end of the movie SLAP SHOT, the local movie theatre marquee is clearly showing what movie?
No. I only brought this up since I had to think of a worse movie. My God it feels like half of it is a horrible talent show they put on with the crew of the ship. It's a satire of space movies but it was bad. Feel free to post a real question. I'll answer it tonight if nobody gets it.
Name the five celebrities Mathilda and Leon impersonate when playing a game in The Professional. Bonus attaboy for naming who Mathilda incorrectly guesses during Leon's turn.
I LOVED Forbidden Planet. It was so bad/good, a comic book shop in NYC took the name. Forbidden Planet at Broadway/13th Street. Fun store.