Surely the CBS main board had you installing a panic room in your house! Or were you just a lurker. That main board could get lit, i lost count how many times people pm'd me actual death threats. If they only knew just how impossible it was for them to deliver on that heh heh heh.
I loved tormenting those guys, but i wouldn't put either in the witty category. Jprin was great for the sheer number of bad hot takes you could throw back in his face later. hrddrivl was the type of troll i love. He would try to be an intellectual and then we'd humiliate him with the most simple logic haha.
If you were such a hit over on the cbs boards why couldn’t you get a bunch more of the steeler base to follow you over here?
There used to be more Steelers fans here than any other fanbase. More than 50% left Yes......and some of them were Banned.
Not sure if you understand how verbs, nouns, proper nouns, and general grammar work. Banned is a verb. When it's not the first word of the doesn't require a capital b. Just lowercase. It would be harder to think you're retarded if your typing didn't look retarded. Also...learn to use the quote function. It's not that difficult.
Agreed. Hrddrv was the biggest douche packers fan there was, I don't miss reading his crap. Jprin was just a kid and a homer and was entertaining in his blind homerism. My favorite though was easily rcub and not for the Top 10 lists. No, it was the time he threatened to call the cops on BWW, and BWW changed his avatar to jail and everything, that was gold. Or the time his "brother" posted about him committing suicide and we all immediately gushed about how great that was etc when he was clearly fishing for some false sympathy. Good times.
Yeah, for a few years you guys had the edge on post count etc. Is that why you guys are here trolling our boards? Because we're the only ones left? I just went and visited the General board and I'm shocked at the tumbleweeds there. Why'd they leave? Or is that opening a hornets nest?
There aren’t very many bears fans here anymore either, but the ones that are here are very active on this site. Every fan base here lost a lot of activity.
Yes. Him and pfish once threatened to sue me. Rcub was gonna have me and Hampton arrested once. Those days were fun.
F***. I've been talking football with you all since I was a teenager. I'll be 30 in about 6 weeks. This reminiscing is wild stuff, man.